/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "uiwidget.h" #include "uimanager.h" #include "uianchorlayout.h" #include "uitranslator.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include UIWidget::UIWidget() { m_lastFocusReason = Fw::ActiveFocusReason; m_states = Fw::DefaultState; m_clickTimer.stop(); m_autoRepeatDelay = 500; initBaseStyle(); initText(); initImage(); } UIWidget::~UIWidget() { #ifndef NDEBUG assert(!g_app.isTerminated()); if(!m_destroyed) g_logger.warning(stdext::format("widget '%s' was not explicitly destroyed", m_id)); #endif } void UIWidget::draw(const Rect& visibleRect, Fw::DrawPane drawPane) { if(m_clipping) g_painter->setClipRect(visibleRect); drawSelf(drawPane); if(m_children.size() > 0) { if(m_clipping) g_painter->setClipRect(visibleRect.intersection(getPaddingRect())); drawChildren(visibleRect, drawPane); } if(m_clipping) g_painter->resetClipRect(); } void UIWidget::drawSelf(Fw::DrawPane drawPane) { if((drawPane & Fw::ForegroundPane) == 0) return; // draw style components in order if(m_backgroundColor.aF() > Fw::MIN_ALPHA) { Rect backgroundDestRect = m_rect; backgroundDestRect.expand(-m_borderWidth.top, -m_borderWidth.right, -m_borderWidth.bottom, -m_borderWidth.left); drawBackground(m_rect); } drawImage(m_rect); drawBorder(m_rect); drawIcon(m_rect); drawText(m_rect); } void UIWidget::drawChildren(const Rect& visibleRect, Fw::DrawPane drawPane) { // draw children for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : m_children) { // render only visible children with a valid rect inside parent rect if(!child->isExplicitlyVisible() || !child->getRect().isValid() || child->getOpacity() < Fw::MIN_ALPHA) continue; Rect childVisibleRect = visibleRect.intersection(child->getRect()); if(!childVisibleRect.isValid()) continue; // store current graphics opacity float oldOpacity = g_painter->getOpacity(); // decrease to self opacity if(child->getOpacity() < oldOpacity) g_painter->setOpacity(child->getOpacity()); child->draw(childVisibleRect, drawPane); // debug draw box if(g_ui.isDrawingDebugBoxes() && drawPane & Fw::ForegroundPane) { g_painter->setColor(Color::green); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(child->getRect()); } //g_fonts.getDefaultFont()->renderText(child->getId(), child->getPosition() + Point(2, 0), Color::red); g_painter->setOpacity(oldOpacity); } } void UIWidget::addChild(const UIWidgetPtr& child) { if(!child) { g_logger.warning("attempt to add a null child into a UIWidget"); return; } if(child->isDestroyed()) { g_logger.warning("attemp to add a destroyed child into a UIWidget"); return; } if(hasChild(child)) { g_logger.warning("attempt to add a child again into a UIWidget"); return; } UIWidgetPtr oldLastChild = getLastChild(); m_children.push_back(child); child->setParent(static_self_cast()); // create default layout if(!m_layout) m_layout = UIAnchorLayoutPtr(new UIAnchorLayout(static_self_cast())); // add to layout and updates it m_layout->addWidget(child); // update new child states child->updateStates(); // update old child index states if(oldLastChild) { oldLastChild->updateState(Fw::MiddleState); oldLastChild->updateState(Fw::LastState); } g_ui.onWidgetAppear(child); } void UIWidget::insertChild(int index, const UIWidgetPtr& child) { if(!child) { g_logger.warning("attempt to insert a null child into a UIWidget"); return; } if(hasChild(child)) { g_logger.warning("attempt to insert a child again into a UIWidget"); return; } index = index <= 0 ? (m_children.size() + index) : index-1; if(!(index >= 0 && (uint)index <= m_children.size())) { g_logger.traceError("attemp to insert a child in an invalid index"); return; } // retrieve child by index auto it = m_children.begin() + index; m_children.insert(it, child); child->setParent(static_self_cast()); // create default layout if needed if(!m_layout) m_layout = UIAnchorLayoutPtr(new UIAnchorLayout(static_self_cast())); // add to layout and updates it m_layout->addWidget(child); // update new child states child->updateStates(); updateChildrenIndexStates(); g_ui.onWidgetAppear(child); } void UIWidget::removeChild(UIWidgetPtr child) { // remove from children list if(hasChild(child)) { // defocus if needed bool focusAnother = false; if(m_focusedChild == child) { focusChild(nullptr, Fw::ActiveFocusReason); focusAnother = true; } if(isChildLocked(child)) unlockChild(child); auto it = std::find(m_children.begin(), m_children.end(), child); m_children.erase(it); // reset child parent assert(child->getParent() == static_self_cast()); child->setParent(nullptr); m_layout->removeWidget(child); // update child states child->updateStates(); updateChildrenIndexStates(); if(focusAnother && !m_focusedChild) focusPreviousChild(Fw::ActiveFocusReason); g_ui.onWidgetDisappear(child); } else g_logger.error("attempt to remove an unknown child from a UIWidget"); } void UIWidget::focusChild(const UIWidgetPtr& child, Fw::FocusReason reason) { if(m_destroyed) return; if(child == m_focusedChild) return; if(child && !hasChild(child)) { g_logger.error("attempt to focus an unknown child in a UIWidget"); return; } UIWidgetPtr oldFocused = m_focusedChild; m_focusedChild = child; if(child) { child->setLastFocusReason(reason); child->updateState(Fw::FocusState); child->updateState(Fw::ActiveState); child->onFocusChange(true, reason); } if(oldFocused) { oldFocused->setLastFocusReason(reason); oldFocused->updateState(Fw::FocusState); oldFocused->updateState(Fw::ActiveState); oldFocused->onFocusChange(false, reason); } onChildFocusChange(child, oldFocused, reason); } void UIWidget::focusNextChild(Fw::FocusReason reason) { if(m_destroyed) return; UIWidgetPtr toFocus; UIWidgetList rotatedChildren(m_children); if(m_focusedChild) { auto focusedIt = std::find(rotatedChildren.begin(), rotatedChildren.end(), m_focusedChild); if(focusedIt != rotatedChildren.end()) { std::rotate(rotatedChildren.begin(), focusedIt, rotatedChildren.end()); rotatedChildren.pop_front(); } } // finds next child to focus for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : rotatedChildren) { if(child->isFocusable() && child->isExplicitlyEnabled() && child->isVisible()) { toFocus = child; break; } } if(toFocus) focusChild(toFocus, reason); } void UIWidget::focusPreviousChild(Fw::FocusReason reason) { if(m_destroyed) return; UIWidgetPtr toFocus; UIWidgetList rotatedChildren(m_children); std::reverse(rotatedChildren.begin(), rotatedChildren.end()); if(m_focusedChild) { auto focusedIt = std::find(rotatedChildren.begin(), rotatedChildren.end(), m_focusedChild); if(focusedIt != rotatedChildren.end()) { std::rotate(rotatedChildren.begin(), focusedIt, rotatedChildren.end()); rotatedChildren.pop_front(); } } // finds next child to focus for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : rotatedChildren) { if(child->isFocusable() && child->isExplicitlyEnabled() && child->isVisible()) { toFocus = child; break; } } if(toFocus) focusChild(toFocus, reason); } void UIWidget::lowerChild(UIWidgetPtr child) { if(m_destroyed) return; if(!child) return; // remove and push child again auto it = std::find(m_children.begin(), m_children.end(), child); if(it == m_children.end()) { g_logger.traceError("cannot find child"); return; } m_children.erase(it); m_children.push_front(child); updateChildrenIndexStates(); } void UIWidget::raiseChild(UIWidgetPtr child) { if(m_destroyed) return; if(!child) return; // remove and push child again auto it = std::find(m_children.begin(), m_children.end(), child); if(it == m_children.end()) { g_logger.traceError("cannot find child"); return; } m_children.erase(it); m_children.push_back(child); updateChildrenIndexStates(); } void UIWidget::moveChildToIndex(const UIWidgetPtr& child, int index) { if(m_destroyed) return; if(!child) return; if((uint)index - 1 > m_children.size()) { g_logger.error(stdext::format("moving %s to index %d on %s", child->getId(), index, m_id)); return; } // remove and push child again auto it = std::find(m_children.begin(), m_children.end(), child); if(it == m_children.end()) { g_logger.traceError("cannot find child"); return; } m_children.erase(it); m_children.insert(m_children.begin() + index - 1, child); updateChildrenIndexStates(); updateLayout(); } void UIWidget::lockChild(const UIWidgetPtr& child) { if(m_destroyed) return; if(!child) return; if(!hasChild(child)) { g_logger.traceError("cannot find child"); return; } // prevent double locks if(isChildLocked(child)) unlockChild(child); // disable all other children for(const UIWidgetPtr& otherChild : m_children) { if(otherChild == child) child->setEnabled(true); else otherChild->setEnabled(false); } m_lockedChildren.push_front(child); // lock child focus if(child->isFocusable()) focusChild(child, Fw::ActiveFocusReason); } void UIWidget::unlockChild(const UIWidgetPtr& child) { if(m_destroyed) return; if(!child) return; if(!hasChild(child)) { g_logger.traceError("cannot find child"); return; } auto it = std::find(m_lockedChildren.begin(), m_lockedChildren.end(), child); if(it == m_lockedChildren.end()) return; m_lockedChildren.erase(it); // find new child to lock UIWidgetPtr lockedChild; if(m_lockedChildren.size() > 0) { lockedChild = m_lockedChildren.front(); assert(hasChild(lockedChild)); } for(const UIWidgetPtr& otherChild : m_children) { // lock new child