add spanish locale, thanks Shaday

Eduardo Bart pirms 12 gadiem
vecāks d3c484938d
revīzija b1082121d4

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ OTClient is written in C++2011, the upcoming C++ standard and heavily scripted i
Beyond of it's flexibility with scripts, otclient comes with tons of other features that make possible
the creation of new client side stuff in otserv that was not possible before. These include,
sound system, graphics effects with shaders, particle engines, modules/addons system, animated textures,
styleable user interface, transparency, multi language, an OpenGL 1.1/2.0 ES engine that make possible to
styleable user interface, transparency, multi language, in game lua terminal, an OpenGL 1.1/2.0 ES engine that make possible to
run on mobile platforms like Android, iPhone and iPad and much more. Otclient is also flexible enough to
create tibia tools like map editors just using scripts, because it wasn't designed to be just a
client, instead otclient was designed to be a combination of a framework and tibia APIs.
@ -68,5 +68,6 @@ to do whatever you want, commercial, non-commercial, closed or open.
== Donate
OTClient needs your support, if you really like and use it, please donate. We might prioritize features
OTClient needs your support, if you really like and use it, please donate. Anyone can donate
by clicking the Donate button in otclient website. We might prioritize features
requests from who donate, in this case you can send an email to the project leader.

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
-- special thanks for Shaday, who made these translations
locale = {
name = "es",
languageName = "Español",
translation = {
["Account name"] = "Nombre de la cuenta",
["Account Status:\nFree Account"] = "Estado de la cuenta:\nGratis",
["Account Status:\nPremium Account (%s) days left"] = "Estado de la cuenta:\nCuenta premium (%s) días restantes",
["Add"] = "Añadir",
["Add new VIP"] = "Añadir nuevo VIP",
["Addon 1"] = "Addon 1",
["Addon 2"] = "Addon 2",
["Addon 3"] = "Addon 3",
["Add to VIP list"] = "Añadir a lista VIP",
["Adjust volume"] = "Ajustar volúmen",
["All modules and scripts were reloaded."] = "Todos los módulos y scripts han sido reiniciados",
["Amount:"] = "Cantidad:",
["Attack"] = "Atacar",
["Author"] = "Autor",
["Autoload"] = "Cargar automáticamente",
["Autoload priority"] = "Prioridad de carga",
["Auto login"] = "Entrar automáticamente",
["Auto login selected character on next charlist load"] = "Entrar automáticamente con un personage cuando se vuelva a abrir la lista de personajes",
["Axe Fighting"] = "Combate con Hacha",
["Battle"] = "Batalla",
["Button Assign"] = "Seleccionar Botón",
["Buy"] = "Comprar",
["Buy no backpack"] = "Comprar sin mochila",
["Buy with backpack"] = "Comprar con mochila",
["Cancel"] = "Cancelar",
["Capacity:"] = "Capacidad:",
["Capacity"] = "Capacidad",
["Channels"] = "Canales",
["Character List"] = "Lista de personajes",
["Classic control"] = "Control clásico",
["Clear object"] = "Limpiar objeto",
["Close"] = "Cerrar",
["Close this channel"] = "Cerrar este canal",
["Club Fighting"] = "Combate con Maza",
["Combat Controls"] = "Controles de combate",
["Connecting to game server..."] = "Conectando al servidor de juego...",
["Connecting to login server..."] = "Conectando al servidor de autentificación...",
["Consider capacity"] = "Tener en cuenta la capacidad", --//if too long: "Considerar capacidad"
["Consider equipped"] = "Tener en cuenta el equipo", --//if too long: "Considerar equipo"
["Copy Name"] = "Copiar Nombre",
["Current hotkeys:"] = "Atajos actuales",
