-- public functions function Game.createThingMenu(menuPosition, lookThing, useThing, creatureThing) local menu = createWidget('PopupMenu') if lookThing then menu:addOption('Look', function() Game.look(lookThing) end) end -- Open or Use, depending if thing is a container if useThing then if useThing:isContainer() then menu:addOption('Open', function() print('open') end) else if useThing:isMultiUse() then menu:addOption('Use with ...', function() print('use with...') end) else menu:addOption('Use', function() Game.use(useThing) end) end end if useThing:isRotateable() then menu:addOption('Rotate', function() Game.rotate(useThing) end) end menu:addSeparator() if not useThing:isNotMoveable() and useThing:isPickupable() then menu:addOption('Trade with ...', function() print('trade with') end) end end if creatureThing then menu:addSeparator() if creatureThing:asLocalPlayer() then menu:addOption('Set Outfit', function() Game.openOutfitWindow() end) else -- todo: check for stop attack/follow menu:addOption('Attack', function() Game.attack(creatureThing) end) menu:addOption('Follow', function() Game.follow(creatureThing)end) if creatureThing:asPlayer() then menu:addSeparator() menu:addOption('Message to ' .. creatureThing:getName(), function() print('message') end) menu:addOption('Add to VIP list', function() print('vip') end) menu:addOption('Ignore ' .. creatureThing:getName(), function() print('ignore') end) menu:addOption('Invite to Party', function() print('invite to party') end) end end menu:addSeparator() menu:addOption('Copy Name', function() print('copy name') end) end menu:display(menuPosition) end