function init() g_ui.importStyle('textwindow.otui') connect(g_game, { onEditText = onGameEditText, onEditList = onGameEditList, onGameEnd = destroy }) end function terminate() disconnect(g_game, { onEditText = onGameEditText, onEditList = onGameEditList, onGameEnd = destroy }) destroy() end function destroy() if textWindow then textWindow:destroy() textWindow = nil end end function getCursorPosByNewLine(str, count) if count <= 1 then return 0 end local i = 0 for n = 1, count-1 do local tPos = string.find(str, '\n', i) if tPos then i = tPos+1 end end return i - 1 end function getLineByCursorPos(str, pos, maxLine) for i = 1, maxLine do if pos <= getCursorPosByNewLine(str, i) then return i end end return maxLine + 1 end function getLineSizeByCursorPos(str, pos, maxLine) for i = 1, maxLine + 1 do if pos < getCursorPosByNewLine(str, i) then return {minPos = getCursorPosByNewLine(str, i-1), maxPos = (getCursorPosByNewLine(str, i) - 1)} end end return {minPos = getCursorPosByNewLine(str, maxLine + 1), maxPos = str:len()} end function string.count(str, pattern) local _, _count = string.gsub(str, pattern, pattern) return _count end function onGameEditText(id, itemId, maxLength, text, writter, time) if textWindow then return end textWindow = g_ui.createWidget('TextWindow', rootWidget) local writeable = (maxLength ~= #text) and maxLength > 0 local textItem = textWindow:getChildById('textItem') local description = textWindow:getChildById('description') local textEdit = textWindow:getChildById('text') local okButton = textWindow:getChildById('okButton') local cancelButton = textWindow:getChildById('cancelButton') local textScroll = textWindow:getChildById('textScroll') textItem:setItemId(itemId) textEdit:setMaxLength(maxLength) textEdit:setText(text) textEdit:setEnabled(writeable) local desc = '' if #writter > 0 then desc = tr('You read the following, written by \n%s\n', writter) if #time > 0 then desc = desc .. tr('on %s.\n', time) end elseif #time > 0 then desc = tr('You read the following, written on \n%s.\n', time) end if #text == 0 and not writeable then desc = tr("It is empty.") elseif writeable then desc = desc .. tr('You can enter new text.') end local lines = #{string.find(desc, '\n')} if lines < 2 then desc = desc .. '\n' end description:setText(desc) if not writeable then textWindow:setText(tr('Show Text')) --textEdit:wrapText() cancelButton:hide() cancelButton:setWidth(0) okButton:setMarginRight(0) else textWindow:setText(tr('Edit Text')) end local doneFunc = function() if writeable then g_game.editText(id, textEdit:getText()) end destroy() end local newLineCount = string.count(textEdit:getText(), '\n') if(newLineCount >= 9) then textScroll:setMaximum(newLineCount-9) end local _prev, _next = 0, 11 local scrollOnValueChange = function(widget, value, delta) local line = getLineByCursorPos(textEdit:getText(), textEdit:getCursorPos(), newLineCount) if(delta > 0) then textEdit:setCursorPos(getCursorPosByNewLine(textEdit:getText(), _next + delta - 1)) if writeable then textEdit:setCursorPos(getCursorPosByNewLine(textEdit:getText(), line + delta)) end else textEdit:setCursorPos(getCursorPosByNewLine(textEdit:getText(), _prev + delta + 1)) if writeable then textEdit:setCursorPos(getCursorPosByNewLine(textEdit:getText(), line + delta)) end end _next = _next + delta _prev = _prev + delta end textScroll.onValueChange = scrollOnValueChange local navigateVertical = function(up) -- Pressing Up / Down when scrollbar is at min / max value local line = getLineByCursorPos(textEdit:getText(), textEdit:getCursorPos(), newLineCount) if up and textScroll:getValue() == textScroll:getMinimum() then textEdit:setCursorPos(getCursorPosByNewLine(textEdit:getText(), line - 1)) elseif not up and textScroll:getValue() == textScroll:getMaximum() then textEdit:setCursorPos(getCursorPosByNewLine(textEdit:getText(), line + 1)) end end local navigateHorizontal = function(right) -- Pressing Left / Right to navigate in a line local currentCursor = textEdit:getCursorPos() local lineSize = getLineSizeByCursorPos(textEdit:getText(), currentCursor, newLineCount) if right and currentCursor < lineSize.maxPos then textEdit:setCursorPos(currentCursor+1) elseif not right and currentCursor > lineSize.minPos then textEdit:setCursorPos(currentCursor-1) end end local onKeyPress = function(widget, keyCode, keyModifiers) if keyModifiers ~= 0 then return false end if keyCode == 16 or keyCode == 17 then -- Left / Right navigateHorizontal((keyCode == 17)) return true elseif keyCode == 14 or keyCode == 15 then -- Up / Down local up = (keyCode == 14) navigateVertical(up) if up then textScroll:setValue(textScroll:getValue() - 1) else textScroll:setValue(textScroll:getValue() + 1) end return true end return false end if(not writeable) then textEdit:setCursorPos(0) textWindow.onKeyPress = onKeyPress -- textEdit won't receive focus else textScroll:setValue(textScroll:getMaximum()) textEdit:setCursorPos(text:len()) textEdit.onKeyPress = onKeyPress end okButton.onClick = doneFunc cancelButton.onClick = destroy --textWindow.onEnter = doneFunc -- this should be '\n' textWindow.onEscape = destroy end function onGameEditList(id, doorId, text) if textWindow then return end textWindow = g_ui.createWidget('TextWindow', rootWidget) local textEdit = textWindow:getChildById('text') local description = textWindow:getChildById('description') local okButton = textWindow:getChildById('okButton') local cancelButton = textWindow:getChildById('cancelButton') textEdit:setMaxLength(8192) textEdit:setText(text) textEdit:setEnabled(true) description:setText(tr('Enter one name per line.')) textWindow:setText(tr('Edit List')) doneFunc = function() g_game.editList(id, doorId, textEdit:getText()) destroy() end okButton.onClick = doneFunc textWindow.onEnter = doneFunc textWindow.onEscape = destroy end function onGameEditList(id, doorId, text) if textWindow then return end textWindow = g_ui.createWidget('TextWindow', rootWidget) local textEdit = textWindow:getChildById('text') local description = textWindow:getChildById('description') local okButton = textWindow:getChildById('okButton') local cancelButton = textWindow:getChildById('cancelButton') textEdit:setMaxLength(8192) textEdit:setText(text) textEdit:setEnabled(true) description:setText(tr('Enter one name per line.')) textWindow:setText(tr('Edit List')) doneFunc = function() g_game.editList(id, doorId, textEdit:getText()) destroy() end okButton.onClick = doneFunc textWindow.onEnter = doneFunc textWindow.onEscape = destroy end