["Current hotkey to add: %s"] = "Atajo actual para añadir: %s",
["Default"] = "Principal",
["Description"] = "Descripción",
["Detail"] = "Detalle",
["Disable Shared Experience"] = "Desactivar experiencia compartida",
["Distance Fighting"] = "Combate a Distancia",
["Edit hotkey text:"] = "Editar texto del atajo",
["Edit Text"] = "Editar Texto",
["Enable Shared Experience"] = "Activar experiencia compartida",
["Enable vertical synchronization"] = "Activar sincronización vertical",
["Enter Game"] = "Entrar al juego",
["Error"] = "Error",
["Exclude from private chat"] = "Excluir del canal privado",
["Experience"] = "Experiencia",
["Fishing"] = "Pesca",
["Fist Fighting"] = "Combate con Puños",
["Follow"] = "Seguir",
["Frame rate limit"] = "Límite de FPS",
["Fullscreen"] = "Pantalla Completa",
["General"] = "General",
["Graphics"] = "Gráficos",
["Head"] = "Cabeza",
["Health Bar"] = "Barra de Vida",
["Help"] = "Ayuda",
["Hide monsters"] = "Esconder monstruos",
["Hide non-skull players"] = "Esconder jugadores sin calavera",
["Hide Npcs"] = "Esconder NPCs",
["Hide party members"] = "Esconder miembros del grupo",
["Hide players"] = "Esconder jugadores",
["Hit Points"] = "Puntos de Vida",
["Hotkeys"] = "Atajos",
["Ignore capacity"] = "Ignorar capacidad",
["Ignore equipped"] = "Ignorar equipado",
["Inventory"] = "Inventario",
["Invite to Party"] = "Invitar al grupo",
["Invite to private chat"] = "Invitar al canal privado",
["Join %s\"s Party"] = "Entrar en el grupo de %s",
["Leave Party"] = "Salir del grupo",
["Level"] = "Nivel",
["Limits FPS to 60"] = "Limita los FPS a 60",
["List of items that you're able to buy"] = "Lista de objetos que usted puede comprar",
["List of items that you're able to sell"] = "Lista de objetos que usted puede vender",
["Load"] = "Cargar",
["Loggin out..."] = "Saliendo...",
["Login"] = "Entrar",
["Login Error"] = "Error de Autentificación",
["Look"] = "Ver",
["Magic Level"] = "Nivel Mágico",
["Make sure that your client uses\nthe correct game protocol version"] = "Compruebe que tu cliente use\nuse el mismo protocolo que el servidor de juego",
["Mana"] = "Mana",
["Manage hotkeys:"] = "Configurar atajos:",
["Message of the day"] = "Mensaje del día",
["Message to %s"] = "Mandar mensaje a %s",
["Minimap"] = "Minimapa",
["Module Manager"] = "Administrador de Módulos",
["Module name"] = "Nombre del módulo",
["Money:"] = "Dinero:",
["Move Stackable Item"] = "Mover objeto contable",
["Move up"] = "Mover arriba",
["Name:"] = "Nombre:",
["NPC Trade"] = "Comercia con NPC",
["Ok"] = "Ok",
["Open"] = "Abrir",
["Open a private message channel:"] = "Abrir un canal privado:",
["Open charlist automatically when starting otclient"] = "Abrir lista de personajes",
["Open in new window"] = "Abrir en una nueva ventana",
["Open new channel"] = "Abrir novo canal",
["Options"] = "Opciones",
["Outfit Name"] = "Nombre de la ropa",
["Pass Leadership to %s"] = "Pasar el liderazgo a %s",
["Password"] = "Contraseña",
["Please enter a character name:"] = "Por favor, introduce el nombre de un personaje:",
["Please, press the key you wish to add onto your hotkeys manager"] = "Por favor, presione la tecla que desee para añadir a tu administrador de atajos",
["Please wait"] = "Por favor, espere",
["Port"] = "Puerto",
["Price:"] = "Precio",
["Primary"] = "Primario",
["Quantity:"] = "Cantidad:",
["Refresh"] = "Actualizar",
["Reload All"] = "Recargar Todos",
["Remember account and password when starts otclient"] = "Recordar cuenta y contraseña cuando inicie otclient",
["Remember password"] = "Recordar contraseña",
["Remove"] = "Quitar",
