/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2015 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "luainterface.h" #include "luaobject.h" #include #include #include "lbitlib.h" LuaInterface g_lua; LuaInterface::LuaInterface() { L = nullptr; m_cppCallbackDepth = 0; m_weakTableRef = 0; m_totalObjRefs = 0; m_totalFuncRefs = 0; } LuaInterface::~LuaInterface() { } void LuaInterface::init() { createLuaState(); // store global environment reference pushThread(); getEnv(); m_globalEnv = ref(); pop(); // check if demangle_class is working as expected assert(stdext::demangle_class() == "LuaObject"); // register LuaObject, the base of all other objects registerClass(); bindClassMemberFunction("getUseCount", &LuaObject::getUseCount); bindClassMemberFunction("getClassName", &LuaObject::getClassName); registerClassMemberFunction("getFieldsTable", (LuaCppFunction) ([](LuaInterface* lua) -> int { LuaObjectPtr obj = g_lua.popObject(); obj->luaGetFieldsTable(); return 1; })); } void LuaInterface::terminate() { // close lua state, it will release all objects closeLuaState(); assert(m_totalFuncRefs == 0); assert(m_totalObjRefs == 0); } void LuaInterface::registerSingletonClass(const std::string& className) { newTable(); pushValue(); setGlobal(className); pop(); } void LuaInterface::registerClass(const std::string& className, const std::string& baseClass) { // creates the class table (that it's also the class methods table) newTable(); pushValue(); setGlobal(className); const int klass = getTop(); // creates the class fieldmethods table newTable(); pushValue(); setGlobal(className + "_fieldmethods"); int klass_fieldmethods = getTop(); // creates the class metatable newTable(); pushValue(); setGlobal(className + "_mt"); int klass_mt = getTop(); // set metatable metamethods pushCppFunction(&LuaInterface::luaObjectGetEvent); setField("__index", klass_mt); pushCppFunction(&LuaInterface::luaObjectSetEvent); setField("__newindex", klass_mt); pushCppFunction(&LuaInterface::luaObjectEqualEvent); setField("__eq", klass_mt); pushCppFunction(&LuaInterface::luaObjectCollectEvent); setField("__gc", klass_mt); // set some fields that will be used later in metatable pushValue(klass); setField("methods", klass_mt); pushValue(klass_fieldmethods); setField("fieldmethods", klass_mt); // redirect methods and fieldmethods to the base class ones if(!className.empty() && className != "LuaObject") { // the following code is what create classes hierarchy for lua, by reproducing: // DerivedClass = { __index = BaseClass } // DerivedClass_fieldmethods = { __index = BaseClass_methods } // redirect the class methods to the base methods pushValue(klass); newTable(); getGlobal(baseClass); setField("__index"); setMetatable(); pop(); // redirect the class fieldmethods to the base fieldmethods pushValue(klass_fieldmethods); newTable(); getGlobal(baseClass + "_fieldmethods"); setField("__index"); setMetatable(); pop(); } // pops klass, klass_mt, klass_fieldmethods pop(3); } void LuaInterface::registerClassStaticFunction(const std::string& className, const std::string& functionName, const LuaCppFunction& function) { registerClassMemberFunction(className, functionName, function); } void LuaInterface::registerClassMemberFunction(const std::string& className, const std::string& functionName, const LuaCppFunction& function) { getGlobal(className); pushCppFunction(function); setField(functionName); pop(); } void LuaInterface::registerClassMemberField(const std::string& className, const std::string& field, const LuaCppFunction& getFunction, const LuaCppFunction& setFunction) { getGlobal(className + "_fieldmethods"); if(getFunction) { pushCppFunction(getFunction); setField(stdext::format("get_%s", field)); } if(setFunction) { pushCppFunction(setFunction); setField(stdext::format("set_%s", field)); } pop(); } void LuaInterface::registerGlobalFunction(const std::string& functionName, const LuaCppFunction& function) { pushCppFunction(function); setGlobal(functionName); } int