#!/usr/bin/lua -- parse options if #arg == 0 then print('usage: ' .. arg[0] .. ' <headers> [--doc]') os.exit(1) end gendoc = false for i=1,#arg do if arg[i] == '--doc' then table.remove(arg, i) gendoc = true break end end if #arg == 0 then print('Specify a file.') os.exit(1) end -- string utilities function string:matchcount(pattern) local count = 0 for w in self:gmatch(pattern) do count = count + 1 end return count end function string:splitlines() local t = {} local function helper(line) table.insert(t, line) return "" end helper((self:gsub("(.-)\r?\n", helper))) return t end function table.removevalue(t, value) for k,v in pairs(t) do if v == value then table.remove(t, k) break end end end function string.split(s, delim) local start = 1 local results = {} while true do local pos = string.find(s, delim, start, true) if not pos then break end table.insert(results, string.sub(s, start, pos-1)) start = pos + string.len(delim) end table.insert(results, string.sub(s, start)) table.removevalue(results, '') return results end function string.trim(s) return string.match(s, '^%s*(.*%S)') or '' end function countbrackets(str) local ret = 0 for _i in str:gmatch('{') do ret = ret+1 end for _i in str:gmatch('}') do ret = ret-1 end return ret end function filterType(arg) arg = arg:gsub('^const[%s]+', '') arg = arg:gsub('Ptr', '') arg = arg:gsub('&', '') arg = arg:gsub('.*List$', 'table') arg = arg:gsub('^std::string$', 'string') arg = arg:gsub('^OTMLNode$', 'table') arg = arg:gsub('^std::vector<.*>$', 'table') arg = arg:gsub('^std::map<.*>$', 'table') arg = arg:gsub('^[u]?int[0-9_t]*$', 'integer') arg = arg:gsub('^float$', 'number') arg = arg:gsub('^double$', 'number') arg = arg:gsub('^bool$', 'boolean') arg = arg:gsub('^ticks_t$', 'integer') arg = arg:gsub('.*\*.*', 'buffer') arg = arg:gsub('.*::.*', 'enum') return arg end function filterArgs(str) local args = str:split(',') or { str } newstr = '' for i,argstr in pairs(args) do argstr = argstr:gsub('[%s]*=.*','') local argtype, argvar = argstr:match('^(.*[%s]+[&*]?)([%w_]*)') newstr = newstr .. filterType(argtype:trim()) .. ' ' .. argvar:trim() if i ~= #args then newstr = newstr .. ', ' end end return newstr end function filterReturn(str) str = str:gsub('virtual ', '') str = str:gsub('static ', '') return filterType(str:trim()) end function emitSingletonDecl(cppclass, luaclass) if gendoc then outline = 'class ' .. luaclass .. ' {\n' .. 'public:' else outline = ' // ' .. luaclass .. '\n' .. ' g_lua.registerStaticClass("' .. luaclass .. '");' end print(outline) return outline end function emitClassDecl(cppclass, luaclass, baseclass) local outline if gendoc then outline = 'class ' .. luaclass if cppclass ~= 'LuaObject' and baseclass then outline = outline .. ' : public ' .. baseclass end outline = outline .. ' {\npublic:' else print(' // ' .. luaclass) outline = ' g_lua.registerClass<' .. cppclass if cppclass ~= 'LuaObject' and baseclass and baseclass ~= 'LuaObject' then outline = outline .. ', ' .. baseclass end outline = outline .. '>();' end print(outline) return outline end function emitClassEnd() local outline = '\n' if gendoc then outline = '};\n' end print(outline) return outline end function emitSingletonFunctionDecl(cppclass, luaclass, funcname, funcargs, funcret) local outline if gendoc then outline = ' ' .. filterReturn(funcret) .. ' ' .. funcname .. '(' .. filterArgs(funcargs) .. ');' else outline = ' g_lua.bindSingletonFunction("' .. luaclass .. '", "' .. funcname .. '", &' .. cppclass .. '::' .. funcname .. ', &' .. luaclass .. ');' end print(outline) return outline end function emitMemberFunctionDecl(cppclass, luaclass, funcname, funcargs, funcret) local outline if gendoc then outline = ' ' .. filterReturn(funcret) .. ' ' .. funcname .. '(' .. filterArgs(funcargs) .. ');' else outline = ' g_lua.bindClassMemberFunction("' .. funcname .. '", &' .. cppclass .. '::' .. funcname .. ');' end print(outline) return outline end function parseClassHeader(line, param) cppclass = line:match('^[%s]*class[%s]+([%w_]+)') if not cppclass then print('Invalid directive at ' .. header .. ':' .. linenumber) os.exit(1) end luaclass = param or cppclass insideclass = true publicmethods = true brackets = 0 bindnext = true if singleton then emitSingletonDecl(cppclass, luaclass) else baseclass = line:match(':[%s]+public[%s]+([%w_]+)') emitClassDecl(cppclass, luaclass, baseclass) end end function parseHeader(file) header = file linenumber = 0 brackets = 0 publicmethods = false insideclass = false singleton = false if not io.open(header, 'r') then print('Unable to open ' .. header) exit(1) end lines = {} for line in io.lines(header) do table.insert(lines, line) end for linenumber=1,#lines do local line = lines[linenumber] local param = line:match('^[%s]*//[%s]*@[%w]+[%s]+(.*)[%s]*') if not insideclass then if line:match('[%s]*//[%s]*@bindsingleton') then singleton = true linenumber = linenumber+1 parseClassHeader(lines[linenumber], param) elseif line:match('[%s]*//[%s]*@bindclass') then singleton = false linenumber = linenumber+1 parseClassHeader(lines[linenumber], param) end else if brackets > 1 then -- ignore elseif line:match('[%s]*//[%s]*@dontbind') then bindnext = false elseif line:match('[%s]*template') then bindnext = false elseif line:match('[%s]*public:') then publicmethods = true elseif line:match('[%s]*private:') or line:match('[%s]*protected:') then publicmethods = false elseif line:match('^};') then insideclass = false emitClassEnd() elseif bindnext then funcreturn, funcname, funcargs = line:match('^[%s]*([%w <>&\*:_]*) ([%w_]+)%(([^%)]*%))[%w ]*[;{=].*$') if funcname then funcargs = funcargs:match('(.*)\%)') if funcname ~= cppclass then if singleton then emitSingletonFunctionDecl(cppclass, luaclass, funcname, funcargs, funcreturn) else emitMemberFunctionDecl(cppclass, luaclass, funcname, funcargs, funcreturn) end end end else bindnext = true end brackets = brackets + countbrackets(line) end end end for i=1,#arg do parseHeader(arg[i]) end