-- TIP: to find all possible translations in the modules directory use the following command -- find \( -name "*.lua" -o -name "*.otui" \) -exec grep -oE "tr\\('(\\\\'|[^'])*'" {} \; -exec grep -oE "tr\\(\"(\\\\\"|[^\"])*" {} \; | sort | uniq | sed "s/^tr(.\(.*\).$/[\"\1\"] = nil,/" Locales = { } -- private variables local defaultLocaleName = 'en' local installedLocales local currentLocale local localeComboBox -- private functions local function onLocaleComboBoxOptionChange(self, optionText, optionData) Locales.setLocale(optionData) Settings.set('locale', optionData) reloadModules() end -- public functions function Locales.init() installedLocales = {} Locales.installLocales('locales') local userLocaleName = Settings.get('locale') if userLocaleName and Locales.setLocale(userLocaleName)then print('Using configurated locale: ' .. userLocaleName) else print('Using default locale: ' .. defaultLocaleName) Locales.setLocale(defaultLocaleName) Settings.set('locale', defaultLocaleName) end addEvent( function() localeComboBox = createWidget('ComboBox', rootWidget:recursiveGetChildById('rightButtonsPanel')) for key,value in pairs(installedLocales) do localeComboBox:addOption(value.languageName, value.name) end localeComboBox:setCurrentOption(currentLocale.languageName) localeComboBox.onOptionChange = onLocaleComboBoxOptionChange end, false) end function Locales.terminate() installedLocales = nil currentLocale = nil localeComboBox = nil end function Locales.installLocale(locale) if not locale or not locale.name then error('Unable to install locale.') end local installedLocale = installedLocales[locale.name] if installedLocale then -- combine translations replacing with new if already exists for word,translation in pairs(locale.translation) do installedLocale.translation[word] = translation end else installedLocales[locale.name] = locale -- update combobox end end function Locales.installLocales(directory) dofiles(directory) end function Locales.setLocale(name) local locale = installedLocales[name] if not locale then warning("Locale " .. name .. ' does not exist.') return false end currentLocale = locale return true end function tr(text, ...) if currentLocale then if tonumber(text) then -- todo: use locale information to calculate this. also detect floating numbers local out = '' local number = tostring(text):reverse() for i=1,#number do out = out .. number:sub(i, i) if i % 3 == 0 and i ~= #number then out = out .. ',' end end return out:reverse() elseif tostring(text) then local translation = currentLocale.translation[text] if not translation then if currentLocale.name ~= defaultLocaleName then warning('Unable to translate: \"' .. text .. '\"') end translation = text end return string.format(translation, ...) end end return text end