#ifdef _DEBUG_MEMORY #include "allocator.h" #include #include #include bool allocatorEnabled = false; Allocator *allocator = NULL; void disableAllocator() { allocatorEnabled = false; } void enableAllocator() { allocatorEnabled = true; } bool isAllocatorEnabled() { return allocatorEnabled; } class Initializer { public: Initializer() { allocator = new Allocator; enableAllocator(); } ~Initializer() { disableAllocator(); Allocator *tmp = allocator; allocator = NULL; delete tmp; } }; Initializer initializer __attribute__((init_priority(101))); static void addr2line(void *address, const char* name, bool viewSource = false) { char tmpbuf[1024]; char *pos; snprintf(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "addr2line --functions --demangle -e %s %p", name, address); FILE *output = popen(tmpbuf, "r"); if(output) { char filesource[1024]; int fileline = 0; filesource[0] = '\0'; char *line; while(!feof(output)) { line = fgets(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf) - 1, output); if(!line) break; pos = strchr(line, '\n'); if(pos > 0) pos[0] = '\0'; int func = 1; pos = strchr(line, ':'); if(pos > 0 && pos[1] != ':') func = 0; if(func) { printf("%s ", line); } else if(strncmp(line,"??:0",4) != 0) { if(pos > 0 && fileline == 0) { strncpy(filesource, line, (int)(pos - line)); filesource[(int)(pos - line)] = '\0'; fileline = atoi(line + (int)(pos - line) + 1); } pos = strrchr(line, '/'); if(!pos) pos = line; else pos++; printf("(%s) ", pos); } } pclose(output); pos = (char*)strrchr(name, '/'); if(!pos) pos = (char*) name; else pos++; printf("(%s)", pos); if(viewSource) { if(filesource[0] && fileline > 0) { output = fopen(filesource,"rb"); if(output) { int i; for(i=0; i= fileline-1 && strlen(line) > 1) { pos = strchr(line, '\n'); if(pos > 0) pos[0] = '\0'; printf("\n\t\t%d:%s",i,line); } } fclose(output); } } } } printf("\n"); } Allocator::Allocator() { } Allocator::~Allocator() { #ifdef _REENTRANT boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_allocatorLock); #endif dumpLeaks(); disableAllocator(); for(AllocationBlocksList::iterator it = m_allocationsBlocks.begin(), end = m_allocationsBlocks.end(); it != end; ++it) { AllocationBlock* block = (*it); free(block->backtraceBuffer); free(block); } m_allocationsBlocks.clear(); enableAllocator(); } void Allocator::dumpLeaks() { #ifdef _REENTRANT boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_allocatorLock); #endif disableAllocator(); unsigned int definitelyLostBytes = 0; unsigned int blockNumber = 1; unsigned int countRecords = 0; unsigned int numberOfLeakedBlocks = 0; unsigned int numberOfBlocks = m_allocationsBlocks.size(); for(AllocationBlocksList::iterator it = m_allocationsBlocks.begin(), end = m_allocationsBlocks.end(); it != end; ++it) { AllocationBlock* block = (*it); if(block->records != 0) { numberOfLeakedBlocks++; } } if(numberOfLeakedBlocks > 0) { printf("== LOST BLOCKS:\n"); for(AllocationBlocksList::iterator it = m_allocationsBlocks.begin(), end = m_allocationsBlocks.end(); it != end; ++it) { AllocationBlock* block = (*it); if(block->records != 0) { unsigned int lostBytes = block->bytes * block->records; definitelyLostBytes += lostBytes; countRecords += block->records; printf("%d bytes in %d block\'s records are definitely lost in loss %d of %d\n", lostBytes, block->records, blockNumber, numberOfLeakedBlocks); char **strings = backtrace_symbols(block->backtraceBuffer, block->backtraceSize); for(int i = 0; i < block->backtraceSize; i++) { if(i == 0) { printf("\tat "); } else { printf("\tby "); } std::string str = strings[i]; addr2line(block->backtraceBuffer[i], str.substr(0, str.find('(')).c_str()); } printf("\n"); free(strings); blockNumber++; } } printf("== LEAK SUMMARY:\n"); printf("definitely lost: %d bytes in %d blocks\n", definitelyLostBytes, numberOfLeakedBlocks); printf("unallocated records: %d records in %d blocks\n", countRecords, numberOfLeakedBlocks); printf("leaked blocks: %d in %d blocks\n", numberOfLeakedBlocks, numberOfBlocks); } enableAllocator(); } void printBacktrace() { void *buffer[128]; int size = backtrace(buffer, 128); char **strings = backtrace_symbols(buffer, size); for(int i = 1; i < size; i++) { if(i == 1) { printf("\tfrom "); } else { printf("\tat "); } std::string str = strings[i]; addr2line(buffer[i], str.substr(0, str.find('(')).c_str()); } printf("\n"); free(strings); } AllocationBlock* Allocator::findBlock(void **backtraceBuffer, int backtraceSize, unsigned int bytes) { AllocationBlock blockToFind; blockToFind.backtraceBuffer = backtraceBuffer; blockToFind.backtraceSize = backtraceSize; blockToFind.bytes = bytes; auto it = m_allocationsBlocks.find(&blockToFind); if(it != m_allocationsBlocks.end()) return (*it); return NULL; } void *Allocator::allocate(size_t bytes) { #ifdef _REENTRANT boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_allocatorLock); #endif if(!isAllocatorEnabled()) { return malloc(bytes); } else { disableAllocator(); void* p = malloc(bytes + sizeof(void *)); void* usedPtr = (void *)((char *)p + sizeof(void *)); static void *buffer[128]; int size = backtrace(buffer, 128); AllocationBlock* block = findBlock(&buffer[1], size - 1, bytes); if(!block) { block = (AllocationBlock *)malloc(sizeof(AllocationBlock)); block->backtraceBuffer = (void **)malloc(sizeof(void*) * (size - 1)); block->backtraceSize = size - 1; block->bytes = bytes; block->records = 0; for(int i=0;ibacktraceBuffer[i] = buffer[i+1]; m_allocationsBlocks.insert(block); } block->records += 1; *((void **)p) = (void *)block; enableAllocator(); return usedPtr; } } void Allocator::deallocate(void *p) { #ifdef _REENTRANT boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_allocatorLock); #endif if(!isAllocatorEnabled()) { free(p); } else if(p == NULL) { disableAllocator(); printf("attempt to delete NULL address\n"); printBacktrace(); enableAllocator(); } else { disableAllocator(); void *allocatedPtr = (void *)((char *)p - sizeof(void *)); AllocationBlock *block = (AllocationBlock *)(*((void **)allocatedPtr)); block->records--; memset(allocatedPtr, 0, block->bytes + sizeof(void *)); free(allocatedPtr); enableAllocator(); } } void *operator new(size_t bytes, int dummy) { if(allocator) return allocator->allocate(bytes); return malloc(bytes); } void *operator new(size_t bytes) { if(allocator) return allocator->allocate(bytes); return malloc(bytes); } void *operator new[](size_t bytes) { if(allocator) return allocator->allocate(bytes); return malloc(bytes); } void operator delete(void *p) { if(allocator) allocator->deallocate(p); else free(p); } void operator delete[](void *p) { if(allocator) allocator->deallocate(p); else free(p); } #endif // _DEBUG_MEMORY