SpeakTypesSettings = { none = {}, say = { speakType = MessageModes.Say, color = '#FFFF00' }, whisper = { speakType = MessageModes.Whisper, color = '#FFFF00' }, yell = { speakType = MessageModes.Yell, color = '#FFFF00' }, broadcast = { speakType = MessageModes.GamemasterPrivateFrom, color = '#F55E5E' }, private = { speakType = MessageModes.PrivateTo, color = '#5FF7F7', private = true }, privateRed = { speakType = MessageModes.GamemasterTo, color = '#F55E5E', private = true }, privatePlayerToPlayer = { speakType = MessageModes.PrivateTo, color = '#9F9DFD', private = true }, privatePlayerToNpc = { speakType = MessageModes.NpcTo, color = '#9F9DFD', private = true, npcChat = true }, privateNpcToPlayer = { speakType = MessageModes.NpcFrom, color = '#5FF7F7', private = true, npcChat = true }, channelYellow = { speakType = MessageModes.Channel, color = '#FFFF00' }, channelWhite = { speakType = MessageModes.ChannelManagement, color = '#FFFFFF' }, channelRed = { speakType = MessageModes.GamemasterChannel, color = '#F55E5E' }, channelOrange = { speakType = MessageModes.ChannelHighlight, color = '#FE6500' }, monsterSay = { speakType = MessageModes.MonsterSay, color = '#FE6500', hideInConsole = true}, monsterYell = { speakType = MessageModes.MonsterYell, color = '#FE6500', hideInConsole = true}, } SpeakTypes = { [MessageModes.Say] = SpeakTypesSettings.say, [MessageModes.Whisper] = SpeakTypesSettings.whisper, [MessageModes.Yell] = SpeakTypesSettings.yell, [MessageModes.GamemasterBroadcast] = SpeakTypesSettings.broadcast, [MessageModes.PrivateFrom] = SpeakTypesSettings.private, [MessageModes.GamemasterPrivateFrom] = SpeakTypesSettings.privateRed, [MessageModes.NpcTo] = SpeakTypesSettings.privatePlayerToNpc, [MessageModes.NpcFrom] = SpeakTypesSettings.privateNpcToPlayer, [MessageModes.Channel] = SpeakTypesSettings.channelYellow, [MessageModes.ChannelManagement] = SpeakTypesSettings.channelWhite, [MessageModes.GamemasterChannel] = SpeakTypesSettings.channelRed, [MessageModes.ChannelHighlight] = SpeakTypesSettings.channelOrange, [MessageModes.MonsterSay] = SpeakTypesSettings.monsterSay, [MessageModes.MonsterYell] = SpeakTypesSettings.monsterYell, -- ignored types [MessageModes.Spell] = SpeakTypesSettings.none, [MessageModes.BarkLow] = SpeakTypesSettings.none, [MessageModes.BarkLoud] = SpeakTypesSettings.none, } SayModes = { [1] = { speakTypeDesc = 'whisper', icon = 'icons/whisper.png' }, [2] = { speakTypeDesc = 'say', icon = 'icons/say.png' }, [3] = { speakTypeDesc = 'yell', icon = 'icons/yell.png' } } MAX_HISTORY = 1000 MAX_LINES = 100 HELP_CHANNEL = 9 consolePanel = nil consoleContentPanel = nil consoleTabBar = nil consoleTextEdit = nil channels = nil channelsWindow = nil ignoreWindow = nil ownPrivateName = nil messageHistory = {} currentMessageIndex = 0 ignoreNpcMessages = false defaultTab = nil serverTab = nil local ignoreSettings = { privateMessages = false, yelling = false, players = {} } function init() connect(g_game, { onTalk = onTalk, onChannelList = onChannelList, onOpenChannel = onOpenChannel, onOpenPrivateChannel = onOpenPrivateChannel, onOpenOwnPrivateChannel = onOpenOwnPrivateChannel, onCloseChannel = onCloseChannel, onGameStart = onGameStart, onGameEnd = clear }) consolePanel = g_ui.loadUI('console.otui', modules.game_interface.getBottomPanel()) consoleTextEdit = consolePanel:getChildById('consoleTextEdit') consoleContentPanel = consolePanel:getChildById('consoleContentPanel') consoleTabBar = consolePanel:getChildById('consoleTabBar') consoleTabBar:setContentWidget(consoleContentPanel) consoleTabBar:setTabSpacing(-1) channels = {} defaultTab = addTab(tr('Default'), true) serverTab = addTab(tr('Server