Skills = {} -- private variables local skillWindow = nil -- private functions local function getNumberString(number) local out = '' number = tostring(number):reverse() for i=1,#number do out = out .. number:sub(i, i) if i % 3 == 0 and i ~= #number then out = out .. ',' end end out = out:reverse() return out end local function setSkillValue(id, value) local skill = skillWindow:recursiveGetChildById(id) if skill then local widget = skill:getChildById('value') widget:setText(value) end end local function setSkillPercent(id, percent, tooltip) local skill = skillWindow:recursiveGetChildById(id) if skill then local widget = skill:getChildById('percent') widget:setPercent(percent) if tooltip then widget:setTooltip(tooltip) end end end -- public functions function Skills.create() skillWindow = displayUI('skills.otui', { parent = Game.gameRightPanel }) end function Skills.destroy() skillWindow:destroy() skillWindow = nil end function Skills.onSkillButtonClick(button) local percentBar = button:getChildById('percent') if percentBar then percentBar:setVisible(not percentBar:isVisible()) if percentBar:isVisible() then button:setHeight(21) else button:setHeight(21 - 6) end button:updateParentLayout() end end -- hooked events function Skills.onExperienceChange(value) setSkillValue('experience', getNumberString(value)) end function Skills.onLevelChange(value, percent) setSkillValue('level', getNumberString(value)) setSkillPercent('level', percent, 'You have ' .. (100 - percent) .. ' percent to go') end function Skills.onHealthChange(health, maxHealth) setSkillValue('health', getNumberString(health)) end function Skills.onManaChange(mana, maxMana) setSkillValue('mana', getNumberString(mana)) end function Skills.onSoulChange(soul) setSkillValue('soul', soul) end function Skills.onFreeCapacityChange(freeCapacity) setSkillValue('capacity', freeCapacity) end function Skills.onStaminaChange(stamina) local hours = math.floor(stamina / 60) local minutes = stamina % 60 if minutes < 10 then minutes = '0' .. minutes end local percent = 100 * stamina / (42 * 60) -- max is 42 hours setSkillValue('stamina', hours .. ":" .. minutes) setSkillPercent('stamina', percent, 'You have ' .. percent .. ' percent') end function Skills.onMagicLevelChange(value, percent) setSkillValue('magiclevel', value) setSkillPercent('magiclevel', percent, 'You have ' .. (100 - percent) .. ' percent to go') end function Skills.onSkillChange(id, level, percent) setSkillValue('skillId' .. id, level) setSkillPercent('skillId' .. id, percent, 'You have ' .. (100 - percent) .. ' percent to go') end connect(Game, { onLogin = Skills.create, onLogout = Skills.destroy, onExperienceChange = Skills.onExperienceChange, onLevelChange = Skills.onLevelChange, onHealthChange = Skills.onHealthChange, onManaChange = Skills.onManaChange, onSoulChange = Skills.onSoulChange, onFreeCapacityChange = Skills.onFreeCapacityChange, onStaminaChange = Skills.onStaminaChange, onMagicLevelChange = Skills.onMagicLevelChange, onSkillChange = Skills.onSkillChange })