if(lockedChild) { if(otherChild == lockedChild) lockedChild->setEnabled(true); else otherChild->setEnabled(false); } // else unlock all else otherChild->setEnabled(true); } if(lockedChild) { if(lockedChild->isFocusable()) focusChild(lockedChild, Fw::ActiveFocusReason); } } void UIWidget::mergeStyle(const OTMLNodePtr& styleNode) { applyStyle(styleNode); m_style->merge(styleNode); updateStyle(); } void UIWidget::applyStyle(const OTMLNodePtr& styleNode) { if(m_destroyed) return; if(styleNode->size() == 0) return; m_loadingStyle = true; try { // translate ! style tags for(const OTMLNodePtr& node : styleNode->children()) { if(node->tag()[0] == '!') { std::string tag = node->tag().substr(1); std::string code = stdext::format("tostring(%s)", node->value().c_str()); std::string origin = "@" + node->source() + "[" + node->tag() + "]"; g_lua.evaluateExpression(code, origin); std::string value = g_lua.popString(); node->setTag(tag); node->setValue(value); } } onStyleApply(styleNode->tag(), styleNode); callLuaField("onStyleApply", styleNode->tag(), styleNode); if(m_firstOnStyle) { auto self = static_self_cast(); g_dispatcher.addEvent([self] { self->callLuaField("onSetup"); }); // always focus new child if(isFocusable() && isExplicitlyVisible() && isExplicitlyEnabled()) focus(); } m_firstOnStyle = false; } catch(stdext::exception& e) { g_logger.error(stdext::format("failed to apply style to widget '%s': %s", m_id, e.what())); } m_loadingStyle = false; } void UIWidget::addAnchor(Fw::AnchorEdge anchoredEdge, const std::string& hookedWidgetId, Fw::AnchorEdge hookedEdge) { if(m_destroyed) return; if(UIAnchorLayoutPtr anchorLayout = getAnchoredLayout()) anchorLayout->addAnchor(static_self_cast(), anchoredEdge, hookedWidgetId, hookedEdge); else g_logger.error(stdext::format("cannot add anchors to widget '%s': the parent doesn't use anchors layout", m_id)); } void UIWidget::removeAnchor(Fw::AnchorEdge anchoredEdge) { addAnchor(anchoredEdge, "none", Fw::AnchorNone); } void UIWidget::centerIn(const std::string& hookedWidgetId) { if(m_destroyed) return; if(UIAnchorLayoutPtr anchorLayout = getAnchoredLayout()) { anchorLayout->addAnchor(static_self_cast(), Fw::AnchorHorizontalCenter, hookedWidgetId, Fw::AnchorHorizontalCenter); anchorLayout->addAnchor(static_self_cast(), Fw::AnchorVerticalCenter, hookedWidgetId, Fw::AnchorVerticalCenter); } else g_logger.error(stdext::format("cannot add anchors to widget '%s': the parent doesn't use anchors layout", m_id)); } void UIWidget::fill(const std::string& hookedWidgetId) { if(m_destroyed) return; if(UIAnchorLayoutPtr anchorLayout = getAnchoredLayout()) { anchorLayout->addAnchor(static_self_cast(), Fw::AnchorLeft, hookedWidgetId, Fw::AnchorLeft); anchorLayout->addAnchor(static_self_cast(), Fw::AnchorRight, hookedWidgetId, Fw::AnchorRight); anchorLayout->addAnchor(static_self_cast(), Fw::AnchorTop, hookedWidgetId, Fw::AnchorTop); anchorLayout->addAnchor(static_self_cast(), Fw::AnchorBottom, hookedWidgetId, Fw::AnchorBottom); } else g_logger.error(stdext::format("cannot add anchors to widget '%s': the parent doesn't use anchors layout", m_id)); } void UIWidget::breakAnchors() { if(m_destroyed) return; if(UIAnchorLayoutPtr anchorLayout = getAnchoredLayout()) anchorLayout->removeAnchors(static_self_cast()); } void UIWidget::updateParentLayout() { if(m_destroyed) return; if(UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent()) parent->updateLayout(); else updateLayout(); } void UIWidget::updateLayout() { if(m_destroyed) return; if(m_layout) m_layout->update(); // children can affect the parent layout if(UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent()) if(UILayoutPtr parentLayout = parent->getLayout()) parentLayout->updateLater(); } void UIWidget::lock() { if(m_destroyed) return; if(UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent()) parent->lockChild(static_self_cast()); } void UIWidget::unlock() { if(m_destroyed) return; if(UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent()) parent->unlockChild(static_self_cast()); } void UIWidget::focus() { if(m_destroyed) return; if(!m_focusable) return; if(UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent()) parent->focusChild(static_self_cast(), Fw::ActiveFocusReason); } void UIWidget::recursiveFocus(Fw::FocusReason reason) { if(m_destroyed) return; if(UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent()) { if(m_focusable) parent->focusChild(static_self_cast(), reason); parent->recursiveFocus(reason); } } void UIWidget::lower() { if(m_destroyed) return; UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent(); if(parent) parent->lowerChild(static_self_cast()); } void