Log'), false) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Shift+Up', function() navigateMessageHistory(1) end, consolePanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Shift+Down', function() navigateMessageHistory(-1) end, consolePanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Tab', function() consoleTabBar:selectNextTab() end, consolePanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Shift+Tab', function() consoleTabBar:selectPrevTab() end, consolePanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Enter', sendCurrentMessage, consolePanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Ctrl+A', function() consoleTextEdit:clearText() end, consolePanel) -- apply buttom functions after loaded consolePanel:getChildById('nextChannelButton').onClick = function() consoleTabBar:selectNextTab() end consolePanel:getChildById('prevChannelButton').onClick = function() consoleTabBar:selectPrevTab() end consoleTabBar.onTabChange = onTabChange -- tibia like hotkeys g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+O', g_game.requestChannels) g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+E', removeCurrentTab) g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+H', openHelp) -- Ignore List loadIgnoreSettings() end function terminate() disconnect(g_game, { onTalk = onTalk, onChannelList = onChannelList, onOpenChannel = onOpenChannel, onOpenPrivateChannel = onOpenPrivateChannel, onOpenOwnPrivateChannel = onOpenPrivateChannel, onCloseChannel = onCloseChannel, onGameStart = onGameStart, onGameEnd = clear }) if g_game.isOnline() then clear() end g_keyboard.unbindKeyDown('Ctrl+O') g_keyboard.unbindKeyDown('Ctrl+E') g_keyboard.unbindKeyDown('Ctrl+H') saveIgnoreSettings() if channelsWindow then channelsWindow:destroy() channelsWindow = nil end if ignoreWindow then ignoreWindow:destroy() ignoreWindow = nil end consolePanel:destroy() consolePanel = nil consoleTextEdit = nil consoleContentPanel = nil consoleTabBar = nil ownPrivateName = nil Console = nil end function onTabChange(tabBar, tab) if tab == defaultTab or tab == serverTab then consolePanel:getChildById('closeChannelButton'):disable() else consolePanel:getChildById('closeChannelButton'):enable() end end function clear() -- save last open channels local lastChannelsOpen = g_settings.getNode('lastChannelsOpen') or {} local char = g_game.getLocalPlayer():getName() local savedChannels = {} local set = false for channelId, channelName in pairs(channels) do if type(channelId) == 'number' then savedChannels[channelName] = channelId set = true end end if set then lastChannelsOpen[char] = savedChannels else lastChannelsOpen[char] = nil end g_settings.setNode('lastChannelsOpen', lastChannelsOpen) -- close channels for _, channelName in pairs(channels) do local tab = consoleTabBar:getTab(channelName) consoleTabBar:removeTab(tab) end channels = {} defaultTab.tabPanel:getChildById('consoleBuffer'):destroyChildren() serverTab.tabPanel:getChildById('consoleBuffer'):destroyChildren() local npcTab = consoleTabBar:getTab('NPCs') if npcTab then consoleTabBar:removeTab(npcTab) end consoleTextEdit:clearText() if channelsWindow then channelsWindow:destroy() channelsWindow = nil end end function clearChannel(consoleTabBar) consoleTabBar:getCurrentTab().tabPanel:getChildById('consoleBuffer'):destroyChildren() consoleTabBar:getCurrentTab().tabPanel:getChildById('consoleBufferHighlight'):destroyChildren() end function setTextEditText(text) consoleTextEdit:setText(text) end function openHelp() g_game.joinChannel(HELP_CHANNEL) end function addTab(name, focus) local tab = getTab(name) if tab then -- is channel already open if not