-- @docclass --[[ TODO: * Make table headers more robust. * Get dynamic row heights working with text wrapping. * Every second row different background color applied. ]] UITable = extends(UIWidget) local HEADER_ID = 'row0' function UITable.create() local table = UITable.internalCreate() table.headerRow = nil table.dataSpace = nil table.rows = {} table.rowBaseStyle = nil table.columns = {} table.columBaseStyle = nil table.headerRowBaseStyle = nil table.headerColumnBaseStyle = nil table.selectedRow = nil return table end function UITable:onDestroy() for k,row in pairs(self.rows) do row.onClick = nil end self.rows = {} self.columns = {} self.headerRow = {} self.selectedRow = nil self.dataSpace = nil end function UITable:onStyleApply(styleName, styleNode) for name, value in pairs(styleNode) do if name == 'table-data' then addEvent(function() self:setTableData(self:getParent():getChildById(value)) end) elseif name == 'column-style' then addEvent(function() self:setColumnStyle(value) end) elseif name == 'row-style' then addEvent(function() self:setRowStyle(value) end) elseif name == 'header-column-style' then addEvent(function() self:setHeaderColumnStyle(value) end) elseif name == 'header-row-style' then addEvent(function() self:setHeaderRowStyle(value) end) end end end function UITable:hasHeader() return self.headerRow ~= nil end function UITable:clearData() if not self.dataSpace then return end self.dataSpace:destroyChildren() end function UITable:addHeaderRow(data) if not data or type(data) ~= 'table' then g_logger.error('UITable:addHeaderRow - table columns must be provided in a table') return end -- build header columns local columns = {} for _, column in pairs(data) do local col = g_ui.createWidget(self.headerColumnBaseStyle) for type, value in pairs(column) do if type == 'width' then col:setWidth(value) elseif type == 'height' then col:setHeight(value) elseif type == 'text' then col:setText(value) end end table.insert(columns, col) end -- create a new header local headerRow = g_ui.createWidget(self.headerRowBaseStyle, self) local newHeight = (self.dataSpace:getHeight()-headerRow:getHeight())-self.dataSpace:getMarginTop() self.dataSpace:applyStyle({ height = newHeight }) headerRow:setId(HEADER_ID) for _, column in pairs(columns) do headerRow:addChild(column) self.columns[HEADER_ID] = column end headerRow.onClick = function(headerRow) self:selectRow(headerRow) end self.headerRow = headerRow return headerRow end function UITable:removeHeaderRow() self.headerRow:destroy() self.headerRow = nil end function UITable:addRow(data, height) if not self.dataSpace then g_logger.error('UITable:addRow - table data space has not been set, cannot add rows.') return end if not data or type(data) ~= 'table' then g_logger.error('UITable:addRow - table columns must be provided in a table.') return end local row = g_ui.createWidget(self.rowBaseStyle, self.dataSpace) if height then row:setHeight(height) end local rowId = #self.rows if rowId < 1 then rowId = 1 end rowId = 'row'..rowId row:setId(rowId) for _, column in pairs(data) do local col = g_ui.createWidget(self.columBaseStyle, row) for type, value in pairs(column) do if type == 'width' then col:setWidth(value) elseif type == 'height' then col:setHeight(value) elseif type == 'text' then col:setText(value) end end self.columns[rowId] = col end row.onClick = function(row) self:selectRow(row) end table.insert(self.rows, row) return row end function UITable:removeRow(row) if self.selectedRow == row then self:selectRow(nil) end row.onClick = nil table.removevalue(self.rows, row) end function UITable:selectRow(selectedRow) if selectedRow == self.selectedRow then return end local previousSelectedRow = self.selectedRow self.selectedRow = selectedRow if previousSelectedRow then previousSelectedRow:setChecked(false) end if selectedRow then selectedRow:setChecked(true) end signalcall(self.onSelectionChange, self, selectedRow, previousSelectedRow) end function UITable:setTableData(tableData) self.dataSpace = tableData self.dataSpace:applyStyle({ height = self:getHeight() }) end function UITable:setRowStyle(style) self.rowBaseStyle = style for _, row in pairs(self.rows) do row:setStyle(style) end end function UITable:setColumnStyle(style) self.columBaseStyle = style for _, col in pairs(self.columns) do col:setStyle(style) end end function UITable:setHeaderRowStyle(style) self.headerRowBaseStyle = style if self.headerRow then self.headerRow:setStyle(style) end end function UITable:setHeaderColumnStyle(style) self.headerColumnBaseStyle = style if table.hasKey(HEADER_ID) then self.columns[HEADER_ID]:setStyle(style) end end