#include #include #include "fontmanager.h" #include #include #include Graphics g_graphics; void Graphics::init() { m_drawMode = DRAW_NONE; // setup opengl glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); // enable alpha by default glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.0f); // default alpha func glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // we are rendering 2D only, we don't need depth buffer //glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // enable textures by default glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); logInfo("GPU ", glGetString(GL_RENDERER)); logInfo("OpenGL ", glGetString(GL_VERSION)); } void Graphics::terminate() { g_fonts.releaseFonts(); } bool Graphics::isExtensionSupported(const char *extension) { const GLubyte *extensions = NULL; const GLubyte *start; GLubyte *where, *terminator; where = (GLubyte *)strchr(extension, ' '); if(where || *extension == '\0') return 0; extensions = glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); start = extensions; while(true) { where = (GLubyte *) strstr((const char *)start, extension); if(!where) break; terminator = where + strlen(extension); if(where == start || *(where - 1) == ' ') if(*terminator == ' ' || *terminator == '\0') return 1; start = terminator; } return 0; } void Graphics::resize(const Size& size) { m_screenSize = size; restoreViewport(); } void Graphics::restoreViewport() { disableDrawing(); const int& width = m_screenSize.width(); const int& height = m_screenSize.height(); // resize gl viewport glViewport(0, 0, width, height); /* 0,0---------0,w | | | | | | h,0---------h,w */ // setup view region like above glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluOrtho2D(0.0f, width, height, 0.0f); // back to model view glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); } void Graphics::beginRender() { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glLoadIdentity(); // bind white color by default glColor4ubv(Color::white.rgbaPtr()); m_boundColor = Color::white; } void Graphics::endRender() { disableDrawing(); // clear any bound texture m_boundTexture.reset(); } void Graphics::disableDrawing() { if(m_drawMode != DRAW_NONE) { glEnd(); m_drawMode = DRAW_NONE; m_boundTexture.reset(); glColor4ubv(Color::white.rgbaPtr()); } } void Graphics::drawTexturedRect(const Rect& screenCoords, const TexturePtr& texture, const Rect& textureCoords, const Color& color) { if(screenCoords.isEmpty() || textureCoords.isEmpty()) return; // rect correction for opengl int right = screenCoords.right() + 1; int bottom = screenCoords.bottom() + 1; int top = screenCoords.top(); int left = screenCoords.left(); const Size& textureSize = texture->getGlSize(); float textureRight = 0.0f; float textureBottom = 1.0f; float textureTop = 0.0f; float textureLeft = 1.0f; if(!textureCoords.isEmpty()) { textureRight = (float)(textureCoords.right() + 1) / textureSize.width(); textureBottom = (float)(textureCoords.bottom() + 1) / textureSize.height(); textureTop = (float)textureCoords.top() / textureSize.height(); textureLeft = (float)textureCoords.left() / textureSize.width(); } bindTexture(texture, color); glTexCoord2f(textureLeft, textureTop); glVertex2i(left, top); glTexCoord2f(textureLeft, textureBottom); glVertex2i(left, bottom); glTexCoord2f(textureRight, textureBottom); glVertex2i(right, bottom); glTexCoord2f(textureRight, textureTop); glVertex2i(right, top); } void Graphics::drawRepeatedTexturedRect(const Rect& screenCoords, const TexturePtr& texture, const Rect& textureCoords, const Color& color) { if(screenCoords.isEmpty() || textureCoords.isEmpty()) return; // render many repeated texture rects Rect virtualScreenCoords(0,0,screenCoords.size()); for(int y = 0; y <= virtualScreenCoords.height(); y += textureCoords.height()) { for(int x = 0; x <= virtualScreenCoords.width(); x += textureCoords.width()) { Rect partialCoords(x, y, textureCoords.size()); Rect partialTextureCoords = textureCoords; // partialCoords to screenCoords bottomRight if(partialCoords.bottom() > virtualScreenCoords.bottom()) { partialTextureCoords.setBottom(partialTextureCoords.bottom() + (virtualScreenCoords.bottom() - partialCoords.bottom())); partialCoords.setBottom(virtualScreenCoords.bottom()); } if(partialCoords.right() > virtualScreenCoords.right()) { partialTextureCoords.setRight(partialTextureCoords.right() + (virtualScreenCoords.right() - partialCoords.right())); partialCoords.setRight(virtualScreenCoords.right()); } partialCoords.translate(screenCoords.topLeft()); drawTexturedRect(partialCoords, texture, partialTextureCoords, color); } } } void Graphics::drawFilledRect(const Rect& screenCoords, const Color& color) { if(screenCoords.isEmpty()) return; // rect correction for opengl int right = screenCoords.right() + 1; int bottom = screenCoords.bottom() + 1; int top = screenCoords.top(); int left = screenCoords.left(); bindColor(color); glVertex2i(left, top); glVertex2i(left, bottom); glVertex2i(right, bottom); glVertex2i(right, top); } void Graphics::drawBoundingRect(const Rect& screenCoords, const Color& color, int innerLineWidth) { if(2 * innerLineWidth > screenCoords.height() || screenCoords.isEmpty()) return; // rect correction for opengl int right = screenCoords.right()+1; int bottom = screenCoords.bottom()+1; int top = screenCoords.top(); int left = screenCoords.left(); bindColor(color); // top line glVertex2i(left, top); glVertex2i(left, top + innerLineWidth); glVertex2i(right, top + innerLineWidth); glVertex2i(right, top); // left glVertex2i(left, screenCoords.top() + innerLineWidth); glVertex2i(left, bottom - innerLineWidth); glVertex2i(left + innerLineWidth, bottom - innerLineWidth); glVertex2i(left + innerLineWidth, screenCoords.top() + innerLineWidth); // bottom line glVertex2i(left, bottom); glVertex2i(left, bottom - innerLineWidth); glVertex2i(right, bottom - innerLineWidth); glVertex2i(right, bottom); // right line glVertex2i(right , top + innerLineWidth); glVertex2i(right , bottom - innerLineWidth); glVertex2i(right - innerLineWidth, bottom - innerLineWidth); glVertex2i(right - innerLineWidth, top + innerLineWidth); } void Graphics::bindColor(const Color& color) { // switch drawing to colored quads if(m_drawMode != DRAW_COLOR_QUADS || m_boundColor != color) { if(m_drawMode != DRAW_NONE) glEnd(); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); if(m_boundColor != color) { glColor4ubv(color.rgbaPtr()); m_boundColor = color; } glBegin(GL_QUADS); m_drawMode = DRAW_COLOR_QUADS; } } void Graphics::bindTexture(const TexturePtr& texture, const Color& color) { // switch drawing to textured quads if(m_drawMode != DRAW_TEXTURE_QUADS || m_boundTexture != texture || m_boundColor != color) { if(m_drawMode != DRAW_NONE) glEnd(); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); if(m_boundTexture != texture) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture->getTextureId()); m_boundTexture = texture; } if(m_boundColor != color) { glColor4ubv(color.rgbaPtr()); m_boundColor = color; } glBegin(GL_QUADS); m_drawMode = DRAW_TEXTURE_QUADS; } }