UIGameMap = extends(UIMap) function UIGameMap.create() local gameMap = UIGameMap.internalCreate() gameMap:setKeepAspectRatio(true) gameMap:setVisibleDimension({width = 15, height = 11}) return gameMap end function UIGameMap:onDragEnter(mousePos) local tile = self:getTile(mousePos) if not tile then return false end local thing = tile:getTopMoveThing() if not thing then return false end self.currentDragThing = thing Mouse.setTargetCursor() return true end function UIGameMap:onDragLeave(droppedWidget, mousePos) self.currentDragThing = nil Mouse.restoreCursor() return true end function UIGameMap:onDrop(widget, mousePos) if not widget or not widget.currentDragThing then return false end local tile = self:getTile(mousePos) if not tile then return false end local item = widget.currentDragThing local toPos = tile:getPosition() local itemPos = item:getPosition() if itemPos.x == toPos.x and itemPos.y == toPos.y and itemPos.z == toPos.z then return false end if item:isStackable() and item:getCount() > 1 then GameInterface.moveStackableItem(item, toPos) else g_game.move(item, toPos, 1) end return true end function UIGameMap:onMouseRelease(mousePosition, mouseButton) if self.cancelNextRelease then self.cancelNextRelease = false return true end local tile = self:getTile(mousePosition) if tile == nil then return false end if Options.getOption('classicControl') and ((Mouse.isPressed(MouseLeftButton) and mouseButton == MouseRightButton) or (Mouse.isPressed(MouseRightButton) and mouseButton == MouseLeftButton)) then local tile = self:getTile(mousePosition) print(tile:getTopLookThing():getId()) g_game.look(tile:getTopLookThing()) self.cancelNextRelease = true return true elseif GameInterface.processMouseAction(mousePosition, mouseButton, nil, tile:getTopLookThing(), tile:getTopUseThing(), tile:getTopCreature(), tile:getTopMultiUseThing()) then return true elseif mouseButton == MouseLeftButton and self:isPressed() then local dirs = g_map.findPath(g_game.getLocalPlayer():getPosition(), tile:getPosition(), 255) if #dirs == 0 then TextMessage.displayStatus('There is no way.') return true end g_game.autoWalk(dirs) return true end return false end