/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "localplayer.h" #include "map.h" #include "game.h" #include "tile.h" #include LocalPlayer::LocalPlayer() { m_preWalking = false; m_lastPrewalkDone = true; m_autoWalking = false; m_known = false; m_premium = false; m_states = 0; m_vocation = 0; m_walkLockExpiration = 0; m_skillsLevel.fill(-1); m_skillsLevelPercent.fill(-1); m_health = -1; m_maxHealth = -1; m_freeCapacity = -1; m_experience = -1; m_level = -1; m_levelPercent = -1; m_mana = -1; m_maxMana = -1; m_magicLevel = -1; m_magicLevelPercent = -1; m_soul = -1; m_stamina = -1; } void LocalPlayer::lockWalk(int millis) { m_walkLockExpiration = std::max(m_walkLockExpiration, (ticks_t) g_clock.millis() + millis); } bool LocalPlayer::canWalk(Otc::Direction direction) { // cannot walk while locked if(m_walkLockExpiration != 0 && g_clock.millis() < m_walkLockExpiration) return false; // last walk is not done yet if(m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() < getStepDuration()) return false; // prewalk has a timeout, because for some reason that I don't know yet the server sometimes doesn't answer the prewalk bool prewalkTimeouted = m_walking && m_preWalking && m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() >= getStepDuration() + PREWALK_TIMEOUT; // avoid doing more walks than wanted when receiving a lot of walks from server if(!m_lastPrewalkDone && m_preWalking && !prewalkTimeouted) return false; // cannot walk while already walking if(m_walking && !prewalkTimeouted) return false; return true; } void LocalPlayer::walk(const Position& oldPos, const Position& newPos) { // a prewalk was going on if(m_preWalking) { if(m_waitingWalkPong) { if(newPos == m_lastPrewalkDestionation) { m_lastWalkPings.push_back(m_walkPingTimer.ticksElapsed()); if(m_lastWalkPings.size() > 10) m_lastWalkPings.pop_front(); } m_waitingWalkPong = false; } // switch to normal walking m_preWalking = false; m_lastPrewalkDone = true; // if is to the last prewalk destination, updates the walk preserving the animation if(newPos == m_lastPrewalkDestionation) { updateWalk(); // was to another direction, replace the walk } else Creature::walk(oldPos, newPos); } // no prewalk was going on, this must be an server side automated walk else { m_autoWalking = true; if(m_autoWalkEndEvent) m_autoWalkEndEvent->cancel(); Creature::walk(oldPos, newPos); } } void LocalPlayer::preWalk(Otc::Direction direction) { Position newPos = m_position.translatedToDirection(direction); // avoid reanimating prewalks if(m_preWalking && m_lastPrewalkDestionation == newPos) return; m_preWalking = true; if(m_autoWalkEndEvent) m_autoWalkEndEvent->cancel(); // start walking to direction m_lastPrewalkDone = false; m_lastPrewalkDestionation = newPos; Creature::walk(m_position, newPos); } void LocalPlayer::cancelWalk(Otc::Direction direction) { // only cancel client side walks if(m_walking && m_preWalking) stopWalk(); m_lastPrewalkDone = true; m_waitingWalkPong = false; // turn to the cancel direction if(direction != Otc::InvalidDirection) setDirection(direction); } void LocalPlayer::stopWalk() { Creature::stopWalk(); // will call terminateWalk m_lastPrewalkDone = true; m_lastPrewalkDestionation = Position(); } void LocalPlayer::updateWalkOffset(int totalPixelsWalked) { // pre walks offsets are calculated in the oposite direction if(m_preWalking) { m_walkOffset = Point(0,0); if(m_direction == Otc::North || m_direction == Otc::NorthEast || m_direction == Otc::NorthWest) m_walkOffset.y = -totalPixelsWalked; else if(m_direction == Otc::South || m_direction == Otc::SouthEast || m_direction == Otc::SouthWest) m_walkOffset.y = totalPixelsWalked; if(m_direction == Otc::East || m_direction == Otc::NorthEast || m_direction == Otc::SouthEast) m_walkOffset.x = totalPixelsWalked; else if(m_direction == Otc::West || m_direction == Otc::NorthWest || m_direction == Otc::SouthWest) m_walkOffset.x = -totalPixelsWalked; } else Creature::updateWalkOffset(totalPixelsWalked); } void LocalPlayer::updateWalk() { int stepDuration = getStepDuration(); float walkTicksPerPixel = stepDuration / 32.0f; int totalPixelsWalked = std::min(m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() / walkTicksPerPixel, 32.0f); // update walk animation and offsets updateWalkAnimation(totalPixelsWalked); updateWalkOffset(totalPixelsWalked); updateWalkingTile(); // terminate