Skins = { } -- private variables local defaultSkinName = 'Default' local installedSkins local currentSkin local skinComboBox -- private functions local function onSkinComboBoxOptionChange(self, optionText, optionData) if Skins.setSkin(optionText) then g_settings.set('skin', optionText) g_textures.clearTexturesCache() g_modules.reloadModules() end end local function getSkinPath(name) local current = getfsrcpath() return g_resources.getRealDir(current) .. current .. '/skins/' .. string.lower(name) end -- public functions function Skins.init() installedSkins = {} Skins.installSkins('skins') if installedSkins[defaultSkinName] then g_resources.addSearchPath(getSkinPath(defaultSkinName), 0) end local userSkinName = g_settings.get('skin', 'false') if userSkinName ~= 'false' and Skins.setSkin(userSkinName) then pdebug('Using configured skin: ' .. userSkinName) else pdebug('Using default skin: ' .. defaultSkinName) Skins.setSkin(defaultSkinName) g_settings.set('skin', defaultSkinName) end addEvent( function() skinComboBox = g_ui.createWidget('ComboBox', rootWidget:recursiveGetChildById('rightButtonsPanel')) skinComboBox:setFixedSize(true) for key,value in pairs(installedSkins) do skinComboBox:addOption( end skinComboBox:setCurrentOption( skinComboBox.onOptionChange = onSkinComboBoxOptionChange end, false) end function Skins.terminate() g_resources.removeSearchPath(getSkinPath(defaultSkinName)) if currentSkin then g_resources.removeSearchPath(getSkinPath( end installedSkins = nil currentSkin = nil skinComboBox = nil end function Skins.installSkin(skin) if not skin or not or not skin.styles then error('Unable to install skin.') return false end if installedSkins[] then pwarning( .. ' has been replaced.') end installedSkins[] = skin return true end function Skins.installSkins(directory) dofiles(directory) end function Skins.setSkin(name) local skin = installedSkins[name] if not skin then pwarning("Skin " .. name .. ' does not exist.') return false end g_fonts.clearFonts() g_ui.clearStyles() if name ~= defaultSkinName then local defaultSkin = installedSkins[defaultSkinName] if not defaultSkin then error("Default skin is not installed.") return false end Skins.loadSkin(defaultSkin) end if currentSkin and ~= defaultSkinName then g_resources.removeSearchPath(getSkinPath( end if ~= defaultSkinName then g_resources.addSearchPath(getSkinPath(, true) end Skins.loadSkin(skin) currentSkin = skin return true end function Skins.loadSkin(skin) local lowerName = string.lower( if skin.fonts then for i=1,#skin.fonts do g_fonts.importFont('skins/' .. lowerName .. '/fonts/' .. skin.fonts[i]) end end if skin.defaultFont then g_fonts.setDefaultFont(skin.defaultFont) end if skin.styles then for i=1,#skin.styles do g_ui.importStyle('skins/' .. lowerName .. '/styles/' .. skin.styles[i]) end end if skin.particles then for i=1,#skin.particles do g_particles.importParticle('skins/' .. lowerName .. '/particles/' .. skin.particles[i]) end end end