/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef GAME_H #define GAME_H #include "declarations.h" #include #include #include #include class Game { public: Game(); private: void resetGameStates(); protected: void processConnectionError(const boost::system::error_code& error); void processDisconnect(); void processPing(); void processLoginError(const std::string& error); void processLoginAdvice(const std::string& message); void processLoginWait(const std::string& message, int time); void processLogin(); void processLogout(); void processGameStart(const LocalPlayerPtr& localPlayer, int serverBeat); void processGameEnd(); void processDeath(int penality); void processPlayerStats(double health, double maxHealth, double freeCapacity, double experience, double level, double levelPercent, double mana, double maxMana, double magicLevel, double magicLevelPercent, double soul, double stamina); void processInventoryChange(int slot, const ItemPtr& item); void processCreatureMove(const CreaturePtr& creature, const Position& oldPos, const Position& newPos); void processCreatureTeleport(const CreaturePtr& creature); void processAttackCancel(); void processWalkCancel(Otc::Direction direction); // message related void processTextMessage(const std::string& type, const std::string& message); void processCreatureSpeak(const std::string& name, int level, Otc::SpeakType type, const std::string& message, int channelId, const Position& creaturePos); // container related void processOpenContainer(int containerId, int itemId, const std::string& name, int capacity, bool hasParent, const std::vector& items); void processCloseContainer(int containerId); void processContainerAddItem(int containerId, const ItemPtr& item); void processContainerUpdateItem(int containerId, int slot, const ItemPtr& item); void processContainerRemoveItem(int containerId, int slot); // channel related void processChannelList(const std::vector>& channelList); void processOpenChannel(int channelId, const std::string& name); void processOpenPrivateChannel(const std::string& name); void processOpenOwnPrivateChannel(int channelId, const std::string& name); void processCloseChannel(int channelId); // vip related void processVipAdd(uint id, const std::string& name, bool online); void processVipStateChange(uint id, bool online); // outfit void processOpenOutfitWindow(const Outfit& currentOufit, const std::vector>& outfitList); // npc trade void processOpenNpcTrade(const std::vector>& items); void processPlayerGoods(int money, const std::vector>& goods); void processCloseNpcTrade(); // player trade void processOpenTrade(const std::string& name, const std::vector& items); void processCloseTrade(); // edit text/list void processEditText(int id, int itemId, int maxLength, const std::string& text, const std::string& writter, const std::string& date); void processEditList(int listId, int id, const std::string& text); // questlog void processQuestLog(const std::vector>& questList); void processQuestLine(int questId, const std::vector>& questMissions); friend class ProtocolGame; friend class Map; public: // login related void loginWorld(const std::string& account, const std::string& password, const std::string& worldHost, int worldPort, const std::string& characterName); void cancelLogin(); void forceLogout(); void safeLogout(); // walk related void walk(Otc::Direction direction); void walkPath(const std::vector& dir); void forceWalk(Otc::Direction direction); void turn(Otc::Direction direction); void stop(); // item related void look(const ThingPtr& thing); void move(const ThingPtr &thing, const Position& toPos, int count); void rotate(const ThingPtr& thing); void use(const ThingPtr& thing); void useWith(const ItemPtr& fromThing, const ThingPtr& toThing); void useInventoryItem(int itemId); void useInventoryItemWith(int itemId, const ThingPtr& toThing); // container related void open(const ItemPtr& item, int containerId); void upContainer(int containerId); void refreshContainer(); // attack/follow related void attack(const CreaturePtr& creature); void cancelAttack() { attack(nullptr); } void follow(const CreaturePtr& creature); void cancelFollow() { follow(nullptr); } void cancelAttackAndFollow(); // talk related void talk(const std::string& message); void talkChannel(Otc::SpeakType speakType, int channelId, const std::string& message); void talkPrivate(Otc::SpeakType speakType, const std::string& receiver, const std::string& message); // channel related void openPrivateChannel(const std::string& receiver); void requestChannels(); void joinChannel(int channelId); void leaveChannel(int channelId); void closeNpcChannel(); void openOwnChannel(); void inviteToOwnChannel(const std::string& name); void excludeFromOwnChannel(const std::string& name); // party related void partyInvite(int creatureId); void partyJoin(int creatureId); void partyRevokeInvitation(int creatureId); void partyPassLeadership(int creatureId); void partyLeave(); void partyShareExperience(bool active); // outfit related void requestOutfit(); void changeOutfit(const Outfit& outfit); // vip related void addVip(const std::string& name); void removeVip(int playerId); // fight modes related void setChaseMode(Otc::ChaseModes chaseMode); void setFightMode(Otc::FightModes fightMode); void setSafeFight(bool on); Otc::ChaseModes getChaseMode() { return m_chaseMode; } Otc::FightModes getFightMode() { return m_fightMode; } bool isSafeFight() { return m_safeFight; } // npc trade related void inspectNpcTrade(const ItemPtr& item); void buyItem(const ItemPtr& item, int amount, bool ignoreCapacity, bool buyWithBackpack); void sellItem(const ItemPtr& item, int amount, bool ignoreEquipped); void closeNpcTrade(); // player trade related void requestTrade(const ItemPtr& item, const CreaturePtr& creature); void inspectTrade(bool counterOffer, int index); void acceptTrade(); void rejectTrade(); // house window and editable items related void editText(uint id, const std::string& text); void editList(int listId, uint id, const std::string& text); // questlog related void requestQuestLog(); void requestQuestLine(int questId); bool canPerformGameAction(); bool checkBotProtection(); bool isOnline() { return !!m_localPlayer; } bool isDead() { return m_dead; } bool isAttacking() { return !!m_attackingCreature; } bool isFollowing() { return !!m_followingCreature; } ContainerPtr getContainer(int index) { return m_containers[index]; } CreaturePtr getAttackingCreature() { return m_attackingCreature; } CreaturePtr getFollowingCreature() { return m_followingCreature; } int getServerBeat() { return m_serverBeat; } LocalPlayerPtr getLocalPlayer() { return m_localPlayer; } ProtocolGamePtr getProtocolGame() { return m_protocolGame; } int getProtocolVersion() { return PROTOCOL; } private: void setAttackingCreature(const CreaturePtr& creature); void setFollowingCreature(const CreaturePtr& creature); LocalPlayerPtr m_localPlayer; CreaturePtr m_attackingCreature; CreaturePtr m_followingCreature; ProtocolGamePtr m_protocolGame; std::map m_containers; bool m_dead; int m_serverBeat; Otc::FightModes m_fightMode; Otc::ChaseModes m_chaseMode; bool m_safeFight; }; extern Game g_game; #endif