LuaInterface::luaObjectGetEvent(LuaInterface* lua) { // stack: obj, key LuaObjectPtr obj = lua->toObject(-2); std::string key = lua->toString(-1); assert(obj); lua->remove(-1); // removes key // if a get method for this key exists, calls it lua->getMetatable(); // pushes obj metatable lua->getField("fieldmethods"); // push obj fieldmethods lua->remove(-2); // removes obj metatable lua->getField("get_" + key); // pushes get method lua->remove(-2); // remove obj fieldmethods if(!lua->isNil()) { // is the get method not nil? lua->insert(-2); // moves obj to the top lua->signalCall(1, 1); // calls get method, arguments: obj return 1; } lua->pop(); // pops the nil get method // if the field for this key exists, returns it obj->luaGetField(key); if(!lua->isNil()) { lua->remove(-2); // removes the obj // field value is on the stack return 1; } lua->pop(); // pops the nil field // pushes the method assigned by this key lua->getMetatable(); // pushes obj metatable lua->getField("methods"); // push obj methods lua->remove(-2); // removes obj metatable lua->getField(key); // pushes obj method lua->remove(-2); // remove obj methods lua->remove(-2); // removes obj // the result value is on the stack return 1; } int LuaInterface::luaObjectSetEvent(LuaInterface* lua) { // stack: obj, key, value LuaObjectPtr obj = lua->toObject(-3); std::string key = lua->toString(-2); assert(obj); lua->remove(-2); // removes key lua->insert(-2); // moves obj to the top // check if a set method for this field exists and call it lua->getMetatable(); // pushes obj metatable lua->getField("fieldmethods"); // push obj fieldmethods lua->remove(-2); // removes obj metatable lua->getField("set_" + key); // pushes set method lua->remove(-2); // remove obj fieldmethods if(!lua->isNil()) { // is the set method not nil? lua->insert(-3); // moves func to -3 lua->insert(-2); // moves obj to -2, and value to -1 lua->signalCall(2, 0); // calls set method, arguments: obj, value return 0; } lua->pop(); // pops the nil set method // no set method exists, then treats as an field and set it lua->pop(); // pops the object obj->luaSetField(key); // sets the obj field return 0; } int LuaInterface::luaObjectEqualEvent(LuaInterface* lua) { // stack: obj1, obj2 bool ret = false; // check if obj1 == obj2 if(lua->isUserdata(-1) && lua->isUserdata(-2)) { LuaObjectPtr* objPtr2 = static_cast(lua->popUserdata()); LuaObjectPtr* objPtr1 = static_cast(lua->popUserdata()); assert(objPtr1 && objPtr2); if(*objPtr1 == *objPtr2) ret = true; } else lua->pop(2); lua->pushBoolean(ret); return 1; } int LuaInterface::luaObjectCollectEvent(LuaInterface* lua) { // gets object pointer auto objPtr = static_cast(lua->popUserdata()); assert(objPtr); // resets pointer to decrease object use count objPtr->reset(); g_lua.m_totalObjRefs--; return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool LuaInterface::safeRunScript(const std::string& fileName) { try { runScript(fileName); return true; } catch(stdext::exception& e) { g_logger.error(stdext::format("Failed to load script '%s': %s", fileName, e.what())); return false; } } void LuaInterface::runScript(const std::string& fileName) { loadScript(fileName); safeCall(0, 0); } void LuaInterface::runBuffer(const std::string& buffer, const std::string& source) { loadBuffer(buffer, source); safeCall(0, 0); } void LuaInterface::loadScript(const std::string& fileName) { // resolve file full path std::string filePath = fileName; if(!stdext::starts_with(fileName, "/")) filePath = getCurrentSourcePath() + "/" + filePath; filePath = g_resources.guessFilePath(filePath, "lua"); std::string buffer = g_resources.readFileContents(filePath); std::string source = "@" + filePath; loadBuffer(buffer, source); } void LuaInterface::loadFunction(const std::string& buffer, const std::string& source) { if(buffer.empty()) { pushNil(); return; } std::string buf; if(stdext::starts_with(buffer, "function")) buf = stdext::format("__func = %s", buffer); else buf = stdext::format("__func = function(self)\n%s\nend", buffer); loadBuffer(buf, source); safeCall(); // get the function getGlobal("__func"); // reset the global __func pushNil(); setGlobal("__func"); } void LuaInterface::evaluateExpression(const std::string& expression, const std::string& source) { // evaluates the expression if(!expression.empty()) { std::string buffer = stdext::format("__exp = (%s)", expression); loadBuffer(buffer, source); safeCall(); // gets the expression result getGlobal("__exp"); // resets global __exp pushNil(); setGlobal("__exp"); } else pushNil(); } std::string LuaInterface::traceback(const std::string& errorMessage, int level) { // gets debug.traceback getGlobal("debug"); getField("traceback"); remove(-2); // remove debug // calls debug.traceback(errorMessage, level) pushString(errorMessage); pushInteger(level); call(2,1); // returns the traceback message return popString(); } void LuaInterface::throwError(const std::string& message) { if(isInCppCallback()) { pushString(message); error(); } else throw stdext::exception(message); } std::string LuaInterface::getCurrentSourcePath(int level) { std::string path; if(!L) return path; // check all stack functions for script source path while(true) { getStackFunction(level); // pushes stack function // only lua functions is wanted, because only them have a working directory if(isLuaFunction()) { path = functionSourcePath(); break; } else if(isNil()) { pop(); break; } else pop(); // next level level++; } return path; } int LuaInterface::safeCall(int numArgs, int numRets) { assert(hasIndex(-numArgs-1)); // saves the current stack size for calculating the number of results later int previousStackSize = stackSize(); // pushes error function int errorFuncIndex = previousStackSize - numArgs; pushCFunction(&LuaInterface::luaErrorHandler); insert(errorFuncIndex); // calls the function in protected mode (means errors will be caught) int ret = pcall(numArgs, LUA_MULTRET, errorFuncIndex); remove(errorFuncIndex); // remove error func // if there was an error throw an exception if(ret != 0) throw LuaException(popString()); int rets = (stackSize() + numArgs + 1) - previousStackSize; while(numRets != -1 && rets != numRets) { if(rets < numRets) { pushNil(); rets++; } else { pop(); rets--; } } // returns the number of results return rets; } int LuaInterface::signalCall(int numArgs, int numRets) { int rets = 0; int funcIndex = -numArgs-1; try { // must be a function if(isFunction(funcIndex)) { rets = safeCall(numArgs); if(numRets != -1) { if(rets != numRets) throw LuaException("function call didn't return the expected number of results", 0); } } // can also calls table of functions else if(isTable(funcIndex)) { // loop through table values pushNil(); bool done = false; while(next(funcIndex-1)) { if(isFunction()) { // repush arguments for(int i=0;i 2) { contains = g_lua.popString(); } bool recursive = false; if(g_lua.getTop() > 1) { recursive = g_lua.popBoolean(); } std::string directory = g_lua.popString(); g_lua.loadFiles(directory, recursive, contains); return 0; } int LuaInterface::lua_loadfile(lua_State* L) { std::string fileName = g_lua.popString(); try { g_lua.loadScript(fileName); return 1; } catch(stdext::exception& e) { g_lua.pushNil(); g_lua.pushString(e.what()); g_lua.error(); return 2; } } int LuaInterface::luaErrorHandler(lua_State* L) { // pops the error message auto error = g_lua.popString(); // prevents repeated tracebacks if(error.find("stack traceback:") == std::string::npos) error = g_lua.traceback(error, 1); // pushes the new error message with traceback information g_lua.pushString(error); return 1; } int LuaInterface::luaCppFunctionCallback(lua_State* L) { // retrieves function pointer from userdata auto funcPtr = static_cast(g_lua.popUpvalueUserdata()); assert(funcPtr); int numRets = 0; // do the call try { g_lua.m_cppCallbackDepth++; numRets = (*(funcPtr->get()))(&g_lua); g_lua.m_cppCallbackDepth--; assert(numRets == g_lua.stackSize()); } catch(stdext::exception& e) { // cleanup stack while(g_lua.stackSize() > 