-- private variables local topMenu local leftButtonsPanel local rightButtonsPanel local leftGameButtonsPanel local rightGameButtonsPanel -- private functions local function addButton(id, description, icon, callback, panel, toggle, front) local class if toggle then class = 'TopToggleButton' else class = 'TopButton' end local button = panel:getChildById(id) if not button then button = g_ui.createWidget(class) if front then panel:insertChild(1, button) else panel:addChild(button) end end button:setId(id) button:setTooltip(description) button:setIcon(resolvepath(icon, 3)) button.onMouseRelease = function(widget, mousePos, mouseButton) if widget:containsPoint(mousePos) and mouseButton ~= MouseMiddleButton then callback() return true end end return button end -- public functions function init() connect(g_game, { onGameStart = online, onGameEnd = offline, onPingBack = updatePing }) connect(g_app, { onFps = updateFps }) topMenu = g_ui.displayUI('topmenu') leftButtonsPanel = topMenu:getChildById('leftButtonsPanel') rightButtonsPanel = topMenu:getChildById('rightButtonsPanel') leftGameButtonsPanel = topMenu:getChildById('leftGameButtonsPanel') rightGameButtonsPanel = topMenu:getChildById('rightGameButtonsPanel') pingLabel = topMenu:getChildById('pingLabel') fpsLabel = topMenu:getChildById('fpsLabel') if g_game.isOnline() then online() end end function terminate() disconnect(g_game, { onGameStart = online, onGameEnd = offline, onPingBack = updatePing }) disconnect(g_app, { onFps = updateFps }) topMenu:destroy() end function online() showGameButtons() if modules.client_options.getOption('showFps') and (g_game.getFeature(GameClientPing) or g_game.getFeature(GameExtendedClientPing)) then pingLabel:show() end end function offline() hideGameButtons() pingLabel:hide() end function updateFps(fps) text = 'FPS: ' .. fps fpsLabel:setText(text) end function updatePing(ping) local text = 'Ping: ' local color if ping < 0 then text = text .. "??" color = 'yellow' else text = text .. ping .. ' ms' if ping >= 500 then color = 'red' elseif ping >= 250 then color = 'yellow' else color = 'green' end end pingLabel:setColor(color) pingLabel:setText(text) end function setPingVisible(enable) pingLabel:setVisible(enable) end function setFpsVisible(enable) fpsLabel:setVisible(enable) end function addLeftButton(id, description, icon, callback, front) return addButton(id, description, icon, callback, leftButtonsPanel, false, front) end function addLeftToggleButton(id, description, icon, callback, front) return addButton(id, description, icon, callback, leftButtonsPanel, true, front) end function addRightButton(id, description, icon, callback, front) return addButton(id, description, icon, callback, rightButtonsPanel, false, front) end function addRightToggleButton(id, description, icon, callback, front) return addButton(id, description, icon, callback, rightButtonsPanel, true, front) end function addLeftGameButton(id, description, icon, callback, front) return addButton(id, description, icon, callback, leftGameButtonsPanel, false, front) end function addLeftGameToggleButton(id, description, icon, callback, front) return addButton(id, description, icon, callback, leftGameButtonsPanel, true, front) end function addRightGameButton(id, description, icon, callback, front) return addButton(id, description, icon, callback, rightGameButtonsPanel, false, front) end function addRightGameToggleButton(id, description, icon, callback, front) return addButton(id, description, icon, callback, rightGameButtonsPanel, true, front) end function showGameButtons() leftGameButtonsPanel:show() rightGameButtonsPanel:show() end function hideGameButtons() leftGameButtonsPanel:hide() rightGameButtonsPanel:hide() end function getButton(id) return topMenu:recursiveGetChildById(id) end function getTopMenu() return topMenu end