focus then focus = true end else tab = consoleTabBar:addTab(name, nil, processChannelTabMenu) end if focus then consoleTabBar:selectTab(tab) elseif not serverTab or name ~= serverTab:getText() then consoleTabBar:blinkTab(tab) end return tab end function removeTab(name) local tab = consoleTabBar:getTab(name) if tab == defaultTab or tab == serverTab then return end -- notificate the server that we are leaving the channel if tab.channelId then for k, v in pairs(channels) do if (k == tab.channelId) then channels[k] = nil end end g_game.leaveChannel(tab.channelId) elseif tab:getText() == "NPCs" then g_game.closeNpcChannel() end consoleTabBar:removeTab(tab) end function removeCurrentTab() local tab = consoleTabBar:getCurrentTab() if tab == defaultTab or tab == serverTab then return end -- notificate the server that we are leaving the channel if tab.channelId then for k, v in pairs(channels) do if (k == tab.channelId) then channels[k] = nil end end g_game.leaveChannel(tab.channelId) elseif tab:getText() == "NPCs" then g_game.closeNpcChannel() end consoleTabBar:removeTab(tab) end function getTab(name) return consoleTabBar:getTab(name) end function getCurrentTab() return consoleTabBar:getCurrentTab() end function addChannel(name, id) channels[id] = name local tab = addTab(name, true) tab.channelId = id return tab end function addPrivateChannel(receiver) channels[receiver] = receiver return addTab(receiver, true) end function addPrivateText(text, speaktype, name, isPrivateCommand, creatureName) local focus = false if speaktype.npcChat then name = 'NPCs' focus = true end local privateTab = getTab(name) if privateTab == nil then if (Options.getOption('showPrivateMessagesInConsole') and not focus) or (isPrivateCommand and not privateTab) then privateTab = defaultTab else privateTab = addTab(name, focus) channels[name] = name end privateTab.npcChat = speaktype.npcChat elseif focus then consoleTabBar:selectTab(privateTab) end addTabText(text, speaktype, privateTab, creatureName) end function addText(text, speaktype, tabName, creatureName) local tab = getTab(tabName) if tab ~= nil then addTabText(text, speaktype, tab, creatureName) end end -- Contains letter width for font "verdana-11px-antialised" as console is based on it local letterWidth = { -- New line (10) and Space (32) have width 1 because they are printed and not replaced with spacer [10] = 1, [32] = 1, [33] = 3, [34] = 6, [35] = 8, [36] = 7, [37] = 13, [38] = 9, [39] = 3, [40] = 5, [41] = 5, [42] = 6, [43] = 8, [44] = 4, [45] = 5, [46] = 3, [47] = 8, [48] = 7, [49] = 6, [50] = 7, [51] = 7, [52] = 7, [53] = 7, [54] = 7, [55] = 7, [56] = 7, [57] = 7, [58] = 3, [59] = 4, [60] = 8, [61] = 8, [62] = 8, [63] = 6, [64] = 10, [65] = 9, [66] = 7, [67] = 7, [68] = 8, [69] = 7, [70] = 7, [71] = 8, [72] = 8, [73] = 5, [74] = 5, [75] = 7, [76] = 7, [77] = 9, [78] = 8, [79] = 8, [80] = 7, [81] = 8, [82] = 8, [83] = 7, [84] = 8, [85] = 8, [86] = 8, [87] = 12, [88] = 8, [89] = 8, [90] = 7, [91] = 5, [92] = 8, [93] = 5, [94] = 9, [95] = 8, [96] = 5, [97] = 7, [98] = 7, [99] = 6, [100] = 7, [101] = 7, [102] = 5, [103] = 7, [104] = 7, [105] = 3, [106] = 4, [107] = 7, [108] = 3, [109] = 11, [110] = 7, [111] = 7, [112] = 7, [113] = 7, [114] = 6, [115] = 6, [116] = 5, [117] = 7, [118] = 8, [119] = 10, [120] = 8, [121] = 8, [122] = 6, [123] = 7, [124] = 4, [125] = 7, [126] = 8, [127] = 1, [128] = 7, [129] = 6, [130] = 3, [131] = 7, [132] = 6, [133] = 11, [134] = 7, [135] = 7, [136] = 7, [137] = 13, [138] = 7, [139] = 4, [140] = 11, [141] = 6, [142] = 6, [143] = 6, [144] = 6, [145] = 4, [146] = 3, [147] = 7, [148] = 6, [149] = 6, [150] = 7, [151] = 10, [152] = 7, [153] = 