UIWidget::raise() { if(m_destroyed) return; UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent(); if(parent) parent->raiseChild(static_self_cast()); } void UIWidget::grabMouse() { if(m_destroyed) return; g_ui.setMouseReceiver(static_self_cast()); } void UIWidget::ungrabMouse() { if(g_ui.getMouseReceiver() == static_self_cast()) g_ui.resetMouseReceiver(); } void UIWidget::grabKeyboard() { if(m_destroyed) return; g_ui.setKeyboardReceiver(static_self_cast()); } void UIWidget::ungrabKeyboard() { if(g_ui.getKeyboardReceiver() == static_self_cast()) g_ui.resetKeyboardReceiver(); } void UIWidget::bindRectToParent() { if(m_destroyed) return; Rect boundRect = m_rect; UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent(); if(parent) { Rect parentRect = parent->getPaddingRect(); boundRect.bind(parentRect); } setRect(boundRect); } void UIWidget::internalDestroy() { m_destroyed = true; m_visible = false; m_enabled = false; m_focusedChild = nullptr; if(m_layout) { m_layout->setParent(nullptr); m_layout = nullptr; } m_parent = nullptr; m_lockedChildren.clear(); for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : m_children) child->internalDestroy(); m_children.clear(); callLuaField("onDestroy"); releaseLuaFieldsTable(); g_ui.onWidgetDestroy(static_self_cast()); } void UIWidget::destroy() { if(m_destroyed) g_logger.warning(stdext::format("attempt to destroy widget '%s' two times", m_id)); // hold itself reference UIWidgetPtr self = static_self_cast(); m_destroyed = true; // remove itself from parent if(UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent()) parent->removeChild(self); internalDestroy(); } void UIWidget::destroyChildren() { UILayoutPtr layout = getLayout(); if(layout) layout->disableUpdates(); m_focusedChild = nullptr; m_lockedChildren.clear(); while(!m_children.empty()) { UIWidgetPtr child = m_children.front(); m_children.pop_front(); child->setParent(nullptr); m_layout->removeWidget(child); child->destroy(); } layout->enableUpdates(); } void UIWidget::setId(const std::string& id) { if(id != m_id) { m_id = id; callLuaField("onIdChange", id); } } void UIWidget::setParent(const UIWidgetPtr& parent) { // remove from old parent UIWidgetPtr oldParent = getParent(); // the parent is already the same if(oldParent == parent) return; UIWidgetPtr self = static_self_cast(); if(oldParent && oldParent->hasChild(self)) oldParent->removeChild(self); // reset parent m_parent.reset(); // set new parent if(parent) { m_parent = parent; // add to parent if needed if(!parent->hasChild(self)) parent->addChild(self); } } void UIWidget::setLayout(const UILayoutPtr& layout) { if(m_layout) m_layout->disableUpdates(); layout->setParent(static_self_cast()); layout->disableUpdates(); for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : m_children) { if(m_layout) m_layout->removeWidget(child); layout->addWidget(child); } if(m_layout) { m_layout->enableUpdates(); m_layout->setParent(nullptr); m_layout->update(); } layout->enableUpdates(); m_layout = layout; } bool UIWidget::setRect(const Rect& rect) { /* if(rect.width() > 8192 || rect.height() > 8192) { g_logger.error(stdext::format("attempt to set huge rect size (%s) for %s", stdext::to_string(rect), m_id)); return false; } */ // only update if the rect really changed Rect oldRect = m_rect; if(rect == oldRect) return false; m_rect = rect; // updates own layout updateLayout(); // avoid massive update events if(!m_updateEventScheduled) { UIWidgetPtr self = static_self_cast(); g_dispatcher.addEvent([self, oldRect]() { self->m_updateEventScheduled = false; if(oldRect != self->getRect()) self->onGeometryChange(oldRect, self->getRect()); }); m_updateEventScheduled = true; } // update hovered widget when moved behind mouse area if(containsPoint(g_window.getMousePosition())) g_ui.updateHoveredWidget(); return true; } void UIWidget::setStyle(const std::string& styleName) { OTMLNodePtr styleNode = g_ui.getStyle(styleName); if(!styleNode) { g_logger.traceError(stdext::format("unable to retrieve style '%s': not a defined style", styleName)); return; } styleNode = styleNode->clone(); applyStyle(styleNode); m_style = styleNode; updateStyle(); } void UIWidget::setStyleFromNode(const OTMLNodePtr& styleNode) { applyStyle(styleNode); m_style = styleNode; updateStyle(); } void UIWidget::setEnabled(bool enabled) { if(enabled != m_enabled) { m_enabled = enabled; updateState(Fw::DisabledState); updateState(Fw::ActiveState); } } void UIWidget::setVisible(bool visible) { if(m_visible != visible) { m_visible = visible; // hiding a widget make it lose focus if(!visible && isFocused()) { if(UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent()) parent->focusPreviousChild(Fw::ActiveFocusReason); } // visibility can change change parent layout updateParentLayout(); updateState(Fw::ActiveState); // visibility can change the current hovered widget if(visible) g_ui.onWidgetAppear(static_self_cast()); else g_ui.onWidgetDisappear(static_self_cast()); callLuaField("onVisibilityChange", visible); } } void UIWidget::setOn(bool on) { setState(Fw::OnState, on); } void UIWidget::setChecked(bool checked) { if(setState(Fw::CheckedState, checked)) callLuaField("onCheckChange", checked); } void UIWidget::setFocusable(bool focusable) { if(m_focusable != focusable) { m_focusable = focusable; // make parent focus another child if(!focusable && isFocused()) { if(UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent()) parent->focusPreviousChild(Fw::ActiveFocusReason); } } } void UIWidget::setPhantom(bool phantom) { m_phantom = phantom; } void UIWidget::setDraggable(bool draggable) { m_draggable = draggable; } void UIWidget::setFixedSize(bool fixed) { m_fixedSize = fixed; updateParentLayout(); } void UIWidget::setLastFocusReason(Fw::FocusReason reason) { m_lastFocusReason = reason; } void UIWidget::setVirtualOffset(const Point& offset) { m_virtualOffset = offset; if(m_layout) m_layout->update(); } bool UIWidget::isVisible() { if(!m_visible) return false; else if(UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent()) return parent->isVisible(); else return static_self_cast() == g_ui.getRootWidget(); } bool UIWidget::isAnchored() { if(UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent()) if(UIAnchorLayoutPtr anchorLayout = parent->getAnchoredLayout()) return anchorLayout->hasAnchors(static_self_cast()); return false; } bool UIWidget::isChildLocked(const UIWidgetPtr& child) { auto it = std::find(m_lockedChildren.begin(), m_lockedChildren.end(), child); return it != m_lockedChildren.end(); } bool UIWidget::hasChild(const UIWidgetPtr& child) { auto it = std::find(m_children.begin(), m_children.end(), child); if(it != m_children.end()) return true; return false; } int UIWidget::getChildIndex(const UIWidgetPtr& child) { int index = 1; for(auto it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); ++it) { if(*it == child) return index; ++index; } return -1; } Rect UIWidget::getPaddingRect() { Rect rect = m_rect; rect.expand(-m_padding.top, -m_padding.right, -m_padding.bottom, -m_padding.left); return rect; } Rect UIWidget::getMarginRect() { Rect rect = m_rect; rect.expand(m_margin.top, m_margin.right, m_margin.bottom, m_margin.left); return rect; } Rect UIWidget::getChildrenRect() { Rect childrenRect; for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : m_children) { if(!child->isExplicitlyVisible() || !child->getRect().isValid()) continue; Rect marginRect = child->getMarginRect(); if(!childrenRect.isValid()) childrenRect = marginRect; else childrenRect = childrenRect.united(marginRect); } Rect myClippingRect = getPaddingRect(); if(!childrenRect.isValid()) childrenRect = myClippingRect; else { if(childrenRect.width() < myClippingRect.width()) childrenRect.setWidth(myClippingRect.width()); if(childrenRect.height() < myClippingRect.height()) childrenRect.setHeight(myClippingRect.height()); } return childrenRect; } UIAnchorLayoutPtr UIWidget::getAnchoredLayout() { UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent(); if(!parent) return nullptr; UILayoutPtr layout = parent->getLayout(); if(layout->isUIAnchorLayout()) return layout->static_self_cast(); return nullptr; } UIWidgetPtr UIWidget::getRootParent() { if(UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent()) return parent->getRootParent(); else return static_self_cast(); } UIWidgetPtr UIWidget::getChildAfter(const UIWidgetPtr& relativeChild) { auto it = std::find(m_children.begin(), m_children.end(), relativeChild); if(it != m_children.end() && ++it != m_children.end()) return *it; return nullptr; } UIWidgetPtr UIWidget::getChildBefore(const UIWidgetPtr& relativeChild) { auto it = std::find(m_children.rbegin(), m_children.rend(), relativeChild); if(it != m_children.rend() && ++it != m_children.rend()) return *it; return nullptr; } UIWidgetPtr UIWidget::getChildById(const std::string& childId) { for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : m_children) { if(child->getId() == childId) return child; } return nullptr; } UIWidgetPtr UIWidget::getChildByPos(const Point& childPos) { if(!containsPaddingPoint(childPos)) return nullptr; for(auto it = m_children.rbegin(); it != m_children.rend(); ++it) { const UIWidgetPtr& child = (*it); if(child->isExplicitlyVisible() && child->containsPoint(childPos)) return