0) g_lua.pop(); numRets = 0; g_lua.pushString(stdext::format("C++ call failed: %s", g_lua.traceback(e.what()))); g_lua.error(); } return numRets; } int LuaInterface::luaCollectCppFunction(lua_State* L) { auto funcPtr = static_cast(g_lua.popUserdata()); assert(funcPtr); funcPtr->reset(); g_lua.m_totalFuncRefs--; return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // from here all next functions are interfaces for the Lua API void LuaInterface::createLuaState() { // creates lua state L = luaL_newstate(); if(!L) g_logger.fatal("Unable to create lua state"); // load lua standard libraries luaL_openlibs(L); // load bit32 lib for bitwise operations luaopen_bit32(L); // creates weak table newTable(); newTable(); pushString("v"); setField("__mode"); setMetatable(); m_weakTableRef = ref(); // installs script loader getGlobal("package"); getField("loaders"); pushCFunction(&LuaInterface::luaScriptLoader); rawSeti(5); pop(2); // replace dofile pushCFunction(&LuaInterface::lua_dofile); setGlobal("dofile"); // dofiles pushCFunction(&LuaInterface::lua_dofiles); setGlobal("dofiles"); // replace loadfile pushCFunction(&LuaInterface::lua_loadfile); setGlobal("loadfile"); } void LuaInterface::closeLuaState() { if(L) { // close lua, it also collects lua_close(L); L = NULL; } } void LuaInterface::collectGarbage() { // prevents recursive collects static bool collecting = false; if(!collecting) { collecting = true; // we must collect two times because __gc metamethod // is called on uservalues only the second time for(int i=0;i<2;++i) lua_gc(L, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0); collecting = false; } } void LuaInterface::loadBuffer(const std::string& buffer, const std::string& source) { // loads lua buffer int ret = luaL_loadbuffer(L, buffer.c_str(), buffer.length(), source.c_str()); if(ret != 0) throw LuaException(popString(), 0); } int LuaInterface::pcall(int numArgs, int numRets, int errorFuncIndex) { assert(hasIndex(-numArgs - 1)); return lua_pcall(L, numArgs, numRets, errorFuncIndex); } void LuaInterface::call(int numArgs, int numRets) { assert(hasIndex(-numArgs - 1)); lua_call(L, numArgs, numRets); } void LuaInterface::error() { assert(hasIndex(-1)); lua_error(L); } int LuaInterface::ref() { int ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); assert(ref != LUA_NOREF); assert(ref < 2147483647); return ref; } int LuaInterface::weakRef() { static int id = 0; // generates a new id ++id; if(id == 2147483647) id = 0; // gets weak table getRef(m_weakTableRef); insert(-2); // sets weak_table[id] = v rawSeti(id); // pops weak table pop(); return id; } void LuaInterface::unref(int ref) { if(ref >= 0 && L != NULL) luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref); } const char* LuaInterface::typeName(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); int type = lua_type(L, index); return lua_typename(L, type); } std::string LuaInterface::functionSourcePath() { std::string path; // gets function source path lua_Debug ar; memset(&ar, 0, sizeof(ar)); lua_getinfo(L, ">Sn", &ar); if(ar.source) { // scripts coming from files has source beginning with '@' if(ar.source[0] == '@') { path = ar.source; path = path.substr(1, path.find_last_of("/") - 1); path = path.substr(0, path.find_last_of(":")); } } return path; } void LuaInterface::insert(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); lua_insert(L, index); } void LuaInterface::remove(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); lua_remove(L, index); } bool LuaInterface::next(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); return lua_next(L, index); } void LuaInterface::getStackFunction(int level) { lua_Debug ar; if(lua_getstack(L, level, &ar) == 1) lua_getinfo(L, "f", &ar); else pushNil(); } void LuaInterface::getRef(int ref) { lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref); } void LuaInterface::getWeakRef(int weakRef) { // pushes weak_table[weakRef] getRef(m_weakTableRef); rawGeti(weakRef); remove(-2); } void LuaInterface::setGlobalEnvironment(int