/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef PROTOCOLCODES_H #define PROTOCOLCODES_H #include #if PROTOCOL != 860 && PROTOCOL != 862 #error "the supplied protocol version is not supported" #endif namespace Proto { #ifdef CIPSOFT_RSA static const char* RSA = "1321277432058722840622950990822933849527763264961655079678763618" "4334395343554449668205332383339435179772895415509701210392836078" "6959821132214473291575712138800495033169914814069637740318278150" "2907336840325241747827401343576296990629870233111328210165697754" "88792221429527047321331896351555606801473202394175817"; #else static const char* RSA = "1091201329673994292788609605089955415282375029027981291234687579" "3726629149257644633073969600111060390723088861007265581882535850" "3429057592827629436413108566029093628212635953836686562675849720" "6207862794310902180176810615217550567108238764764442605581471797" "07119674283982419152118103759076030616683978566631413"; #endif static const int ClientVersion = PROTOCOL; static const int PicSignature = 0x4E119CBF; enum OsTypes { OsWindow = 1, OsLinux = 2, OsMac = 3, OsBrowser = 4 }; enum LoginServerOpts { LoginServerError = 10, LoginServerMotd = 20, LoginServerUpdateNeeded = 30, LoginServerCharacterList = 100 }; enum GameServerOpts { GameServerInitGame = 10, GameServerGMActions = 11, // deprecated in last tibia GameServerLoginError = 20, GameServerLoginAdvice = 21, GameServerLoginWait = 22, GameServerPing = 30, GameServerChallange = 31, GameServerDead = 40, GameServerFullMap = 100, GameServerMapTopRow = 101, GameServerMapRightRow = 102, GameServerMapBottomRow = 103, GameServerMapLeftRow = 104, GameServerTileData = 105, GameServerCreateOnMap = 106, GameServerChangeOnMap = 107, GameServerDeleteOnMap = 108, GameServerMoveCreature = 109, GameServerOpenContainer = 110, GameServerCloseContainer = 111, GameServerCreateContainer = 112, GameServerChangeInContainer = 113, GameServerDeleteInContainer = 114, GameServerSetInventory = 120, GameServerDeleteInventory = 121, GameServerNpcOffer = 122, GameServerPlayerGoods = 123, GameServerCloseNpcTrade = 124, GameServerOwnOffer = 125, GameServerCounterOffer = 126, GameServerCloseTrade = 127, GameServerAmbient = 130, GameServerGraphicalEffect = 131, GameServerTextEffect = 132, // deprecated in last tibia GameServerMissleEffect = 133, GameServerMarkCreature = 134, GameServerTrappers = 135, GameServerCreatureHealth = 140, GameServerCreatureLight = 141, GameServerCreatureOutfit = 142, GameServerCreatureSpeed = 143, GameServerCreatureSkull = 144, GameServerCreatureParty = 145, GameServerCreatureUnpass = 146, GameServerEditText = 150, GameServerEditList = 151, GameServerPlayerData = 160, GameServerPlayerSkills = 161, GameServerPlayerState = 162, GameServerClearTarget = 163, GameServerSpellDelay = 164, GameServerSpellGroupDelay = 165, GameServerTalk = 170, GameServerChannels = 171, GameServerOpenChannel = 172, GameServerPrivateChannel = 173, GameServerRuleViolationChannel = 174, // deprecated in last tibia GameServerRuleViolationRemove = 175, // deprecated in last tibia GameServerRuleViolationCancel = 176, // deprecated in last tibia GameServerRuleViolationLock = 177, // deprecated in last tibia GameServerOpenOwnChannel = 178, GameServerCloseChannel = 179, GameServerMessage = 180, GameServerSnapBack = 181, GameServerWait = 182, GameServerTopFloor = 190, GameServerBottomFloor = 191, GameServerOutfit = 200, GameServerBuddyData = 210, GameServerBuddyLogin = 211, GameServerBuddyLogout = 212, GameServerTutorialHint = 220, GameServerAutomapFlag = 221, GameServerQuestLog = 240, GameServerQuestLine = 241, GameServerChannelEvent = 243, GameServerObjectInfo = 244, GameServerPlayerInventory = 245 }; enum ClientOpts { ClientEnterAccount = 1, ClientEnterGame = 10, ClientQuitGame = 20, ClientPingBack = 30, ClientGoPath = 100, ClientGoNorth = 101, ClientGoEast = 102, ClientGoSouth = 103, ClientGoWest = 104, ClientStop = 105, ClientGoNorthEast = 106, ClientGoSouthEast = 107, ClientGoSouthWest = 108, ClientGoNorthWest = 109, ClientRotateNorth = 111, ClientRotateEast = 112, ClientRotateSouth = 113, ClientRotateWest = 114, ClientEquipObject = 119, ClientMoveObject = 120, ClientInspectNpcTrade = 121, ClientBuyObject = 122, ClientSellObject = 123, ClientCloseNpcTrade = 124, ClientTradeObject = 125, ClientInspectTrade = 126, ClientAcceptTrade = 127, ClientRejectTrade = 128, ClientUseObject = 130, ClientUseTwoObjects = 131, ClientUseOnCreature = 132, ClientTurnObject = 133, ClientCloseContainer = 135, ClientUpContainer = 136, ClientEditText = 137, ClientEditList = 138, ClientLook = 140, ClientTalk = 150, ClientGetChannels = 151, ClientJoinChannel = 152, ClientLeaveChannel = 153, ClientPrivateChannel = 154, ClientCloseNpcChannel = 158, ClientSetTactics = 160, ClientAttack = 161, ClientFollow = 162, ClientInviteToParty = 163, ClientJoinParty = 164, ClientRevokeInvitation = 165, ClientPassLeadership = 166, ClientLeaveParty = 167, ClientShareExperience = 168, ClientDisbandParty = 169, ClientOpenChannel = 170, ClientInviteToChannel = 171, ClientExcludeFromChannel = 172, ClientCancel = 190, ClientRefreshContainer = 202, ClientGetOutfit = 210, ClientSetOutfit = 211, ClientMount = 212, ClientAddBuddy = 220, ClientRemoveBuddy = 221, ClientBugReport = 230, ClientErrorFileEntry = 232, ClientGetQuestLog = 240, ClientGetQuestLine = 241, ClientRuleViolationReport = 242, ClientGetObjectInfo = 243 }; enum SpeakTypes { #if PROTOCOL==862 SpeakSay = 1, SpeakWhisper, SpeakYell, SpeakPrivatePlayerToNpc, SpeakPrivateNpcToPlayer, SpeakPrivate, SpeakChannelYellow, SpeakChannelWhite, SpeakBroadcast, SpeakChannelRed, SpeakPrivateRed, SpeakChannelOrange, SpeakMonsterSay, SpeakMonsterYell, // removed SpeakRVRChannel = 255, SpeakRVRAnswer, SpeakRVRContinue, SpeakChannelRed2 #elif PROTOCOL==860 SpeakSay = 1, SpeakWhisper, SpeakYell, SpeakPrivatePlayerToNpc, SpeakPrivateNpcToPlayer, SpeakPrivate, SpeakChannelYellow, SpeakChannelWhite, SpeakRVRChannel, SpeakRVRAnswer, SpeakRVRContinue, SpeakBroadcast, SpeakChannelRed, SpeakPrivateRed, SpeakChannelOrange, SpeakChannelRed2 = 17, SpeakMonsterSay = 19, SpeakMonsterYell #endif }; enum MessageTypes { #if PROTOCOL==860 MessageConsoleRed = 18, MessageEventOrange, MessageConsoleOrange, MessageWarning, MessageEventAdvance, MessageEventDefault, MessageStatusDefault, MessageInfoDescription , MessageStatusSmall, MessageConsoleBlue #elif PROTOCOL==862 MessageEventOrange = 13, MessageConsoleOrange, MessageWarning, MessageEventAdvance, MessageEventDefault, MessageStatusDefault, MessageInfoDescription, MessageStatusSmall, MessageConsoleBlue, MessageConsoleRed #endif }; enum CreaturesIdRange { PlayerStartId = 0x10000000, PlayerEndId = 0x40000000, MonsterStartId = 0x40000000, MonsterEndId = 0x80000000, NpcStartId = 0x80000000, NpcEndId = 0xffffffff }; inline std::string translateSpeakType(int type) { switch(type) { case Proto::SpeakSay: return "say"; case Proto::SpeakWhisper: return "whisper"; case Proto::SpeakYell: return "yell"; case Proto::SpeakMonsterSay: return "monsterSay"; case Proto::SpeakMonsterYell: return "monsterYell"; case Proto::SpeakPrivateNpcToPlayer: return "npcToPlayer"; case Proto::SpeakChannelYellow: return "channelYellow"; case Proto::SpeakChannelWhite: return "channelWhite"; case Proto::SpeakChannelRed: case Proto::SpeakChannelRed2: return "channelRed"; case Proto::SpeakChannelOrange: return "channelOrange"; case Proto::SpeakPrivate: return "private"; case Proto::SpeakPrivatePlayerToNpc: return "playerToNpc"; case Proto::SpeakBroadcast: return "broadcast"; case Proto::SpeakPrivateRed: return "privateRed"; default: logError("unknown protocol speak type ", type); return "unknown"; } } inline std::string translateTextMessageType(int type) { switch(type) { case Proto::MessageConsoleOrange: return "consoleOrange"; case Proto::MessageEventOrange: return "eventOrange"; case Proto::MessageWarning: return "warning"; case Proto::MessageEventAdvance: return "eventAdvance"; case Proto::MessageEventDefault: return "eventDefault"; case Proto::MessageStatusDefault: return "statusDefault"; case Proto::MessageInfoDescription: return "infoDescription"; case Proto::MessageStatusSmall: return "statusSmall"; case Proto::MessageConsoleBlue: return "consoleBlue"; case Proto::MessageConsoleRed: return "consoleRed"; default: logError("unknown protocol text message type ", type); return "unknown"; } } } #endif