walk only when client and server side walk are complated if(m_walking && !m_preWalking && m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() >= stepDuration) terminateWalk(); } void LocalPlayer::terminateWalk() { Creature::terminateWalk(); m_preWalking = false; auto self = asLocalPlayer(); if(m_autoWalking) { if(m_autoWalkEndEvent) m_autoWalkEndEvent->cancel(); m_autoWalkEndEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { self->m_autoWalking = false; }, 100); } } void LocalPlayer::onAppear() { Creature::onAppear(); // on teleports lock the walk if(!m_oldPosition.isInRange(m_position,1,1)) lockWalk(); } void LocalPlayer::setStates(int states) { if(m_states != states) { int oldStates = m_states; m_states = states; callLuaField("onStatesChange", states, oldStates); } } void LocalPlayer::setSkill(Otc::Skill skill, int level, int levelPercent) { if(skill >= Otc::LastSkill) { g_logger.traceError("invalid skill"); return; } int oldLevel = m_skillsLevel[skill]; int oldLevelPercent = m_skillsLevelPercent[skill]; if(level != oldLevel || levelPercent != oldLevelPercent) { m_skillsLevel[skill] = level; m_skillsLevelPercent[skill] = levelPercent; callLuaField("onSkillChange", skill, level, levelPercent, oldLevel, oldLevelPercent); } } void LocalPlayer::setHealth(double health, double maxHealth) { if(m_health != health || m_maxHealth != maxHealth) { double oldHealth = m_health; double oldMaxHealth = m_maxHealth; m_health = health; m_maxHealth = maxHealth; callLuaField("onHealthChange", health, maxHealth, oldHealth, oldMaxHealth); // cannot walk while dying if(health == 0) { if(isPreWalking()) stopWalk(); lockWalk(); } } } void LocalPlayer::setFreeCapacity(double freeCapacity) { if(m_freeCapacity != freeCapacity) { double oldFreeCapacity = m_freeCapacity; m_freeCapacity = freeCapacity; callLuaField("onFreeCapacityChange", freeCapacity, oldFreeCapacity); } } void LocalPlayer::setExperience(double experience) { if(m_experience != experience) { double oldExperience = m_experience; m_experience = experience; callLuaField("onExperienceChange", experience, oldExperience); } } void LocalPlayer::setLevel(double level, double levelPercent) { if(m_level != level || m_levelPercent != levelPercent) { double oldLevel = m_level; double oldLevelPercent = m_levelPercent; m_level = level; m_levelPercent = levelPercent; callLuaField("onLevelChange", level, levelPercent, oldLevel, oldLevelPercent); } } void LocalPlayer::setMana(double mana, double maxMana) { if(m_mana != mana || m_maxMana != maxMana) { double oldMana = m_mana; double oldMaxMana; m_mana = mana; m_maxMana = maxMana; callLuaField("onManaChange", mana, maxMana, oldMana, oldMaxMana); } } void LocalPlayer::setMagicLevel(double magicLevel, double magicLevelPercent) { if(m_magicLevel != magicLevel || m_magicLevelPercent != magicLevelPercent) { double oldMagicLevel = m_magicLevel; double oldMagicLevelPercent = m_magicLevelPercent; m_magicLevel = magicLevel; m_magicLevelPercent = magicLevelPercent; callLuaField("onMagicLevelChange", magicLevel, magicLevelPercent, oldMagicLevel, oldMagicLevelPercent); } } void LocalPlayer::setSoul(double soul) { if(m_soul != soul) { double oldSoul = m_soul; m_soul = soul; callLuaField("onSoulChange", soul, oldSoul); } } void LocalPlayer::setStamina(double stamina) { if(m_stamina != stamina) { double oldStamina = m_stamina; m_stamina = stamina; callLuaField("onStaminaChange", stamina, oldStamina); } } void LocalPlayer::setInventoryItem(Otc::InventorySlot inventory, const ItemPtr& item) { if(inventory >= Otc::LastInventorySlot) { g_logger.traceError("invalid slot"); return; } if(m_inventoryItems[inventory] != item) { ItemPtr oldItem = m_inventoryItems[inventory]; m_inventoryItems[inventory] = item; callLuaField("onInventoryChange", inventory, item, oldItem); } } void LocalPlayer::setVocation(int vocation) { if(m_vocation != vocation) { int oldVocation = m_vocation; m_vocation = vocation; callLuaField("onVocationChange", vocation, oldVocation); } } void LocalPlayer::setPremium(bool premium) { if(m_premium != premium) { m_premium = premium; callLuaField("onPremiumChange", premium); } } double LocalPlayer::getWalkPing() { if(m_lastWalkPings.empty()) return 9999; double sum = 0; for(int p : m_lastWalkPings) sum += p; return sum / (double)m_lastWalkPings.size(); }