ServerList = {} -- private variables local serverListWindow = nil local serverTextList = nil local removeWindow = nil local servers = {} -- public functions function ServerList.init() serverListWindow = g_ui.displayUI('serverlist') serverTextList = serverListWindow:getChildById('serverList') local serverSettings = g_settings.getNode('ServerList') if serverSettings then ServerList.load(serverSettings) end end function ServerList.terminate() ServerList.destroy() g_settings.setNode('ServerList', servers) ServerList = nil end function ServerList.load(serverSettings) for host, server in pairs(serverSettings) do ServerList.add(host, server.port, server.protocol, true) end end function local selected = serverTextList:getFocusedChild() if selected then local server = servers[selected:getId()] if server then EnterGame.setDefaultServer(selected:getId(), server.port, server.protocol) EnterGame.setAccountName(server.account) EnterGame.setPassword(server.password) ServerList.hide() end end end function ServerList.add(host, port, protocol, load) if not host or not port or not protocol then return false, 'Failed to load settings' elseif not load and servers[host] then return false, 'Server already exists' elseif host == '' or port == '' then return false, 'Required fields are missing' end local widget = g_ui.createWidget('ServerWidget', serverTextList) widget:setId(host) if not load then servers[host] = { port = port, protocol = protocol, account = '', password = '' } end local details = widget:getChildById('details') details:setText(host..':'..port) local proto = widget:getChildById('protocol') proto:setText(protocol) connect(widget, { onDoubleClick = function () return true end } ) return true end function ServerList.remove(widget) local host = widget:getId() if removeWindow then return end local yesCallback = function() widget:destroy() servers[host] = nil removeWindow:destroy() removeWindow=nil end local noCallback = function() removeWindow:destroy() removeWindow=nil end removeWindow = displayGeneralBox(tr('Remove'), tr('Remove ''?'), { { text=tr('Yes'), callback=yesCallback }, { text=tr('No'), callback=noCallback }, anchor=AnchorHorizontalCenter}, yesCallback, noCallback) end function ServerList.destroy() if serverListWindow then serverTextList = nil serverListWindow:destroy() serverListWindow = nil end end function if g_game.isOnline() then return end serverListWindow:show() serverListWindow:raise() serverListWindow:focus() end function ServerList.hide() serverListWindow:hide() end function ServerList.setServerAccount(host, account) if servers[host] then servers[host].account = account end end function ServerList.setServerPassword(host, password) if servers[host] then servers[host].password = password end end