-- @docclass UIComboBox = extends(UIWidget) function UIComboBox.create() local combobox = UIComboBox.internalCreate() combobox.options = {} combobox.currentIndex = -1 return combobox end function UIComboBox:clearOptions() self.options = {} self.currentIndex = -1 self:clearText() end function UIComboBox:setCurrentOption(text) if not self.options then return end for i,v in ipairs(self.options) do if v.text == text and self.currentIndex ~= i then self.currentIndex = i self:setText(text) self:onOptionChange(text, v.data) return end end end function UIComboBox:setCurrentIndex(index) if index >= 1 and index <= #self.options then local v = self.options[index] self.currentIndex = index self:setText(v.text) self:onOptionChange(v.text, v.data) end end function UIComboBox:getCurrentOption() if table.hasKey(self.options, self.currentIndex) then return self.options[self.currentIndex] end end function UIComboBox:addOption(text, data) table.insert(self.options, { text = text, data = data }) local index = #self.options if index == 1 then self:setCurrentOption(text) end return index end function UIComboBox:removeOption(text) for i,v in ipairs(self.options) do if v.text == text then table.remove(self.options, i) if self.currentIndex == i then self:setCurrentIndex(1) elseif self.currentIndex > i then self.currentIndex = self.currentIndex - 1 end return end end end function UIComboBox:onMousePress(mousePos, mouseButton) local menu = g_ui.createWidget(self:getStyleName() .. 'PopupMenu') menu:setId(self:getId() .. 'PopupMenu') for i,v in ipairs(self.options) do menu:addOption(v.text, function() self:setCurrentOption(v.text) end) end menu:setWidth(self:getWidth()) menu:display({ x = self:getX(), y = self:getY() + self:getHeight() }) connect(menu, { onDestroy = function() self:setOn(false) end }) self:setOn(true) return true end function UIComboBox:onMouseWheel(mousePos, direction) if direction == MouseWheelUp and self.currentIndex > 1 then self:setCurrentIndex(self.currentIndex - 1) elseif direction == MouseWheelDown and self.currentIndex < #self.options then self:setCurrentIndex(self.currentIndex + 1) end return true end function UIComboBox:onStyleApply(styleName, styleNode) if styleNode.options then for k,option in pairs(styleNode.options) do self:addOption(option) end end end function UIComboBox:onOptionChange(optionText, optionData) -- nothing todo end