/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "soundmanager.h" #include "soundsource.h" #include "soundbuffer.h" #include "soundfile.h" #include "streamsoundsource.h" #include "combinedsoundsource.h" #include #include SoundManager g_sounds; void SoundManager::init() { m_device = alcOpenDevice(NULL); if(!m_device) { g_logger.error("unable to open audio device"); return; } m_context = alcCreateContext(m_device, NULL); if(!m_context) { g_logger.error(stdext::format("unable to create audio context: %s", alcGetString(m_device, alcGetError(m_device)))); return; } alcMakeContextCurrent(m_context); m_musicEnabled = true; m_soundEnabled = true; } void SoundManager::terminate() { m_sources.clear(); m_buffers.clear(); m_musicSource = nullptr; m_currentMusic = ""; m_musicEnabled = false; m_soundEnabled = false; alcMakeContextCurrent(nullptr); if(m_context) { alcDestroyContext(m_context); m_context = nullptr; } if(m_device) { alcCloseDevice(m_device); m_device = nullptr; } } void SoundManager::poll() { static ticks_t lastUpdate = 0; ticks_t now = g_clock.ticks(); if(now - lastUpdate < POLL_DELAY) return; lastUpdate = now; for(auto it = m_sources.begin(); it != m_sources.end();) { SoundSourcePtr source = *it; source->update(); if(!source->isPlaying()) it = m_sources.erase(it); else ++it; } if(m_musicSource) { m_musicSource->update(); if(!m_musicSource->isPlaying()) m_musicSource = nullptr; } if(m_context) { alcProcessContext(m_context); } } void SoundManager::preload(const std::string& filename) { auto it = m_buffers.find(filename); if(it != m_buffers.end()) return; SoundFilePtr soundFile = SoundFile::loadSoundFile(filename); // only keep small files if(soundFile->getSize() > MAX_CACHE_SIZE) return; SoundBufferPtr buffer = SoundBufferPtr(new SoundBuffer); if(buffer->fillBuffer(soundFile)) m_buffers[filename] = buffer; } void SoundManager::enableSound(bool enable) { if(!isAudioEnabled()) return; } void SoundManager::play(const std::string& filename) { if(!m_soundEnabled) return; SoundSourcePtr soundSource = createSoundSource(filename); if(!soundSource) { g_logger.error(stdext::format("unable to play '%s'", filename)); return; } soundSource->setRelative(true); soundSource->play(); m_sources.push_back(soundSource); } void SoundManager::enableMusic(bool enable) { if(!isAudioEnabled()) return; m_musicEnabled = enable; if(enable) playMusic(m_currentMusic, 3.0f); else m_musicSource = nullptr; } void SoundManager::playMusic(const std::string& filename, float fadetime) { if(m_currentMusic == filename && m_musicSource) return; m_currentMusic = filename; if(!m_musicEnabled) return; if(filename.empty()) { m_musicSource = nullptr; return; } m_musicSource = createSoundSource(filename); if(!m_musicSource) { g_logger.error(stdext::format("unable to play '%s'", filename)); return; } m_musicSource->setRelative(true); if(fadetime > 0) { m_musicSource->setGain(0); m_musicSource->setFading(StreamSoundSource::FadingOn, fadetime); } m_musicSource->play(); } void SoundManager::stopMusic(float fadetime) { if(m_musicSource) { if(fadetime > 0) m_musicSource->setFading(StreamSoundSource::FadingOff, 3.0f); else m_musicSource->stop(); } } SoundSourcePtr SoundManager::createSoundSource(const std::string& filename) { SoundSourcePtr source; auto it = m_buffers.find(filename); if(it != m_buffers.end()) { source = SoundSourcePtr(new SoundSource); source->setBuffer(it->second); } else { SoundFilePtr soundFile = SoundFile::loadSoundFile(filename); if(!soundFile) return nullptr; if(soundFile->getSize() <= MAX_CACHE_SIZE) { source = SoundSourcePtr(new SoundSource); SoundBufferPtr buffer = SoundBufferPtr(new SoundBuffer); buffer->fillBuffer(soundFile); source->setBuffer(buffer); m_buffers[filename] = buffer; g_logger.warning(stdext::format("uncached sound '%s' requested to be played", filename)); } else { StreamSoundSourcePtr streamSource(new StreamSoundSource); streamSource->setSoundFile(soundFile); source = streamSource; #if defined __linux && !defined OPENGL_ES // due to OpenAL implementation bug, stereo buffers are always downmixed to mono on linux systems // this is hack to work around the issue // solution taken from http://opensource.creative.com/pipermail/openal/2007-April/010355.html if(soundFile->getSampleFormat() == AL_FORMAT_STEREO16) { CombinedSoundSourcePtr combinedSource(new CombinedSoundSource); streamSource->downMix(StreamSoundSource::DownMixLeft); streamSource->setRelative(true); streamSource->setPosition(Point(-128, 0)); combinedSource->addSource(streamSource); streamSource = StreamSoundSourcePtr(new StreamSoundSource); streamSource->setSoundFile(SoundFile::loadSoundFile(filename)); streamSource->downMix(StreamSoundSource::DownMixRight); streamSource->setRelative(true); streamSource->setPosition(Point(128,0)); combinedSource->addSource(streamSource); source = combinedSource; } #endif } } return source; }