# @title Style Tags Overview ## Style Overview This document describes how style tags can be specified, how they affect your widgets, and how to use specific built-in style tags in otclient, as well as how to define new custom style tags. ## Style Value Types {valhead:Integer} Integer number, used by most of style proprieties **Examples:** * 1 * 9 * 5 {valhead:Float} Float number **Examples:** * 1.0 * 9 * 1.5 {valhead:String} String containing a text **Examples:** * this is a string * it doesn't need quotes or escaping {valhead:Boolean} Value with two states, **true** or **false** **Examples:** * true * false {valhead:Size} Size type, defined by 2 integers, width followed by height size: width height **Examples:** * 10 20 * 30 10 {valhead:Rect} Rect type, defined by 4 integers rect: x y width height **Examples:** * 0 0 32 32 * 10 20 30 40 {valhead:Color} {valhead:Image} {valhead:Font} ## UIWidget {taghead:rect Rect} Defines widget's rect **Examples:** !!!plain rect: 32 32 32 32 **See also:** {tag:pos}, {tag:size} {taghead:size Size} Defines size of a widget in pixels **Examples:** !!!plain size: 32 32 {taghead:width Integer} Defines width of a widget {taghead:height Integer} Defines height of a widget {taghead:pos Point} Defines absolute position of the widget relative to the window top left, this is generialy not used, if you want to position relative to parent widget, use anchors and margins **Examples:** !!!plain pos: 32 32 {taghead:x Integer} Defines x absolute position **See also:** {tag:pos} {taghead:y Integer} Defines y absolute position **See also:** {tag:pos} {taghead:color Color} Foreground color, mostly used for coloring texts **Examples:** !!!plain color: red color: #ff0000 color: #ff000080 {taghead:background Color} Same as {tag:background-color} {taghead:background-color Color} Defines background color {taghead:background-rect Rect} {taghead:background-offset Point} {taghead:background-offset-x Integer} {taghead:background-offset-y Integer} {taghead:background-size Size} {taghead:background-width Integer} {taghead:background-height Integer} {taghead:icon Image} {taghead:icon-source Image} {taghead:icon-color Color} {taghead:icon-offset-x Integer} {taghead:icon-offset-y Integer} {taghead:icon-offset Point} {taghead:icon-width Integer} {taghead:icon-height Integer} {taghead:icon-size Size} {taghead:icon-rect Rect} {taghead:opacity Float} {taghead:enabled Boolean} {taghead:visible Boolean} {taghead:checked Boolean} {taghead:dragable Boolean} {taghead:on Boolean} {taghead:focusable Boolean} {taghead:phantom Boolean} {taghead:fixed-size Boolean} {taghead:clipping Boolean} {taghead:border Integer} {taghead:border-width Integer} {taghead:border-width-top Integer} {taghead:border-width-right Integer} {taghead:border-width-bottom Integer} {taghead:border-width-left Integer} {taghead:border-color Color} {taghead:border-color-top Color} {taghead:border-color-right Color} {taghead:border-color-bottom Color} {taghead:border-color-left Color} {taghead:margin-top Integer} {taghead:margin-right Integer} {taghead:margin-bottom Integer} {taghead:margin-left Integer} {taghead:margin Integer} {taghead:padding-top Integer} {taghead:padding-right Integer} {taghead:padding-bottom Integer} {taghead:padding-left Integer} {taghead:padding Integer} {taghead:layout Layout} {taghead:image-source} {taghead:image-offset-x Integer} {taghead:image-offset-y Integer} {taghead:image-offset Point} {taghead:image-width Integer} {taghead:image-height Integer} {taghead:image-size Size} {taghead:image-rect Rect} {taghead:image-clip Rect} {taghead:image-fixed-ratio Boolean} {taghead:image-repeated Boolean} {taghead:image-smooth Boolean} {taghead:image-color Color} {taghead:image-border-top Integer} {taghead:image-border-right Integer} {taghead:image-border-bottom Integer} {taghead:image-border-left Integer} {taghead:image-border Integer} {taghead:text} {taghead:text-align Align} {taghead:text-offset Point} {taghead:text-wrap Boolean} {taghead:text-auto-resize Boolean} {taghead:font Font} ## UITextEdit {taghead:text-margin} {taghead:always-active} {taghead:shift-navigation} {taghead:multiline} {taghead:max-length}