#ifndef UIWIDGET_H #define UIWIDGET_H #include "declarations.h" #include "uievent.h" #include #include #include class UIWidget : public LuaObject { public: UIWidget(UIWidgetType type = UITypeWidget); virtual ~UIWidget(); static UIWidgetPtr create(); /// Remove this widget from parent then destroy it and its children virtual void destroy(); /// Called after the widget is loaded from OTML file, to execute onLoad event virtual void load(); /// Load style from otml node virtual void loadStyleFromOTML(const OTMLNodePtr& styleNode); /// Draw widget on screen virtual void render(); /// Notifies the layout system that this widget has changed and may need to change geometry void updateGeometry(); void setEnabled(bool enable) { m_enabled = enable; } void setLayout(const UILayoutPtr& layout) { m_layout = layout; } void setId(const std::string& id) { m_id = id; } void setFocusable(bool focusable) { m_focusable = focusable; } void setHovered(bool hovered) { m_hovered = hovered; } void setVisible(bool visible) { m_visible = visible; } void setParent(const UIWidgetPtr& parent); void setStyle(const std::string& styleName); void setGeometry(const Rect& rect); void setLocked(bool locked); void setX(int x) { move(Point(x, getY())); } void setY(int y) { move(Point(getX(), y)); } void setWidth(int width) { resize(Size(width, getHeight())); } void setHeight(int height) { resize(Size(getWidth(), height)); } void resize(const Size& size) { setGeometry(Rect(getPosition(), size)); updateGeometry(); } void move(const Point& pos) { setGeometry(Rect(pos, getSize())); } void setImage(const ImagePtr& image) { m_image = image; } virtual void setFont(const FontPtr& font) { m_font = font; } void setOpacity(int opacity) { m_opacity = opacity; } void setColor(const Color& color) { m_color = color; } void setFontColor(const Color& color) { m_fontColor = color; } void setMarginLeft(int margin) { m_marginLeft = margin; updateGeometry(); } void setMarginRight(int margin) { m_marginRight = margin; updateGeometry(); } void setMarginTop(int margin) { m_marginTop = margin; updateGeometry(); } void setMarginBottom(int margin) { m_marginBottom = margin; updateGeometry(); } void hide() { setVisible(false); } void show() { setVisible(true); } void disable() { setEnabled(false); } void enable() { setEnabled(true); } void lock(); bool isEnabled(); bool isExplicitlyEnabled() const { return m_enabled; } bool isVisible() const { return m_visible; } bool isHovered() const { return m_hovered; } bool isFocusable() const { return m_focusable; } bool isDestroyed() const { return m_destroyed; } bool hasChildren() const { return m_children.size() > 0; } bool hasFocus(); bool hasChild(const UIWidgetPtr& child); UIWidgetType getWidgetType() const { return m_type; } UILayoutPtr getLayout() const; std::string getId() const { return m_id; } int getChildCount() const { return m_children.size(); } UIWidgetPtr getParent() const { return m_parent.lock(); } Point getPosition() const { return m_rect.topLeft(); } Size getSize() const { return m_rect.size(); } Rect getGeometry() const { return m_rect; } int getX() const { return m_rect.x(); } int getY() const { return m_rect.y(); } int getWidth() const { return m_rect.width(); } int getHeight() const { return m_rect.height(); } ImagePtr getImage() const { return m_image; } FontPtr getFont() const { return m_font; } Color getFontColor() const { return m_fontColor; } Color getColor() const { return m_color; } int getOpacity() const { return m_opacity; } int getMarginLeft() const { return m_marginLeft; } int getMarginRight() const { return m_marginRight; } int getMarginTop() const { return m_marginTop; } int getMarginBottom() const { return m_marginBottom; } UIWidgetList getChildren() const { return m_children; } UIWidgetPtr getFocusedChild() const { return m_focusedChild; } UIWidgetPtr getChildAfter(const UIWidgetPtr& relativeChild); UIWidgetPtr getChildBefore(const UIWidgetPtr& relativeChild); UIWidgetPtr getChildById(const std::string& childId); UIWidgetPtr getChildByPos(const Point& childPos); UIWidgetPtr getChildByIndex(int childIndex); UIWidgetPtr recursiveGetChildById(const std::string& childId); UIWidgetPtr recursiveGetChildByPos(const Point& childPos); UIWidgetPtr backwardsGetWidgetById(const std::string& id); void addChild(const UIWidgetPtr& childToAdd); void removeChild(const UIWidgetPtr& childToRemove); void focusChild(const UIWidgetPtr& childToFocus, FocusReason reason); void focusNextChild(FocusReason reason); void moveChildToTop(const UIWidgetPtr& childToMove); void lockChild(const UIWidgetPtr& childToLock); void unlockChild(const UIWidgetPtr& childToUnlock); // for using only with anchor layouts void addAnchor(AnchorPoint edge, const std::string& targetId, AnchorPoint targetEdge); void centerIn(const std::string& targetId); void fill(const std::string& targetId); UIWidgetPtr asUIWidget() { return std::static_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); } protected: /// Triggered when widget is moved or resized virtual void onGeometryUpdate(UIGeometryUpdateEvent& event) { } // Triggered when widget change visibility/enabled/style/children/parent/layout/... //virtual void onChange(const UIEvent& event); /// Triggered when widget gets or loses focus virtual void onFocusChange(UIFocusEvent& event) { } /// Triggered when the mouse enters or leaves widget area virtual void onHoverChange(UIHoverEvent& event) { } /// Triggered when user presses key while widget has focus virtual void onKeyPress(UIKeyEvent& event); /// Triggered when user releases key while widget has focus virtual void onKeyRelease(UIKeyEvent& event); /// Triggered when a mouse button is pressed down while mouse pointer is inside widget area virtual void onMousePress(UIMouseEvent& event); /// Triggered when a mouse button is released virtual void onMouseRelease(UIMouseEvent& event); /// Triggered when mouse moves (even when the mouse is outside widget area) virtual void onMouseMove(UIMouseEvent& event); /// Triggered when mouse middle button wheels inside widget area virtual void onMouseWheel(UIMouseEvent& event); friend class UIManager; private: void destroyCheck(); protected: UIWidgetType m_type; bool m_enabled; bool m_visible; bool m_hovered; bool m_focusable; bool m_destroyed; bool m_updateScheduled; Rect m_rect; UILayoutPtr m_layout; UIWidgetWeakPtr m_parent; UIWidgetList m_children; UIWidgetList m_lockedWidgets; UIWidgetPtr m_focusedChild; std::string m_id; // basic style components used by all widgets ImagePtr m_image; FontPtr m_font; int m_opacity; Color m_color; Color m_fontColor; int m_marginLeft; int m_marginRight; int m_marginTop; int m_marginBottom; }; #endif