-- @docconsts @{ SkullNone = 0 SkullYellow = 1 SkullGreen = 2 SkullWhite = 3 SkullRed = 4 SkullBlack = 5 SkullOrange = 6 ShieldNone = 0 ShieldWhiteYellow = 1 ShieldWhiteBlue = 2 ShieldBlue = 3 ShieldYellow = 4 ShieldBlueSharedExp = 5 ShieldYellowSharedExp = 6 ShieldBlueNoSharedExpBlink = 7 ShieldYellowNoSharedExpBlink = 8 ShieldBlueNoSharedExp = 9 ShieldYellowNoSharedExp = 10 EmblemNone = 0 EmblemGreen = 1 EmblemRed = 2 EmblemBlue = 3 North = 0 East = 1 South = 2 West = 3 NorthEast = 4 SouthEast = 5 SouthWest = 6 NorthWest = 7 FightOffensive = 1 FightBalanced = 2 FightDefensive = 3 DontChase = 0 ChaseOpponent = 1 GameExtendedOpcode = 0 GameProtocolChecksum = 1 GameAccountNames = 2 GameChallangeOnLogin = 3 GameStackposOnTileAddThing = 4 GamePenalityOnDeath = 5 GameNameOnNpcTrade = 6 GameDoubleFreeCapacity = 7 GameDoubleExperience = 8 GameTotalCapacity = 9 GameSkillsBase = 10 GameAdditionalPlayerStats = 11 GameIdOnCancelAttack = 12 GameChannelPlayerList = 13 GamePlayerMounts = 14 GameEnvironmentEffect = 15 GameCreatureType = 16 GameCreatureEmblems = 17 GameCreaturePassableInfo = 18 GameItemAnimationPhase = 19 GameTrucatedPingOpcode = 20 GameReverseCreatureStack = 21 GameMagicEffectU16 = 22 GamePlayerMarket = 23 TextColors = { red = '#f55e5e', --'#c83200' orange = '#f36500', --'#c87832' yellow = '#ffff00', --'#e6c832' green = '#00EB00', --'#3fbe32' lightblue = '#5ff7f7', blue = '#9f9dfd', --blue1 = '#6e50dc', --blue2 = '#3264c8', --blue3 = '#0096c8', white = '#ffffff' --'#bebebe' } MessageModes = { None = 0, Say = 1, Whisper = 2, Yell = 3, PrivateFrom = 4, PrivateTo = 5, ChannelManagement = 6, Channel = 7, ChannelHighlight = 8, Spell = 9, NpcFrom = 10, NpcTo = 11, GamemasterBroadcast = 12, GamemasterChannel = 13, GamemasterPrivateFrom = 14, GamemasterPrivateTo = 15, Login = 16, Warning = 17, Game = 18, Failure = 19, Look = 20, DamageDealed = 21, DamageReceived = 22, Heal = 23, Exp = 24, DamageOthers = 25, HealOthers = 26, ExpOthers = 27, Status = 28, Loot = 29, TradeNpc = 30, Guild = 31, PartyManagement = 32, Party = 33, BarkLow = 34, BarkLoud = 35, Report = 36, HotkeyUse = 37, TutorialHint = 38, Thankyou = 39, Market = 40, BeyondLast = 41, MonsterYell = 42, MonsterSay = 43, Red = 44, Blue = 45, RVRChannel = 46, RVRAnswer = 47, RVRContinue = 48, Last = 49, Invalid = 255 } OTSERV_RSA = "1091201329673994292788609605089955415282375029027981291234687579" .. "3726629149257644633073969600111060390723088861007265581882535850" .. "3429057592827629436413108566029093628212635953836686562675849720" .. "6207862794310902180176810615217550567108238764764442605581471797" .. "07119674283982419152118103759076030616683978566631413" CIPSOFT_RSA = "1321277432058722840622950990822933849527763264961655079678763618" .. "4334395343554449668205332383339435179772895415509701210392836078" .. "6959821132214473291575712138800495033169914814069637740318278150" .. "2907336840325241747827401343576296990629870233111328210165697754" .. "88792221429527047321331896351555606801473202394175817" -- set to the latest Tibia.pic signature to make otclient compatible with official tibia PIC_SIGNATURE = 1337606793 OsTypes = { Linux = 1, Windows = 2, Flash = 3, OtclientLinux = 10, OtclientWindows = 11, OtclientMac = 12 } -- @}