10, [154] = 6, [155] = 5, [156] = 11, [157] = 6, [158] = 6, [159] = 8, [160] = 4, [161] = 3, [162] = 7, [163] = 7, [164] = 7, [165] = 8, [166] = 4, [167] = 7, [168] = 6, [169] = 10, [170] = 6, [171] = 8, [172] = 8, [173] = 16, [174] = 10, [175] = 8, [176] = 5, [177] = 8, [178] = 5, [179] = 5, [180] = 6, [181] = 7, [182] = 7, [183] = 3, [184] = 5, [185] = 6, [186] = 6, [187] = 8, [188] = 12, [189] = 12, [190] = 12, [191] = 6, [192] = 9, [193] = 9, [194] = 9, [195] = 9, [196] = 9, [197] = 9, [198] = 11, [199] = 7, [200] = 7, [201] = 7, [202] = 7, [203] = 7, [204] = 5, [205] = 5, [206] = 6, [207] = 5, [208] = 8, [209] = 8, [210] = 8, [211] = 8, [212] = 8, [213] = 8, [214] = 8, [215] = 8, [216] = 8, [217] = 8, [218] = 8, [219] = 8, [220] = 8, [221] = 8, [222] = 7, [223] = 7, [224] = 7, [225] = 7, [226] = 7, [227] = 7, [228] = 7, [229] = 7, [230] = 11, [231] = 6, [232] = 7, [233] = 7, [234] = 7, [235] = 7, [236] = 3, [237] = 4, [238] = 4, [239] = 4, [240] = 7, [241] = 7, [242] = 7, [243] = 7, [244] = 7, [245] = 7, [246] = 7, [247] = 9, [248] = 7, [249] = 7, [250] = 7, [251] = 7, [252] = 7, [253] = 8, [254] = 7, [255] = 8 } -- Return information about start, end in the string and the highlighted words function getHighlightedText(text) local tmpData = {} repeat local tmp = {string.find(text, "{([^}]+)}", tmpData[#tmpData-1])} for _, v in pairs(tmp) do table.insert(tmpData, v) end until not(string.find(text, "{([^}]+)}", tmpData[#tmpData-1])) return tmpData end function addTabText(text, speaktype, tab, creatureName) if Options.getOption('showTimestampsInConsole') then text = os.date('%H:%M') .. ' ' .. text end local panel = consoleTabBar:getTabPanel(tab) local consoleBuffer = panel:getChildById('consoleBuffer') local label = g_ui.createWidget('ConsoleLabel', consoleBuffer) label:setId('consoleLabel' .. panel:getChildCount()) label:setText(text) label:setColor(speaktype.color) consoleTabBar:blinkTab(tab) -- Overlay for consoleBuffer which shows highlighted words only local consoleBufferHighlight = panel:getChildById('consoleBufferHighlight') local labelHighlight = g_ui.createWidget('ConsoleLabel', consoleBufferHighlight) labelHighlight:setId('consoleLabel' .. panel:getChildCount()) labelHighlight:setColor("#1f9ffe") local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer() if speaktype.npcChat and (player:getName() ~= creatureName or player:getName() == 'Account Manager') then -- Check if it is the npc who is talking local highlightData = getHighlightedText(text) if #highlightData == 0 then labelHighlight:setText("") else -- Remove the curly braces for i = 1, #highlightData / 3 do local dataBlock = { _start = highlightData[(i-1)*3+1], _end = highlightData[(i-1)*3+2], words = highlightData[(i-1)*3+3] } text = text:gsub("{"..dataBlock.words.."}", dataBlock.words) -- Recalculate positions as braces are removed highlightData[(i-1)*3+1] = dataBlock._start - ((i-1) * 2) highlightData[(i-1)*3+2] = dataBlock._end - (1 + (i-1) * 2) end label:setText(text) -- Calculate the positions of the highlighted text and fill with string.char(127) [Width: 1] local drawText = label:getDrawText() local tmpText = "" for i = 1, #highlightData / 3 do local dataBlock = { _start = highlightData[(i-1)*3+1], _end = highlightData[(i-1)*3+2], words = highlightData[(i-1)*3+3] } local lastBlockEnd = (highlightData[(i-2)*3+2] or 1) for letter = lastBlockEnd, dataBlock._start-1 do local tmpChar = string.byte(drawText:sub(letter, letter)) local fillChar = (tmpChar == 10 or tmpChar == 32) and string.char(tmpChar) or string.char(127) tmpText = tmpText .. string.rep(fillChar, letterWidth[tmpChar]) end tmpText = tmpText .. dataBlock.words