function Thing:isInsideContainer() local pos = self:getPosition() return (pos and pos.x == 65535 and pos.y >= 64) end function Thing:getContainerId() local pos = self:getPosition() if not pos then return 0 end return pos.y - 64 end -- public functions function Game.processMouseAction(menuPosition, mouseButton, autoWalk, lookThing, useThing, creatureThing, multiUseThing) local keyboardModifiers = g_window.getKeyboardModifiers() if autoWalk and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardNoModifier and mouseButton == MouseLeftButton then -- todo auto walk return true end if not Options.classicControl then if keyboardModifiers == KeyboardNoModifier and mouseButton == MouseRightButton then Game.createThingMenu(menuPosition, lookThing, useThing, creatureThing) return true elseif lookThing and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardShiftModifier and (mouseButton == MouseLeftButton or mouseButton == MouseRightButton) then Game.look(lookThing) return true elseif useThing and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardCtrlModifier and (mouseButton == MouseLeftButton or mouseButton == MouseRightButton) then if useThing:isContainer() then if useThing:isInsideContainer() then, useThing:getContainerId()) return true else, Containers.getFreeContainerId()) return true end elseif useThing:isMultiUse() then Game.startUseWith(useThing) return true else Game.use(useThing) return true end return true elseif creatureThing and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardAltModifier and (mouseButton == MouseLeftButton or mouseButton == MouseRightButton) then Game.attack(creatureThing) return true end else if multiUseThing and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardNoModifier and mouseButton == MouseRightButton then if multiUseThing:asCreature() then Game.attack(multiUseThing:asCreature()) return true elseif multiUseThing:isContainer() then if multiUseThing:isInsideContainer() then, multiUseThing:getContainerId()) return true else, Containers.getFreeContainerId()) return true end elseif multiUseThing:isMultiUse() then Game.startUseWith(multiUseThing) return true else Game.use(multiUseThing) end return true elseif lookThing and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardShiftModifier and (mouseButton == MouseLeftButton or mouseButton == MouseRightButton) then Game.look(lookThing) return true elseif useThing and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardCtrlModifier and (mouseButton == MouseLeftButton or mouseButton == MouseRightButton) then Game.createThingMenu(menuPosition, lookThing, useThing, creatureThing) return true elseif creatureThing and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardAltModifier and (mouseButton == MouseLeftButton or mouseButton == MouseRightButton) then Game.attack(creatureThing) return true end end return false end function Game.createThingMenu(menuPosition, lookThing, useThing, creatureThing) local menu = createWidget('PopupMenu') if lookThing then menu:addOption('Look', function() Game.look(lookThing) end) end if useThing then if useThing:isContainer() then if useThing:isInsideContainer() then menu:addOption('Open', function(), useThing:getContainerId()) end) menu:addOption('Open in new window', function(), Containers.getFreeContainerId()) end) else menu:addOption('Open', function(), Containers.getFreeContainerId()) end) end else if useThing:isMultiUse() then menu:addOption('Use with ...', function() Game.startUseWith(useThing) end) else menu:addOption('Use', function() Game.use(useThing) end) end end if useThing:isRotateable() then menu:addOption('Rotate', function() Game.rotate(useThing) end) end end if lookThing and not lookThing:asCreature() and not lookThing:isNotMoveable() and lookThing:isPickupable() then menu:addSeparator() menu:addOption('Trade with ...', function() print('trade with') end) end -- check for move up if creatureThing then menu:addSeparator() if creatureThing:asLocalPlayer() then menu:addOption('Set Outfit', function() Game.requestOutfit() end) if creatureThing:asPlayer():isPartyMember() --[[and not fighting]] then if creatureThing:asPlayer():isPartyLeader() then if creatureThing:asPlayer():isPartySharedExperienceActive() then menu:addOption('Disable Shared Experience', function() Game.partyShareExperience(false) end) else menu:addOption('Enable Shared Experience', function() Game.partyShareExperience(true) end) end end menu:addOption('Leave Party', function() Game.partyLeave() end) end else local localPlayer = Game.getLocalPlayer() if localPlayer then if localPlayer:getAttackingCreature() ~= creatureThing then menu:addOption('Attack', function() Game.attack(creatureThing) end) else menu:addOption('Stop Attack', function() Game.cancelAttack() end) end if localPlayer:getFollowingCreature() ~= creatureThing then menu:addOption('Follow', function() Game.follow(creatureThing) end) else menu:addOption('Stop Follow', function() Game.cancelFollow() end) end if creatureThing:asPlayer() then menu:addSeparator() menu:addOption('Message to ' .. creatureThing:getName(), function() print('message') end) menu:addOption('Add to VIP list', function() Game.addVip(creatureThing:getName()) end) menu:addOption('Ignore ' .. creatureThing:getName(), function() print('ignore') end) local localPlayerShield = localPlayer:asCreature():getShield() local creatureShield = creatureThing:getShield() if localPlayerShield == ShieldNone or localPlayerShield == ShieldWhiteBlue then if creatureShield == ShieldWhiteYellow then menu:addOption('Join ' .. creatureThing:getName() .. '\'s Party', function() Game.partyJoin(creatureThing:getId()) end) else menu:addOption('Invite to Party', function() Game.partyInvite(creatureThing:getId()) end) end elseif localPlayerShield == ShieldWhiteYellow then if creatureShield == ShieldWhiteBlue then menu:addOption('Revoke ' .. creatureThing:getName() .. '\'s Invitation', function() Game.partyRevokeInvitation(creatureThing:getId()) end) end elseif localPlayerShield == ShieldYellow or localPlayerShield == ShieldYellowSharedExp or localPlayerShield == ShieldYellowNoSharedExpBlink or localPlayerShield == ShieldYellowNoSharedExp then if creatureShield == ShieldWhiteBlue then menu:addOption('Revoke ' .. creatureThing:getName() .. '\'s Invitation', function() Game.partyRevokeInvitation(creatureThing:getId()) end) elseif creatureShield == ShieldBlue or creatureShield == ShieldBlueSharedExp or creatureShield == ShieldBlueNoSharedExpBlink or creatureShield == ShieldBlueNoSharedExp then menu:addOption('Pass Leadership to ' .. creatureThing:getName(), function() Game.partyPassLeadership(creatureThing:getId()) end) else menu:addOption('Invite to Party', function() Game.partyInvite(creatureThing:getId()) end) end end end end end menu:addSeparator() menu:addOption('Copy Name', function() g_window.setClipboardText(creatureThing:getName()) end) end menu:display(menuPosition) end