["Remove %s"] = "Quitar %s",
["Revoke %s\"s Invitation"] = "Rechazar la invitación de %s",
["Rotate"] = "Girar",
["Search:"] = "Buscar:",
["Secondary"] = "Secundario",
["Select object"] = "Seleccionar objeto",
["Select Outfit"] = "Selecionar Traje",
["Sell"] = "Vender",
["Send automatically"] = "Vender automáticamente",
["Server"] = "Servidor",
["Server Log"] = "Registro del servidor",
["Set Outfit"] = "Escoger Traje",
["Shielding"] = "Defensa",
["Show all items"] = "Mostrar todos los objetos",
["Show event messages in console"] = "Mostrar los mensajes de eventos en la consola",
["Show frame rate"] = "Mostrar FPS",
["Show info messages in console"] = "Mostrar los mensajes informativos en la consola",
["Show levels in console"] = "Mostrar los niveles en la consola",
["Show only holding items"] = "Mostrar solamente mis objetos",
["Show private messages in console"] = "Mostrar los mensajes privados en la consola",
["Show status messages in console"] = "Mostrar los mensajes de estado en la consola",
["Show timestamps in console"] = "Mostrar la hora en la consola",
["Skills"] = "Habilidades",
["Soul Points"] = "Puntos del Alma",
["Stamina"] = "Vigor",
["Stop Attack"] = "Detener el Ataque",
["Stop Follow"] = "Detener el Seguimiento",
["%s: (use object)"] = "%s: (usar objeto)",
["%s: (use object on target)"] = "%s: (usar objeto en objetivo)",
["%s: (use object on yourself)"] = "%s: (usar objeto en ti mismo)",
["%s: (use object with crosshair)"] = "%s: (usar objeto con mirilla)",
["Sword Fighting"] = "Combate con Espada",
["Terminal"] = "Terminal",
["There is no way."] = "No hay ruta.",
["Trade"] = "Comercial",
["Trade with ..."] = "Comercial con ...",
["Unable to logout."] = "No es posible salir.",
["Unload"] = "Descarga",
["Use"] = "Usar",
["Use on target"] = "Usar en objetivo",
["Use on yourself"] = "Usar en ti mismo",
["Use with ..."] = "Usar en ...",
["Version"] = "Versión",
["VIP list"] = "Lista VIP",
["VIP List"] = "Lista VIP",
["Website"] = "Sitio Web",
["Weight:"] = "Peso",
["With crosshair"] = "Con mirilla",
["You are burning"] = "Estás quemando",
["You are cursed"] = "Estás maldito",
["You are dazzled"] = "Estás deslumbrado",
["You are dead."] = "Has muerto.",
["You are drowing"] = "Te estás ahogando",
["You are electrified"] = "Estás electrocutado",
["You are freezing"] = "Estás congelado",
["You are hasted"] = "Vas con prisa",
["You are paralysed"] = "Estás paralizado",
["You are poisoned"] = "Estás envenenado",
["You are protected by a magic shield"] = "Estás protegido por un escudo mágico",
["You are strengthened"] = "Estás reforzado",
["You are within a protection zone"] = "Estás en una zona de protección",
["You have %s percent"] = "Tienes %s por ciento",
["You have %s percent to go"] = "Te falta %s por ciento para avanzar",
["You may not logout during a fight"] = "No puedes salir mientras estás en un combate",
["You may not logout or enter a protection zone"] = "No puedes salir o entrar en una zona de protección",
["You must select a character to login!"] = "Debes seleccionar un personaje para entrar!",

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ OptionCheckBox < CheckBox
id: optionsWindow
!text: tr('Options')
size: 286 230
size: 350 230
@onEnter: Options.hide()
@onEscape: Options.hide()

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ end
function TextMessage.terminate()
disconnect(g_game, { onDeath = TextMessage.displayDeadMessage,
onTextMessage = TextMessage.display,
onGameEnd = TextMessage.clearMessages })
onGameStart = TextMessage.clearMessages })

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