-- @docclass ProtocolLogin = extends(Protocol, "ProtocolLogin") LoginServerError = 10 LoginServerTokenSuccess = 12 LoginServerTokenError = 13 LoginServerUpdate = 17 LoginServerMotd = 20 LoginServerUpdateNeeded = 30 LoginServerCharacterList = 100 LoginServerExtendedCharacterList = 101 function ProtocolLogin:login(host, port, accountName, accountPassword, authenticatorToken) if string.len(host) == 0 or port == nil or port == 0 then signalcall(self.onLoginError, self, tr("You must enter a valid server address and port.")) return end self.accountName = accountName self.accountPassword = accountPassword self.authenticatorToken = authenticatorToken self.connectCallback = self.sendLoginPacket self:connect(host, port) end function ProtocolLogin:cancelLogin() self:disconnect() end function ProtocolLogin:sendLoginPacket() local msg = OutputMessage.create() msg:addU8(ClientOpcodes.ClientEnterAccount) msg:addU16(g_game.getOs()) msg:addU16(g_game.getProtocolVersion()) if g_game.getFeature(GameClientVersion) then msg:addU32(g_game.getClientVersion()) end if g_game.getFeature(GameContentRevision) then msg:addU16(g_things.getContentRevision()) msg:addU16(0) else msg:addU32(g_things.getDatSignature()) end msg:addU32(g_sprites.getSprSignature()) msg:addU32(PIC_SIGNATURE) if g_game.getFeature(GamePreviewState) then msg:addU8(0) end local offset = msg:getMessageSize() if g_game.getFeature(GameLoginPacketEncryption) then -- first RSA byte must be 0 msg:addU8(0) -- xtea key self:generateXteaKey() local xteaKey = self:getXteaKey() msg:addU32(xteaKey[1]) msg:addU32(xteaKey[2]) msg:addU32(xteaKey[3]) msg:addU32(xteaKey[4]) end if g_game.getFeature(GameAccountNames) then msg:addString(self.accountName) else msg:addU32(tonumber(self.accountName)) end msg:addString(self.accountPassword) if self.getLoginExtendedData then local data = self:getLoginExtendedData() msg:addString(data) end local paddingBytes = g_crypt.rsaGetSize() - (msg:getMessageSize() - offset) assert(paddingBytes >= 0) for i = 1, paddingBytes do msg:addU8(math.random(0, 0xff)) end if g_game.getFeature(GameLoginPacketEncryption) then msg:encryptRsa() end if g_game.getFeature(GameOGLInformation) then msg:addU8(1) --unknown msg:addU8(1) --unknown if g_game.getClientVersion() >= 1072 then msg:addString(string.format('%s %s', g_graphics.getVendor(), g_graphics.getRenderer())) else msg:addString(g_graphics.getRenderer()) end msg:addString(g_graphics.getVersion()) end -- add RSA encrypted auth token if g_game.getFeature(GameAuthenticator) then offset = msg:getMessageSize() -- first RSA byte must be 0 msg:addU8(0) msg:addString(self.authenticatorToken) paddingBytes = g_crypt.rsaGetSize() - (msg:getMessageSize() - offset) assert(paddingBytes >= 0) for i = 1, paddingBytes do msg:addU8(math.random(0, 0xff)) end msg:encryptRsa() end if g_game.getFeature(GameProtocolChecksum) then self:enableChecksum() end self:send(msg) if g_game.getFeature(GameLoginPacketEncryption) then self:enableXteaEncryption() end self:recv() end function ProtocolLogin:onConnect() self.gotConnection = true self:connectCallback() self.connectCallback = nil end function ProtocolLogin:onRecv(msg) while not msg:eof() do local opcode = msg:getU8() if opcode == LoginServerError then self:parseError(msg) elseif opcode == LoginServerMotd then self:parseMotd(msg) elseif opcode == LoginServerUpdateNeeded then signalcall(self.onLoginError, self, tr("Client needs update.")) elseif opcode == LoginServerTokenError then -- TODO: prompt for token here signalcall(self.onLoginError, self, tr("Invalid authentification token.")) elseif opcode == LoginServerCharacterList then self:parseCharacterList(msg) elseif opcode == LoginServerExtendedCharacterList then self:parseExtendedCharacterList(msg) elseif opcode == LoginServerUpdate then local signature = msg:getString() signalcall(self.onUpdateNeeded, self, signature) else self:parseOpcode(opcode, msg) end end self:disconnect() end function ProtocolLogin:parseError(msg) local errorMessage = msg:getString() signalcall(self.onLoginError, self, errorMessage) end function ProtocolLogin:parseMotd(msg) local motd = msg:getString() signalcall(self.onMotd, self, motd) end function ProtocolLogin:parseCharacterList(msg) local characters = {} if g_game.getClientVersion() > 1010 then local worlds = {} local worldsCount = msg:getU8() for i=1, worldsCount do local world = {} local worldId = msg:getU8() world.worldName = msg:getString() world.worldIp = msg:getString() world.worldPort = msg:getU16() world.previewState = msg:getU8() worlds[worldId] = world end local charactersCount = msg:getU8() for i=1, charactersCount do local character = {} local worldId = msg:getU8() character.name = msg:getString() character.worldName = worlds[worldId].worldName character.worldIp = worlds[worldId].worldIp character.worldPort = worlds[worldId].worldPort character.previewState = worlds[worldId].previewState characters[i] = character end else local charactersCount = msg:getU8() for i=1,charactersCount do local character = {} character.name = msg:getString() character.worldName = msg:getString() character.worldIp = iptostring(msg:getU32()) character.worldPort = msg:getU16() if g_game.getFeature(GamePreviewState) then character.previewState = msg:getU8() end characters[i] = character end end local account = {} account.premDays = msg:getU16() signalcall(self.onCharacterList, self, characters, account) end function ProtocolLogin:parseExtendedCharacterList(msg) local characters = msg:getTable() local account = msg:getTable() local otui = msg:getString() signalcall(self.onCharacterList, self, characters, account, otui) end function ProtocolLogin:parseOpcode(opcode, msg) signalcall(self.onOpcode, self, opcode, msg) end function ProtocolLogin:onError(msg, code) local text = translateNetworkError(code, self:isConnecting(), msg) signalcall(self.onLoginError, self, text) end