ADDON_SETS = { [1] = { 1 }, [2] = { 2 }, [3] = { 1, 2 }, [4] = { 3 }, [5] = { 1, 3 }, [6] = { 2, 3 }, [7] = { 1, 2, 3 } } outfitWindow = nil outfit = nil outfits = nil outfitCreature = nil currentOutfit = 1 addons = nil currentColorBox = nil currentClotheButtonBox = nil colorBoxes = {} mount = nil mounts = nil mountCreature = nil currentMount = 1 function init() connect(g_game, { onOpenOutfitWindow = create, onGameEnd = destroy }) end function terminate() disconnect(g_game, { onOpenOutfitWindow = create, onGameEnd = destroy }) destroy() end function updateMount() if table.empty(mounts) or not mount then return end local nameMountWidget = outfitWindow:getChildById('mountName') nameMountWidget:setText(mounts[currentMount][2]) mount.type = mounts[currentMount][1] mountCreature:setOutfit(mount) end function create(creatureOutfit, outfitList, creatureMount, mountList) if outfitWindow and not outfitWindow:isHidden() then return end outfitCreature = creatureOutfit mountCreature = creatureMount outfits = outfitList mounts = mountList destroy() outfitWindow = g_ui.displayUI('outfitwindow.otui') local colorBoxPanel = outfitWindow:getChildById('colorBoxPanel') -- setup outfit/mount display boxs local outfitCreatureBox = outfitWindow:getChildById('outfitCreatureBox') if outfitCreature then outfit = outfitCreature:getOutfit() outfitCreatureBox:setCreature(outfitCreature) else outfitCreatureBox:hide() outfitWindow:getChildById('outfitName'):hide() outfitWindow:getChildById('outfitNextButton'):hide() outfitWindow:getChildById('outfitPrevButton'):hide() end local mountCreatureBox = outfitWindow:getChildById('mountCreatureBox') if mountCreature then mount = mountCreature:getOutfit() mountCreatureBox:setCreature(mountCreature) else mountCreatureBox:hide() outfitWindow:getChildById('mountName'):hide() outfitWindow:getChildById('mountNextButton'):hide() outfitWindow:getChildById('mountPrevButton'):hide() end -- set addons addons = { [1] = {widget = outfitWindow:getChildById('addon1'), value = 1}, [2] = {widget = outfitWindow:getChildById('addon2'), value = 2}, [3] = {widget = outfitWindow:getChildById('addon3'), value = 4} } for _, addon in pairs(addons) do addon.widget.onCheckChange = function(self) onAddonCheckChange(self, addon.value) end end if outfit.addons > 0 then for _, i in pairs(ADDON_SETS[outfit.addons]) do addons[i].widget:setChecked(true) end end -- hook outfit sections currentClotheButtonBox = outfitWindow:getChildById('head') outfitWindow:getChildById('head').onCheckChange = onClotheCheckChange outfitWindow:getChildById('primary').onCheckChange = onClotheCheckChange outfitWindow:getChildById('secondary').onCheckChange = onClotheCheckChange outfitWindow:getChildById('detail').onCheckChange = onClotheCheckChange -- populate color panel for j=0,6 do for i=0,18 do local colorBox = g_ui.createWidget('ColorBox', colorBoxPanel) local outfitColor = getOufitColor(j*19 + i) colorBox:setImageColor(outfitColor) colorBox:setId('colorBox' .. j*19+i) colorBox.colorId = j*19 + i if j*19 + i == outfit.head then currentColorBox = colorBox colorBox:setChecked(true) end colorBox.onCheckChange = onColorCheckChange colorBoxes[#colorBoxes+1] = colorBox end end -- set current outfit/mount currentOutfit = 1 for i=1,#outfitList do if outfit and outfitList[i][1] == outfit.type then currentOutfit = i break end end currentMount = 1 for i=1,#mountList do if mount and mountList[i][1] == mount.type then currentMount = i break end end updateOutfit() updateMount() end function destroy() if outfitWindow then outfitWindow:destroy() outfitWindow = nil outfitCreature = nil mountCreature = nil currentColorBox = nil currentClotheButtonBox = nil colorBoxes = {} addons = {} end end function randomize() local outfitTemplate = { outfitWindow:getChildById('head'), outfitWindow:getChildById('primary'), outfitWindow:getChildById('secondary'), outfitWindow:getChildById('detail') } for i = 1, #outfitTemplate do outfitTemplate[i]:setChecked(true) colorBoxes[math.random(1, #colorBoxes)]:setChecked(true) outfitTemplate[i]:setChecked(false) end outfitTemplate[1]:setChecked(true) end function accept() if mount then outfit.mount = mount.type end g_game.changeOutfit(outfit) destroy() end function nextOutfitType() if not outfits then return end currentOutfit = currentOutfit + 1 if currentOutfit > #outfits then currentOutfit = 1 end updateOutfit() end function previousOutfitType() if not outfits then return end currentOutfit = currentOutfit - 1 if currentOutfit <= 0 then currentOutfit = #outfits end updateOutfit() end function nextMountType() if not mounts then return end currentMount = currentMount + 1 if currentMount > #mounts then currentMount = 1 end updateMount() end function previousMountType() if not mounts then return end currentMount = currentMount - 1 if currentMount <= 0 then currentMount = #mounts end updateMount() end function onAddonCheckChange(addon, value) if addon:isChecked() then outfit.addons = outfit.addons + value else outfit.addons = outfit.addons - value end outfitCreature:setOutfit(outfit) end function onColorCheckChange(colorBox) if colorBox == currentColorBox then colorBox.onCheckChange = nil colorBox:setChecked(true) colorBox.onCheckChange = onColorCheckChange else currentColorBox.onCheckChange = nil currentColorBox:setChecked(false) currentColorBox.onCheckChange = onColorCheckChange currentColorBox = colorBox if currentClotheButtonBox:getId() == 'head' then outfit.head = currentColorBox.colorId elseif currentClotheButtonBox:getId() == 'primary' then outfit.body = currentColorBox.colorId elseif currentClotheButtonBox:getId() == 'secondary' then outfit.legs = currentColorBox.colorId elseif currentClotheButtonBox:getId() == 'detail' then outfit.feet = currentColorBox.colorId end outfitCreature:setOutfit(outfit) end end function onClotheCheckChange(clotheButtonBox) if clotheButtonBox == currentClotheButtonBox then clotheButtonBox.onCheckChange = nil clotheButtonBox:setChecked(true) clotheButtonBox.onCheckChange = onClotheCheckChange else currentClotheButtonBox.onCheckChange = nil currentClotheButtonBox:setChecked(false) currentClotheButtonBox.onCheckChange = onClotheCheckChange currentClotheButtonBox = clotheButtonBox local colorId = 0 if currentClotheButtonBox:getId() == 'head' then colorId = outfit.head elseif currentClotheButtonBox:getId() == 'primary' then colorId = outfit.body elseif currentClotheButtonBox:getId() == 'secondary' then colorId = outfit.legs elseif currentClotheButtonBox:getId() == 'detail' then colorId = outfit.feet end outfitWindow:recursiveGetChildById('colorBox' .. colorId):setChecked(true) end end function updateOutfit() if table.empty(outfits) or not outfit then return end local nameWidget = outfitWindow:getChildById('outfitName') nameWidget:setText(outfits[currentOutfit][2]) local availableAddons = outfits[currentOutfit][3] local prevAddons = {} for k, addon in pairs(addons) do prevAddons[k] = addon.widget:isChecked() addon.widget:setChecked(false) addon.widget:setEnabled(false) end if availableAddons > 0 then for _, i in pairs(ADDON_SETS[availableAddons]) do addons[i].widget:setEnabled(true) end end outfit.addons = 0 for i = 1, #prevAddons do local addon = prevAddons[i] if addon and addons[i].widget:isEnabled() then addons[i].widget:setChecked(true) end end outfit.type = outfits[currentOutfit][1] outfitCreature:setOutfit(outfit) end