env) { pushThread(); getRef(env); assert(isTable()); setEnv(); pop(); } void LuaInterface::setMetatable(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); lua_setmetatable(L, index); } void LuaInterface::getMetatable(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); lua_getmetatable(L, index); } void LuaInterface::getField(const char* key, int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); assert(isUserdata(index) || isTable(index)); lua_getfield(L, index, key); } void LuaInterface::setField(const char* key, int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); assert(isUserdata(index) || isTable(index)); lua_setfield(L, index, key); } void LuaInterface::getEnv(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); lua_getfenv(L, index); } void LuaInterface::setEnv(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); lua_setfenv(L, index); } void LuaInterface::getTable(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); lua_gettable(L, index); } void LuaInterface::setTable(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); lua_settable(L, index); } void LuaInterface::clearTable(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index) && isTable(index)); pushNil(); // table, nil bool stop = false; while(next(index-1)) { // table, key, value pop(); // table, key pushValue(); // table, key, key if(next(index-2)) { // table, key, nextkey, value pop(); // table, key, nextkey insert(-2); // table, nextkey, key pushNil(); // table, nextkey, key, nil rawSet(index-3); // table, nextkey } else { // table, key pushNil(); // table, key, nil rawSet(index-2); // table break; } } } void LuaInterface::getGlobal(const std::string& key) { lua_getglobal(L, key.c_str()); } void LuaInterface::getGlobalField(const std::string& globalKey, const std::string& fieldKey) { getGlobal(globalKey); if(!isNil()) { assert(isTable() || isUserdata()); getField(fieldKey); remove(-2); } } void LuaInterface::setGlobal(const std::string& key) { assert(hasIndex(-1)); lua_setglobal(L, key.c_str()); } void LuaInterface::rawGet(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); lua_rawget(L, index); } void LuaInterface::rawGeti(int n, int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); lua_rawgeti(L, index, n); } void LuaInterface::rawSet(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); lua_rawset(L, index); } void LuaInterface::rawSeti(int n, int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); lua_rawseti(L, index, n); } void LuaInterface::newTable() { lua_newtable(L); } void LuaInterface::createTable(int narr, int nrec) { lua_createtable(L, narr, nrec); } void* LuaInterface::newUserdata(int size) { return lua_newuserdata(L, size); } void LuaInterface::pop(int n) { if(n > 0) { assert(hasIndex(-n)); lua_pop(L, n); } } long LuaInterface::popInteger() { assert(hasIndex(-1)); long v = toInteger(-1); pop(); return v; } double LuaInterface::popNumber() { assert(hasIndex(-1)); double v = toNumber(-1); pop(); return v; } bool LuaInterface::popBoolean() { assert(hasIndex(-1)); bool v = toBoolean(-1); pop(); return v; } std::string LuaInterface::popString() { assert(hasIndex(-1)); std::string v = toString(-1); pop(); return v; } void* LuaInterface::popUserdata() { assert(hasIndex(-1)); void* v = toUserdata(-1); pop(); return v; } LuaObjectPtr LuaInterface::popObject() { assert(hasIndex(-1)); LuaObjectPtr v = toObject(-1); pop(); return v; } void* LuaInterface::popUpvalueUserdata() { return lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); } void LuaInterface::pushNil() { lua_pushnil(L); checkStack(); } void LuaInterface::pushInteger(long v) { lua_pushinteger(L, v); checkStack(); } void LuaInterface::pushNumber(double v) { lua_pushnumber(L, v); checkStack(); } void LuaInterface::pushBoolean(bool v) { lua_pushboolean(L, v); checkStack(); } void LuaInterface::pushCString(const char* v) { assert(v); lua_pushstring(L, v); checkStack(); } void LuaInterface::pushString(const std::string& v) { lua_pushlstring(L, v.c_str(), v.length()); checkStack(); } void