end -- Fill the highlight label to the same size as default label local finalBlockEnd = (highlightData[(#highlightData/3-1)*3+2] or 1) for letter = finalBlockEnd, drawText:len() do local tmpChar = string.byte(drawText:sub(letter, letter)) local fillChar = (tmpChar == 10 or tmpChar == 32) and string.char(tmpChar) or string.char(127) tmpText = tmpText .. string.rep(fillChar, letterWidth[tmpChar]) end labelHighlight:setText(tmpText) end else labelHighlight:setText("") end label.onMouseRelease = function (self, mousePos, mouseButton) processMessageMenu(mousePos, mouseButton, creatureName, text) end if consoleBuffer:getChildCount() > MAX_LINES then consoleBuffer:getFirstChild():destroy() end if consoleBufferHighlight:getChildCount() > MAX_LINES then consoleBufferHighlight:getFirstChild():destroy() end end function processChannelTabMenu(tab, mousePos, mouseButton) local menu = g_ui.createWidget('PopupMenu') channelName = tab:getText() if tab ~= defaultTab and tab ~= serverTab then menu:addOption(tr('Close'), function() removeTab(channelName) end) --menu:addOption(tr('Show Server Messages'), function() --[[TODO]] end) menu:addSeparator() end menu:addOption(tr('Clear Messages'), function() clearChannel(consoleTabBar) end) --menu:addOption(tr('Save Messages'), function() --[[TODO]] end) menu:display(mousePos) end function processMessageMenu(mousePos, mouseButton, creatureName, text) if mouseButton == MouseRightButton then local menu = g_ui.createWidget('PopupMenu') if creatureName then if creatureName ~= g_game.getCharacterName() then menu:addOption(tr('Message to ' .. creatureName), function () g_game.openPrivateChannel(creatureName) end) if not g_game.getLocalPlayer():hasVip(creatureName) then menu:addOption(tr('Add to VIP list'), function () g_game.addVip(creatureName) end) end -- TODO ignore creatureName menu:addSeparator() end --TODO select all menu:addOption(tr('Copy message'), function () g_window.setClipboardText(text) end) if modules.game_ruleviolation.hasWindowAccess() then menu:addSeparator() menu:addOption(tr('Rule Violation'), function() modules.game_ruleviolation.show(creatureName, text:match('.+%:%s(.+)')) end) end menu:addSeparator() menu:addOption(tr('Copy name'), function () g_window.setClipboardText(creatureName) end) else --TODO select all menu:addOption(tr('Copy message'), function () g_window.setClipboardText(text) end) end menu:display(mousePos) end end function sendCurrentMessage() local message = consoleTextEdit:getText() if #message == 0 then return end consoleTextEdit:clearText() -- get current channel local tab = getCurrentTab() -- handling chat commands local originalMessage = message local chatCommandSayMode local chatCommandPrivate local chatCommandPrivateReady local chatCommandMessage = message:match("^%#y (.*)") if chatCommandMessage ~= nil then chatCommandSayMode = 'yell' end -- player used yell command message = chatCommandMessage or message local chatCommandMessage = message:match("^%#w (.*)") if chatCommandMessage ~= nil then chatCommandSayMode = 'whisper' end -- player used whisper message = chatCommandMessage or message local findIni, findEnd, chatCommandInitial, chatCommandPrivate, chatCommandEnd, chatCommandMessage = message:find("([%*%@])(.+)([%*%@])(.*)") if findIni ~= nil and findIni == 1 then -- player used private chat command if chatCommandInitial == chatCommandEnd then chatCommandPrivateRepeat = false if chatCommandInitial == "*" then consoleTextEdit:setText('*'.. chatCommandPrivate .. '* ') end message = chatCommandMessage:trim() chatCommandPrivateReady = true end end message = message:gsub("^(%s*)(.