rvreasons = {} rvreasons[1] = tr("1a) Offensive Name") rvreasons[2] = tr("1b) Invalid Name Format") rvreasons[3] = tr("1c) Unsuitable Name") rvreasons[4] = tr("1d) Name Inciting Rule Violation") rvreasons[5] = tr("2a) Offensive Statement") rvreasons[6] = tr("2b) Spamming") rvreasons[7] = tr("2c) Illegal Advertising") rvreasons[8] = tr("2d) Off-Topic Public Statement") rvreasons[9] = tr("2e) Non-English Public Statement") rvreasons[10] = tr("2f) Inciting Rule Violation") rvreasons[11] = tr("3a) Bug Abuse") rvreasons[12] = tr("3b) Game Weakness Abuse") rvreasons[13] = tr("3c) Using Unofficial Software to Play") rvreasons[14] = tr("3d) Hacking") rvreasons[15] = tr("3e) Multi-Clienting") rvreasons[16] = tr("3f) Account Trading or Sharing") rvreasons[17] = tr("4a) Threatening Gamemaster") rvreasons[18] = tr("4b) Pretending to Have Influence on Rule Enforcement") rvreasons[19] = tr("4c) False Report to Gamemaster") rvreasons[20] = tr("Destructive Behaviour") rvreasons[21] = tr("Excessive Unjustified Player Killing") rvactions = {} rvactions[0] = tr("Notation") rvactions[1] = tr("Name Report") rvactions[2] = tr("Banishment") rvactions[3] = tr("Name Report + Banishment") rvactions[4] = tr("Banishment + Final Warning") rvactions[5] = tr("Name Report + Banishment + Final Warning") rvactions[6] = tr("Statement Report") ruleViolationWindow = nil reasonsTextList = nil actionsTextList = nil function init() connect(g_game, { onGMActions = loadReasons }) ruleViolationWindow = g_ui.displayUI('ruleviolation.otui') ruleViolationWindow:setVisible(false) reasonsTextList = ruleViolationWindow:getChildById('reasonList') actionsTextList = ruleViolationWindow:getChildById('actionList') g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+Y', show) if g_game.isOnline() then loadReasons() end end function terminate() disconnect(g_game, { onGMActions = loadReasons }) g_keyboard.unbindKeyDown('Ctrl+Y') ruleViolationWindow:destroy() end function hasWindowAccess() return reasonsTextList:getChildCount() > 0 end function loadReasons() reasonsTextList:destroyChildren() local actions = g_game.getGMActions() for reason, actionFlags in pairs(actions) do local label = g_ui.createWidget('RVListLabel', reasonsTextList) label.onFocusChange = onSelectReason label:setText(rvreasons[reason]) label.reasonId = reason label.actionFlags = actionFlags end if not hasWindowAccess() and ruleViolationWindow:isVisible() then hide() end end function show(target, statement) if g_game.isOnline() and hasWindowAccess() then if target then ruleViolationWindow:getChildById('nameText'):setText(target) end if statement then ruleViolationWindow:getChildById('statementText'):setText(statement) end ruleViolationWindow:show() ruleViolationWindow:raise() end end function hide() ruleViolationWindow:hide() clearForm() end function onSelectReason(reasonLabel, focused) if reasonLabel.actionFlags and focused then actionsTextList:destroyChildren() for actionBaseFlag = 0, #rvactions do actionFlagString = rvactions[actionBaseFlag] if bit32.band(reasonLabel.actionFlags, math.pow(2, actionBaseFlag)) > 0 then local label = g_ui.createWidget('RVListLabel', actionsTextList) label:setText(actionFlagString) label.actionId = actionBaseFlag end end end end function report() local target = ruleViolationWindow:getChildById('nameText'):getText() local reason = reasonsTextList:getFocusedChild().reasonId local action = actionsTextList:getFocusedChild().actionId local comment = ruleViolationWindow:getChildById('commentText'):getText() local statement = ruleViolationWindow:getChildById('statementText'):getText() local statementId = 0 -- TODO: message unique id ? local ipBanishment = ruleViolationWindow:getChildById('ipBanCheckBox'):isChecked() if action == 6 and statement == "" then displayErrorBox(tr("Error"), tr("No statement has been selected.")) elseif comment == "" then displayErrorBox(tr("Error"), tr("You must enter a comment.")) else g_game.reportRuleViolation(target, reason, action, comment, statement, statementId, ipBanishment) hide() end end function clearForm() ruleViolationWindow:getChildById('nameText'):clearText() ruleViolationWindow:getChildById('commentText'):clearText() ruleViolationWindow:getChildById('statementText'):clearText() ruleViolationWindow:getChildById('ipBanCheckBox'):setChecked(false) end