#include "creature.h" #include "datmanager.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "map.h" #include #include #include Creature::Creature() : Thing(THING_CREATURE) { m_healthPercent = 0; m_direction = DIRECTION_SOUTH; m_animation = 0; m_walking = false; m_walkOffsetX = 0; m_walkOffsetY = 0; m_lastTicks = g_platform.getTicks(); } void Creature::draw(int x, int y) { //dump << (int)m_speed; // gspeed = 100 // pspeed = 234 // (recorded) 400 - 866 = 466 // (calc by ot eq) 1000 * 100 / 234 = 427 // gspeed = 150 // pspeed = 234 // (recorded) 934 - 1597 = 663 // (calc by ot eq) 1000 * 150 / 234 = 641 // gspeed = 100 // pspeed = 110 // (recorded) 900 - 1833 = 933 // (calc by ot eq) 1000 * 100 / 110 = 909 // 1000 * groundSpeed / playerSpeed // TODO 1: FIX RENDER STEP 2 // TODO 2: FIX SHAKY EFFECT // TODO 3: ADD ANIMATION const ThingAttributes& attributes = getAttributes(); // we must walk 32 pixels in m_speed miliseconds if(m_walking && attributes.animcount > 1) { double offset = (32.0 / m_walkTime) * (g_platform.getTicks() - m_lastTicks); if(m_direction == DIRECTION_NORTH) m_walkOffsetY = std::max(m_walkOffsetY - offset, 0.0); else if(m_direction == DIRECTION_EAST) m_walkOffsetX = std::min(m_walkOffsetX + offset, 0.0); else if(m_direction == DIRECTION_SOUTH) m_walkOffsetY = std::min(m_walkOffsetY + offset, 0.0); else if(m_direction == DIRECTION_WEST) m_walkOffsetX = std::max(m_walkOffsetX - offset, 0.0); /*if(g_platform.getTicks() - m_lastTicks > m_speed / 4) { if(m_animation+1 == attributes.animcount) m_animation = 1; else m_animation++; m_lastTicks = g_platform.getTicks(); }*/ if(((m_walkOffsetX == 0 && m_walkOffsetY == 0) && m_walkOffsetX != m_walkOffsetY) || ((m_walkOffsetX == 0 || m_walkOffsetY == 0) && m_walkOffsetX == m_walkOffsetY)) { m_walking = false; m_walkOffsetX = 0; m_walkOffsetY = 0; } //m_lastTicks = g_platform.getTicks(); } m_lastTicks = g_platform.getTicks(); x += m_walkOffsetX; y += m_walkOffsetY; for(int ydiv = 0; ydiv < attributes.ydiv; ydiv++) { // continue if we dont have this addon. if(ydiv > 0 && !(m_outfit.addons & (1 << (ydiv-1)))) continue; // draw white item internalDraw(x, y, 0, m_direction, ydiv, 0, m_animation); // draw mask if exists if(attributes.blendframes > 1) { g_graphics.bindBlendFunc(BLEND_COLORIZING); for(int mask = 0; mask < 4; ++mask) { int outfitColorId = 0; if(mask == SpriteMaskYellow) outfitColorId = m_outfit.head; else if(mask == SpriteMaskRed) outfitColorId = m_outfit.body; else if(mask == SpriteMaskGreen) outfitColorId = m_outfit.legs; else if(mask == SpriteMaskBlue) outfitColorId = m_outfit.feet; g_graphics.bindColor(OutfitColors[outfitColorId]); internalDraw(x, y, 1, m_direction, ydiv, 0, m_animation, (SpriteMask)mask); } g_graphics.bindBlendFunc(BLEND_NORMAL); g_graphics.bindColor(Color::white); } } } void Creature::drawInformation(int x, int y, bool useGray) { Color fillColor = Color(96, 96, 96); if(!useGray) { // health bar according to yatc fillColor = Color::black; if(m_healthPercent > 92) { fillColor.setGreen(188); } else if(m_healthPercent > 60) { fillColor.setRed(80); fillColor.setGreen(161); fillColor.setBlue(80); } else if(m_healthPercent > 30) { fillColor.setRed(161); fillColor.setGreen(161); } else if(m_healthPercent > 8) { fillColor.setRed(160); fillColor.setGreen(39); fillColor.setBlue(39); } else if(m_healthPercent > 3) { fillColor.setRed(160); } else { fillColor.setRed(79); } } Rect backgroundRect = Rect(x-(14.5), y, 27, 4); Rect healthRect = backgroundRect.expanded(-1); healthRect.setWidth((m_healthPercent/100.0)*25); g_graphics.bindColor(Color::black); g_graphics.drawFilledRect(backgroundRect); g_graphics.bindColor(fillColor); g_graphics.drawFilledRect(healthRect); // restore white color g_graphics.bindColor(Color::white); // name FontPtr font = g_fonts.getFont("tibia-12px-rounded"); font->renderText(m_name, Rect(x-100, y-15, 200, 15), AlignTopCenter, fillColor); } void Creature::walk(const Position& position) { // set walking state m_walking = true; m_walkOffsetX = 0; m_walkOffsetY = 0; m_walkingFromPosition = m_position; // update map tiles g_map.removeThingByPtr(asThing()); m_position = position; g_map.addThing(asThing()); // set new direction if(m_walkingFromPosition + Position(0, -1, 0) == m_position) { m_direction = DIRECTION_NORTH; m_walkOffsetY = 32; } else if(m_walkingFromPosition + Position(1, 0, 0) == m_position) { m_direction = DIRECTION_EAST; m_walkOffsetX = -32; } else if(m_walkingFromPosition + Position(0, 1, 0) == m_position) { m_direction = DIRECTION_SOUTH; m_walkOffsetY = -32; } else if(m_walkingFromPosition + Position(-1, 0, 0) == m_position) { m_direction = DIRECTION_WEST; m_walkOffsetX = 32; } else { // Teleport // we teleported, dont walk or change direction m_walking = false; } // get walk speed int groundSpeed = 0; ThingPtr ground = g_map.getThing(m_position, 0); if(ground) groundSpeed = ground->getAttributes().speed; m_walkTime = 1000.0 * (float)groundSpeed / m_speed; m_walkTime = m_walkTime == 0 ? 1000 : m_walkTime; } const ThingAttributes& Creature::getAttributes() { return g_dat.getCreatureAttributes(m_outfit.type); }