*)","%2") -- remove space characters from message init if #message == 0 then return end -- add new command to history currentMessageIndex = 0 if #messageHistory == 0 or messageHistory[#messageHistory] ~= originalMessage then table.insert(messageHistory, originalMessage) if #messageHistory > MAX_HISTORY then table.remove(messageHistory, 1) end end -- when talking on server log, the message goes to default channel local name = tab:getText() if tab == serverTab then tab = defaultTab name = defaultTab:getText() end local speaktypedesc if (tab.channelId or tab == defaultTab) and not chatCommandPrivateReady then if tab == defaultTab then speaktypedesc = chatCommandSayMode or SayModes[consolePanel:getChildById('sayModeButton').sayMode].speakTypeDesc if speaktypedesc ~= 'say' then sayModeChange(2) end -- head back to say mode else speaktypedesc = 'channelYellow' end g_game.talkChannel(SpeakTypesSettings[speaktypedesc].speakType, tab.channelId, message) return else local isPrivateCommand = false if chatCommandPrivateReady then speaktypedesc = 'privatePlayerToPlayer' name = chatCommandPrivate isPrivateCommand = true elseif tab.npcChat then speaktypedesc = 'privatePlayerToNpc' else speaktypedesc = 'privatePlayerToPlayer' end local speaktype = SpeakTypesSettings[speaktypedesc] local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer() g_game.talkPrivate(speaktype.speakType, name, message) message = applyMessagePrefixies(player:getName(), player:getLevel(), message) addPrivateText(message, speaktype, name, isPrivateCommand, g_game.getCharacterName()) end end function sayModeChange(sayMode) local buttom = consolePanel:getChildById('sayModeButton') if sayMode == nil then sayMode = buttom.sayMode + 1 end if sayMode > #SayModes then sayMode = 1 end buttom:setIcon(SayModes[sayMode].icon) buttom.sayMode = sayMode end function getOwnPrivateTab() if not ownPrivateName then return end return getTab(ownPrivateName) end function setIgnoreNpcMessages(ignore) ignoreNpcMessages = ignore end function navigateMessageHistory(step) local numCommands = #messageHistory if numCommands > 0 then currentMessageIndex = math.min(math.max(currentMessageIndex + step, 0), numCommands) if currentMessageIndex > 0 then local command = messageHistory[numCommands - currentMessageIndex + 1] consoleTextEdit:setText(command) else consoleTextEdit:clearText() end end end function applyMessagePrefixies(name, level, message) if name then if Options.getOption('showLevelsInConsole') and level > 0 then message = name .. ' [' .. level .. ']: ' .. message else message = name .. ': ' .. message end end return message end function onTalk(name, level, mode, message, channelId, creaturePos) if mode == MessageModes.GamemasterBroadcast then modules.game_textmessage.displayBroadcastMessage(name .. ': ' .. message) return end if ignoreNpcMessages and mode == MessageModes.NpcFrom then return end speaktype = SpeakTypes[mode] if ((mode == MessageModes.Yell and isIgnoringYelling()) or (speaktype.private and isIgnoringPrivate()) or (isIgnored(name) or isIgnored(name:lower()))) and name ~= g_game.getLocalPlayer():getName() then return end if (mode == MessageModes.Say or mode == MessageModes.Whisper or mode == MessageModes.Yell or mode == MessageModes.Spell or mode == MessageModes.MonsterSay or mode == MessageModes.MonsterYell or mode == MessageModes.NpcFrom or mode == MessageModes.BarkLow or mode == MessageModes.BarkLoud) and creaturePos then -- Remove curly braces from screen message local staticMessage = message if mode == MessageModes.NpcFrom then local highlightData = getHighlightedText(staticMessage) if #highlightData > 0 then for i = 1, #highlightData / 3 do local dataBlock = { _start = highlightData[(i-1)*3+1], _end = highlightData[(i-1)*3+2], words = highlightData[(i-1)*3+3] } staticMessage = staticMessage:gsub("{"..dataBlock.words.."