LuaInterface::pushLightUserdata(void* p) { lua_pushlightuserdata(L, p); checkStack(); } void LuaInterface::pushThread() { lua_pushthread(L); checkStack(); } void LuaInterface::pushObject(const LuaObjectPtr& obj) { // fills a new userdata with a new LuaObjectPtr pointer new(newUserdata(sizeof(LuaObjectPtr))) LuaObjectPtr(obj); m_totalObjRefs++; obj->luaGetMetatable(); if(isNil()) g_logger.fatal(stdext::format("metatable for class '%s' not found, did you bind the C++ class?", obj->getClassName())); setMetatable(); } void LuaInterface::pushCFunction(LuaCFunction func, int n) { lua_pushcclosure(L, func, n); checkStack(); } void LuaInterface::pushCppFunction(const LuaCppFunction& func) { // create a pointer to func (this pointer will hold the function existence) new(newUserdata(sizeof(LuaCppFunctionPtr))) LuaCppFunctionPtr(new LuaCppFunction(func)); m_totalFuncRefs++; // sets the userdata __gc metamethod, needed to free the function pointer when it gets collected newTable(); pushCFunction(&LuaInterface::luaCollectCppFunction); setField("__gc"); setMetatable(); // actually pushes a C function callback that will call the cpp function pushCFunction(&LuaInterface::luaCppFunctionCallback, 1); } void LuaInterface::pushValue(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); lua_pushvalue(L, index); checkStack(); } bool LuaInterface::isNil(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); return lua_isnil(L, index); } bool LuaInterface::isBoolean(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); return lua_isboolean(L, index); } bool LuaInterface::isNumber(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); return lua_isnumber(L, index); } bool LuaInterface::isString(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); return lua_isstring(L, index); } bool LuaInterface::isTable(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); return lua_istable(L, index); } bool LuaInterface::isFunction(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); return lua_isfunction(L, index); } bool LuaInterface::isCFunction(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); return lua_iscfunction(L, index); } bool LuaInterface::isUserdata(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); return lua_isuserdata(L, index); } bool LuaInterface::toBoolean(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); return (bool)lua_toboolean(L, index); } int LuaInterface::toInteger(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); return lua_tointeger(L, index); } double LuaInterface::toNumber(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); return lua_tonumber(L, index); } const char* LuaInterface::toCString(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); return lua_tostring(L, index); } std::string LuaInterface::toString(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); std::string str; size_t len; const char *c_str = lua_tolstring(L, index, &len); if(c_str && len > 0) str.assign(c_str, len); return str; } void* LuaInterface::toUserdata(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); return lua_touserdata(L, index); } LuaObjectPtr LuaInterface::toObject(int index) { assert(hasIndex(index)); if(isUserdata(index)) { LuaObjectPtr* objRef = static_cast(toUserdata(index)); if(objRef && *objRef) return *objRef; } return nullptr; } int LuaInterface::getTop() { return lua_gettop(L); } void LuaInterface::loadFiles(std::string directory, bool recursive, std::string contains) { for(const std::string& fileName : g_resources.listDirectoryFiles(directory)) { std::string fullPath = directory + "/" + fileName; if(recursive && g_resources.directoryExists(fullPath)) { loadFiles(fullPath, true, contains); continue; } if(!g_resources.isFileType(fileName, "lua")) continue; if(!contains.empty() && fileName.find(contains) == std::string::npos) continue; try { g_lua.loadScript(fullPath); g_lua.call(0, 0); } catch(stdext::exception& e) { g_lua.pushString(e.what()); g_lua.error(); } } }