child; } return nullptr; } UIWidgetPtr UIWidget::getChildByIndex(int index) { index = index <= 0 ? (m_children.size() + index) : index-1; if(index >= 0 && (uint)index < m_children.size()) return m_children.at(index); return nullptr; } UIWidgetPtr UIWidget::recursiveGetChildById(const std::string& id) { UIWidgetPtr widget = getChildById(id); if(!widget) { for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : m_children) { widget = child->recursiveGetChildById(id); if(widget) break; } } return widget; } UIWidgetPtr UIWidget::recursiveGetChildByPos(const Point& childPos, bool wantsPhantom) { if(!containsPaddingPoint(childPos)) return nullptr; for(auto it = m_children.rbegin(); it != m_children.rend(); ++it) { const UIWidgetPtr& child = (*it); if(child->isExplicitlyVisible() && child->containsPoint(childPos)) { UIWidgetPtr subChild = child->recursiveGetChildByPos(childPos, wantsPhantom); if(subChild) return subChild; else if(wantsPhantom || !child->isPhantom()) return child; } } return nullptr; } UIWidgetList UIWidget::recursiveGetChildren() { UIWidgetList children; for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : m_children) { UIWidgetList subChildren = child->recursiveGetChildren(); if(!subChildren.empty()) children.insert(children.end(), subChildren.begin(), subChildren.end()); children.push_back(child); } return children; } UIWidgetList UIWidget::recursiveGetChildrenByPos(const Point& childPos) { UIWidgetList children; if(!containsPaddingPoint(childPos)) return children; for(auto it = m_children.rbegin(); it != m_children.rend(); ++it) { const UIWidgetPtr& child = (*it); if(child->isExplicitlyVisible() && child->containsPoint(childPos)) { UIWidgetList subChildren = child->recursiveGetChildrenByPos(childPos); if(!subChildren.empty()) children.insert(children.end(), subChildren.begin(), subChildren.end()); children.push_back(child); } } return children; } UIWidgetList UIWidget::recursiveGetChildrenByMarginPos(const Point& childPos) { UIWidgetList children; if(!containsPaddingPoint(childPos)) return children; for(auto it = m_children.rbegin(); it != m_children.rend(); ++it) { const UIWidgetPtr& child = (*it); if(child->isExplicitlyVisible() && child->containsMarginPoint(childPos)) { UIWidgetList subChildren = child->recursiveGetChildrenByMarginPos(childPos); if(!subChildren.empty()) children.insert(children.end(), subChildren.begin(), subChildren.end()); children.push_back(child); } } return children; } UIWidgetPtr UIWidget::backwardsGetWidgetById(const std::string& id) { UIWidgetPtr widget = getChildById(id); if(!widget) { if(UIWidgetPtr parent = getParent()) widget = parent->backwardsGetWidgetById(id); } return widget; } bool UIWidget::setState(Fw::WidgetState state, bool on) { if(state == Fw::InvalidState) return false; int oldStates = m_states; if(on) m_states |= state; else m_states &= ~state; if(oldStates != m_states) { updateStyle(); return true; } return false; } bool UIWidget::hasState(Fw::WidgetState state) { if(state == Fw::InvalidState) return false; return (m_states & state); } void UIWidget::updateState(Fw::WidgetState state) { if(m_destroyed) return; bool newStatus = true; bool oldStatus = hasState(state); bool updateChildren = false; switch(state) { case Fw::ActiveState: { UIWidgetPtr widget = static_self_cast(); UIWidgetPtr parent; do { parent = widget->getParent(); if(!widget->isExplicitlyEnabled() || ((parent && parent->getFocusedChild() != widget))) { newStatus = false; break; } } while((widget = parent)); updateChildren = newStatus != oldStatus; break; } case Fw::FocusState: { newStatus = (getParent() && getParent()->getFocusedChild() == static_self_cast()); break; } case Fw::HoverState: { newStatus = (g_ui.getHoveredWidget() == static_self_cast() && isEnabled()); break; } case Fw::PressedState: { newStatus = (g_ui.getPressedWidget() == static_self_cast()); break; } case Fw::DraggingState: { newStatus = (g_ui.getDraggingWidget() == static_self_cast()); break; } case Fw::DisabledState: { bool enabled = true; UIWidgetPtr widget = static_self_cast(); do { if(!widget->isExplicitlyEnabled()) { enabled = false; break; } } while((widget = widget->getParent())); newStatus = !enabled; updateChildren = newStatus != oldStatus; break; } case Fw::FirstState: { newStatus = (getParent() && getParent()->getFirstChild() == static_self_cast()); break; } case Fw::MiddleState: { newStatus = (getParent() && getParent()->getFirstChild() != static_self_cast() && getParent()->getLastChild() != static_self_cast()); break; } case Fw::LastState: { newStatus = (getParent() && getParent()->getLastChild() == static_self_cast()); break; } case Fw::AlternateState: { newStatus = (getParent() && (getParent()->getChildIndex(static_self_cast()) % 2) == 1); break; } default: return; } if(updateChildren) { // do a backup of children list, because it may change while looping it UIWidgetList children = m_children; for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : children) child->updateState(state); } if(setState(state, newStatus)) { // disabled widgets cannot have hover state if(state == Fw::DisabledState && !newStatus && isHovered()) { g_ui.updateHoveredWidget(); } } } void UIWidget::updateStates() { if(m_destroyed) return; for(int state = 1; state != Fw::LastWidgetState; state <<= 1) updateState((Fw::WidgetState)state); } void UIWidget::updateChildrenIndexStates() { if(m_destroyed) return; for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : m_children) { child->updateState(Fw::FirstState); child->updateState(Fw::MiddleState); child->updateState(Fw::LastState); child->updateState(Fw::AlternateState); } } void UIWidget::updateStyle() { if(m_destroyed) return; if(m_loadingStyle && !m_updateStyleScheduled) { UIWidgetPtr self = static_self_cast(); g_dispatcher.addEvent([self] { self->m_updateStyleScheduled = false; self->updateStyle(); }); m_updateStyleScheduled = true; return; } if(!m_style) return; OTMLNodePtr newStateStyle = OTMLNode::create(); // copy only the changed styles from default style if(m_stateStyle) { for(OTMLNodePtr node : m_stateStyle->children()) { if(OTMLNodePtr otherNode = m_style->get(node->tag())) newStateStyle->addChild(otherNode->clone()); } } // checks for states combination for(const OTMLNodePtr& style : m_style->children()) { if(stdext::starts_with(style->tag(), "$")) { std::string statesStr = style->tag().substr(1); std::vector statesSplit = stdext::split(statesStr, " "); bool match = true; for(std::string stateStr : statesSplit) { if(stateStr.length() == 0) continue; bool notstate = (stateStr[0] == '!'); if(notstate) stateStr = stateStr.substr(1); bool stateOn = hasState(Fw::translateState(stateStr)); if((!notstate && !stateOn) || (notstate && stateOn)) match = false; } // merge states styles if(match) { newStateStyle->merge(style); } } } //TODO: prevent setting already set proprieties applyStyle(newStateStyle); m_stateStyle = newStateStyle; } void UIWidget::onStyleApply(const std::string& styleName, const OTMLNodePtr& styleNode) { if(m_destroyed) return; // first set id if(const OTMLNodePtr& node = styleNode->get("id")) setId(node->value()); parseBaseStyle(styleNode); parseImageStyle(styleNode); parseTextStyle(styleNode); g_app.repaint(); } void UIWidget::onGeometryChange(const Rect& oldRect, const Rect& newRect) { if(m_textWrap && oldRect.size() != newRect.size()) updateText(); // move children that is outside the parent rect to inside again for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : m_children) { if(!child->isAnchored()) child->bindRectToParent(); } callLuaField("onGeometryChange", oldRect, newRect); g_app.repaint(); } void UIWidget::onLayoutUpdate() { callLuaField("onLayoutUpdate"); } void UIWidget::onFocusChange(bool focused, Fw::FocusReason reason) { callLuaField("onFocusChange", focused, reason); } void UIWidget::onChildFocusChange(const UIWidgetPtr& focusedChild, const UIWidgetPtr& unfocusedChild, Fw::FocusReason reason) { callLuaField("onChildFocusChange", focusedChild, unfocusedChild, reason); } void UIWidget::onHoverChange(bool hovered) { callLuaField("onHoverChange", hovered); } bool UIWidget::onDragEnter(const Point& mousePos) { return callLuaField("onDragEnter", mousePos); } bool UIWidget::onDragLeave(UIWidgetPtr droppedWidget, const Point& mousePos) { return callLuaField("onDragLeave", droppedWidget, mousePos); } bool UIWidget::onDragMove(const Point& mousePos, const Point& mouseMoved) { return callLuaField("onDragMove", mousePos, mouseMoved); } bool UIWidget::onDrop(UIWidgetPtr draggedWidget, const Point& mousePos) { return callLuaField("onDrop", draggedWidget, mousePos); } bool UIWidget::onKeyText(const std::string& keyText) { return callLuaField("onKeyText", keyText); } bool UIWidget::onKeyDown(uchar keyCode, int keyboardModifiers) { return callLuaField("onKeyDown", keyCode, keyboardModifiers); } bool UIWidget::onKeyPress(uchar keyCode, int keyboardModifiers, int autoRepeatTicks) { return callLuaField("onKeyPress", keyCode, keyboardModifiers, autoRepeatTicks); } bool UIWidget::onKeyUp(uchar keyCode, int keyboardModifiers) { return callLuaField("onKeyUp", keyCode, keyboardModifiers); } bool UIWidget::onMousePress(const Point& mousePos, Fw::MouseButton button) { if(button == Fw::MouseLeftButton) { if(m_clickTimer.running() && m_clickTimer.ticksElapsed() <= 