}", dataBlock.words) end end end local staticText = StaticText.create() staticText:addMessage(name, mode, staticMessage) g_map.addThing(staticText, creaturePos, -1) end local defaultMessage = mode <= 3 and true or false if not speaktype then perror('unhandled onTalk message mode ' .. mode .. ': ' .. message) return end if speaktype == SpeakTypesSettings.none then return end if speaktype.hideInConsole then return end local composedMessage = applyMessagePrefixies(name, level, message) if speaktype.private then addPrivateText(composedMessage, speaktype, name, false, name) if Options.getOption('showPrivateMessagesOnScreen') and speaktype ~= SpeakTypesSettings.privateNpcToPlayer then modules.game_textmessage.displayPrivateMessage(name .. ':\n' .. message) end else local channel = tr('Default') if not defaultMessage then channel = channels[channelId] end if channel then addText(composedMessage, speaktype, channel, name) else -- server sent a message on a channel that is not open pwarning('message in channel id ' .. channelId .. ' which is unknown, this is a server bug, relogin if you want to see messages in this channel') end end end function onOpenChannel(channelId, channelName) addChannel(channelName, channelId) end function onOpenPrivateChannel(receiver) addPrivateChannel(receiver) end function onOpenOwnPrivateChannel(channelId, channelName) local privateTab = getTab(channelName) if privateTab == nil then addChannel(channelName, channelId) end ownPrivateName = channelName end function onCloseChannel(channelId) local channel = channels[channelId] if channel then local tab = getTab(channel) if tab then consoleTabBar:removeTab(tab) end for k, v in pairs(channels) do if (k == tab.channelId) then channels[k] = nil end end end end function doChannelListSubmit() local channelListPanel = channelsWindow:getChildById('channelList') local openPrivateChannelWith = channelsWindow:getChildById('openPrivateChannelWith'):getText() if openPrivateChannelWith ~= '' then if openPrivateChannelWith:lower() ~= g_game.getLocalPlayer():getName():lower() then g_game.openPrivateChannel(openPrivateChannelWith) else modules.game_textmessage.displayFailureMessage('You cannot create a private chat channel with yourself.') end else local selectedChannelLabel = channelListPanel:getFocusedChild() if not selectedChannelLabel then return end if selectedChannelLabel.channelId == 0xFFFF then g_game.openOwnChannel() else g_game.joinChannel(selectedChannelLabel.channelId) end end channelsWindow:destroy() end function onChannelList(channelList) if channelsWindow then channelsWindow:destroy() end channelsWindow = g_ui.displayUI('channelswindow.otui') local channelListPanel = channelsWindow:getChildById('channelList') channelsWindow.onEnter = doChannelListSubmit channelsWindow.onDestroy = function() channelsWindow = nil end g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Down', function() channelListPanel:focusNextChild(KeyboardFocusReason) end, channelsWindow) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Up', function() channelListPanel:focusPreviousChild(KeyboardFocusReason) end, channelsWindow) for k,v in pairs(channelList) do local channelId = v[1] local channelName = v[2] if #channelName > 0 then local label = g_ui.createWidget('ChannelListLabel', channelListPanel) label.channelId = channelId label:setText(channelName) label:setPhantom(false) label.onDoubleClick = doChannelListSubmit end end end function loadIgnoreSettings() local ignoreNode = g_settings.getNode('IgnorePlayers') if ignoreNode then for i = 1, #ignoreNode do table.insert(ignoreSettings.players, ignoreNode[i]) end end ignoreSettings.privateMessages = g_settings.getBoolean('IgnorePrivateMessages') ignoreSettings.yelling = g_settings.getBoolean('IgnoreYelling') end function saveIgnoreSettings() local tmpSettings = {} for i = 1, #ignoreSettings.players do table.insert(tmpSettings, ignoreSettings.players[i]) end g_settings.set('IgnorePrivateMessages', ignoreSettings.privateMessages) g_settings.set('IgnoreYelling', ignoreSettings.yelling) g_settings.setNode('IgnorePlayers', tmpSettings) end function isIgnored(name) return table.find(ignoreSettings.players, name) end function isIgnoringPrivate() return ignoreSettings.privateMessages end function isIgnoringYelling() return ignoreSettings.yelling end function onClickIgnoreButton() if ignoreWindow then return end ignoreWindow = g_ui.displayUI('ignorewindow.otui') local ignoreListPanel = ignoreWindow:getChildById('ignoreList') ignoreWindow.onDestroy = function() ignoreWindow = nil end local removeButton = ignoreWindow:getChildById('buttonRemove') removeButton:disable() ignoreListPanel.onChildFocusChange = function() removeButton:enable() end removeButton.onClick = function() local selection = ignoreListPanel:getFocusedChild() if selection then ignoreListPanel:removeChild(selection) end if ignoreListPanel:getChildCount() == 0 then removeButton:disable() end end local newlyIgnoredPlayers = {} local addName = ignoreWindow:getChildById('ignoreNameEdit') local addButton = ignoreWindow:getChildById('buttonAdd') local addFunction = function() if addName:getText() == '' then return end if table.find(ignoreSettings.players, addName:getText()) then return end if table.find(newlyIgnoredPlayers, addName:getText()) then return end local label = g_ui.createWidget('IgnoreListLabel', ignoreListPanel) label:setText(addName:getText()) table.insert(newlyIgnoredPlayers, addName:getText()) label:setPhantom(false) addName:setText('') end addButton.onClick = addFunction ignoreWindow.onEnter = addFunction local ignorePrivateMessageBox = ignoreWindow:getChildById('checkboxIgnorePrivateMessages') ignorePrivateMessageBox:setChecked(ignoreSettings.privateMessages) local ignoreYellingBox = ignoreWindow:getChildById('checkboxIgnoreYelling') ignoreYellingBox:setChecked(ignoreSettings.yelling) local saveButton = ignoreWindow:getChildById('buttonSave') saveButton.onClick = function() ignoreSettings.players = {} for i = 1, ignoreListPanel:getChildCount() do table.insert(ignoreSettings.players, ignoreListPanel:getChildByIndex(i):getText()) end ignoreSettings.yelling = ignoreYellingBox:isChecked() ignoreSettings.privateMessages = ignorePrivateMessageBox:isChecked() ignoreWindow:destroy() end for _, name in pairs(ignoreSettings.players) do local label = g_ui.createWidget('IgnoreListLabel', ignoreListPanel) label:setText(name) label:setPhantom(false) end end function onGameStart() -- open last channels local lastChannelsOpen = g_settings.getNode('lastChannelsOpen') if lastChannelsOpen then local savedChannels = lastChannelsOpen[g_game.getLocalPlayer():getName()] if savedChannels then for channelName, channelId in pairs(savedChannels) do channelId = tonumber(channelId) if channelId ~= -1 and channelId < 100 then if not table.find(channels, channelId) then g_game.joinChannel(channelId) end end end end end local tab = defaultTab if tab then --[[ Known Issue: The server is calling to open channels after onGameStart is executed causing it to focus the last tab opened. Fix: Don't save channels to the settings that are opened by the server. ]] addEvent(function() consoleTabBar:selectTab(tab) end, true) end end