500) { if(onDoubleClick(mousePos)) return true; m_clickTimer.stop(); } else m_clickTimer.restart(); m_lastClickPosition = mousePos; } if(hasLuaField("onMousePress")) return callLuaField("onMousePress", mousePos, button); return false; } bool UIWidget::onMouseRelease(const Point& mousePos, Fw::MouseButton button) { return callLuaField("onMouseRelease", mousePos, button); } bool UIWidget::onMouseMove(const Point& mousePos, const Point& mouseMoved) { return callLuaField("onMouseMove", mousePos, mouseMoved); } bool UIWidget::onMouseWheel(const Point& mousePos, Fw::MouseWheelDirection direction) { return callLuaField("onMouseWheel", mousePos, direction); } bool UIWidget::onClick(const Point& mousePos) { if(hasLuaField("onClick")) { callLuaField("onClick", mousePos); return true; } return false; } bool UIWidget::onDoubleClick(const Point& mousePos) { if(hasLuaField("onDoubleClick")) { callLuaField("onDoubleClick", mousePos); return true; } return false; } bool UIWidget::propagateOnKeyText(const std::string& keyText) { // do a backup of children list, because it may change while looping it UIWidgetList children; for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : m_children) { // events on hidden or disabled widgets are discarded if(!child->isExplicitlyEnabled() || !child->isExplicitlyVisible()) continue; // key events go only to containers or focused child if(child->isFocused()) children.push_back(child); } for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : children) { if(child->propagateOnKeyText(keyText)) return true; } return onKeyText(keyText); } bool UIWidget::propagateOnKeyDown(uchar keyCode, int keyboardModifiers) { // do a backup of children list, because it may change while looping it UIWidgetList children; for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : m_children) { // events on hidden or disabled widgets are discarded if(!child->isExplicitlyEnabled() || !child->isExplicitlyVisible()) continue; // key events go only to containers or focused child if(child->isFocused()) children.push_back(child); } for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : children) { if(child->propagateOnKeyDown(keyCode, keyboardModifiers)) return true; } return onKeyDown(keyCode, keyboardModifiers); } bool UIWidget::propagateOnKeyPress(uchar keyCode, int keyboardModifiers, int autoRepeatTicks) { // do a backup of children list, because it may change while looping it UIWidgetList children; for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : m_children) { // events on hidden or disabled widgets are discarded if(!child->isExplicitlyEnabled() || !child->isExplicitlyVisible()) continue; // key events go only to containers or focused child if(child->isFocused()) children.push_back(child); } for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : children) { if(child->propagateOnKeyPress(keyCode, keyboardModifiers, autoRepeatTicks)) return true; } if(autoRepeatTicks == 0 || autoRepeatTicks >= m_autoRepeatDelay) return onKeyPress(keyCode, keyboardModifiers, autoRepeatTicks); else return false; } bool UIWidget::propagateOnKeyUp(uchar keyCode, int keyboardModifiers) { // do a backup of children list, because it may change while looping it UIWidgetList children; for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : m_children) { // events on hidden or disabled widgets are discarded if(!child->isExplicitlyEnabled() || !child->isExplicitlyVisible()) continue; // key events go only to focused child if(child->isFocused()) children.push_back(child); } for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : children) { if(child->propagateOnKeyUp(keyCode, keyboardModifiers)) return true; } return onKeyUp(keyCode, keyboardModifiers); } bool UIWidget::propagateOnMouseEvent(const Point& mousePos, UIWidgetList& widgetList) { bool ret = false; if(containsPaddingPoint(mousePos)) { for(auto it = m_children.rbegin(); it != m_children.rend(); ++it) { const UIWidgetPtr& child = *it; if(child->isExplicitlyEnabled() && child->isExplicitlyVisible() && child->containsPoint(mousePos)) { if(child->propagateOnMouseEvent(mousePos, widgetList)) { ret = true; break; } } } } widgetList.push_back(static_self_cast()); if(!isPhantom()) ret = true; return ret; } bool UIWidget::propagateOnMouseMove(const Point& mousePos, const Point& mouseMoved, UIWidgetList& widgetList) { for(auto it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); ++it) { const UIWidgetPtr& child = *it; if(child->isExplicitlyVisible() && child->isExplicitlyEnabled()) child->propagateOnMouseMove(mousePos, mouseMoved, widgetList); } widgetList.push_back(static_self_cast()); return true; }