/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "game.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "map.h" #include "tile.h" #include "creature.h" #include "container.h" #include "statictext.h" #include #include #include #include "luavaluecasts.h" #include "protocolgame.h" #include "protocolcodes.h" Game g_game; Game::Game() { m_protocolVersion = 0; m_clientCustomOs = -1; m_clientVersion = 0; m_online = false; m_denyBotCall = false; m_dead = false; m_serverBeat = 50; m_seq = 0; m_ping = -1; m_pingDelay = 1000; m_canReportBugs = false; m_fightMode = Otc::FightBalanced; m_chaseMode = Otc::DontChase; m_safeFight = true; } void Game::init() { resetGameStates(); } void Game::terminate() { resetGameStates(); m_protocolGame = nullptr; } void Game::resetGameStates() { m_online = false; m_denyBotCall = false; m_dead = false; m_serverBeat = 50; m_seq = 0; m_ping = -1; m_canReportBugs = false; m_fightMode = Otc::FightBalanced; m_chaseMode = Otc::DontChase; m_safeFight = true; m_followingCreature = nullptr; m_attackingCreature = nullptr; m_localPlayer = nullptr; m_pingSent = 0; m_pingReceived = 0; for(auto& it : m_containers) { const ContainerPtr& container = it.second; if(container) container->onClose(); } if(m_pingEvent) { m_pingEvent->cancel(); m_pingEvent = nullptr; } if(m_walkEvent) { m_walkEvent->cancel(); m_walkEvent = nullptr; } if(m_checkConnectionEvent) { m_checkConnectionEvent->cancel(); m_checkConnectionEvent = nullptr; } m_containers.clear(); m_vips.clear(); m_gmActions.clear(); g_map.resetAwareRange(); } void Game::processConnectionError(const boost::system::error_code& ec) { // connection errors only have meaning if we still have a protocol if(m_protocolGame) { // eof = end of file, a clean disconnect if(ec != asio::error::eof) g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onConnectionError", ec.message(), ec.value()); processDisconnect(); } } void Game::processDisconnect() { if(isOnline()) processGameEnd(); if(m_protocolGame) { m_protocolGame->disconnect(); m_protocolGame = nullptr; } } void Game::processUpdateNeeded(const std::string& signature) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onUpdateNeeded", signature); } void Game::processLoginError(const std::string& error) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onLoginError", error); } void Game::processLoginAdvice(const std::string& message) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onLoginAdvice", message); } void Game::processLoginWait(const std::string& message, int time) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onLoginWait", message, time); } void Game::processLogin() { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onLogin"); } void Game::processPendingGame() { m_localPlayer->setPendingGame(true); g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onPendingGame"); m_protocolGame->sendEnterGame(); } void Game::processEnterGame() { m_localPlayer->setPendingGame(false); g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onEnterGame"); } void Game::processGameStart() { m_online = true; // synchronize fight modes with the server m_protocolGame->sendChangeFightModes(m_fightMode, m_chaseMode, m_safeFight); // NOTE: the entire map description and local player information is not known yet (bot call is allowed here) enableBotCall(); g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onGameStart"); disableBotCall(); if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameClientPing) || g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameExtendedClientPing)) { m_pingEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([this] { g_game.ping(); }, m_pingDelay); } m_checkConnectionEvent = g_dispatcher.cycleEvent([this] { if(!g_game.isConnectionOk() && !m_connectionFailWarned) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onConnectionFailing", true); m_connectionFailWarned = true; } else if(g_game.isConnectionOk() && m_connectionFailWarned) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onConnectionFailing", false); m_connectionFailWarned = false; } }, 1000); } void Game::processGameEnd() { m_online = false; g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onGameEnd"); if(m_connectionFailWarned) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onConnectionFailing", false); m_connectionFailWarned = false; } // reset game state resetGameStates(); m_worldName = ""; m_characterName = ""; // clean map creatures g_map.cleanDynamicThings(); } void Game::processDeath(int penality) { m_dead = true; m_localPlayer->stopWalk(); g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onDeath", penality); } void Game::processGMActions(const std::vector& actions) { m_gmActions = actions; g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onGMActions", actions); } void Game::processPing() { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onPing"); enableBotCall(); m_protocolGame->sendPingBack(); disableBotCall(); } void Game::processPingBack() { m_pingReceived++; if(m_pingReceived == m_pingSent) m_ping = m_pingTimer.elapsed_millis(); else g_logger.error("got an invalid ping from server"); g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onPingBack", m_ping); m_pingEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([this] { g_game.ping(); }, m_pingDelay); } void Game::processTextMessage(Otc::MessageMode mode, const std::string& text) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onTextMessage", mode, text); } void Game::processTalk(const std::string& name, int level, Otc::MessageMode mode, const std::string& text, int channelId, const Position& pos) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onTalk", name, level, mode, text, channelId, pos); } void Game::processOpenContainer(int containerId, const ItemPtr& containerItem, const std::string& name, int capacity, bool hasParent, const std::vector& items) { ContainerPtr previousContainer = getContainer(containerId); ContainerPtr container = ContainerPtr(new Container(containerId, capacity, name, containerItem, hasParent)); m_containers[containerId] = container; container->onAddItems(items); // we might want to close a container here enableBotCall(); container->onOpen(previousContainer); disableBotCall(); if(previousContainer) previousContainer->onClose(); } void Game::processCloseContainer(int containerId) { ContainerPtr container = getContainer(containerId); if(!container) { g_logger.traceError("container not found"); return; } m_containers[containerId] = nullptr; container->onClose(); } void Game::processContainerAddItem(int containerId, const ItemPtr& item) { ContainerPtr container = getContainer(containerId); if(!container) { g_logger.traceError("container not found"); return; } container->onAddItem(item); } void Game::processContainerUpdateItem(int containerId, int slot, const ItemPtr& item) { ContainerPtr container = getContainer(containerId); if(!container) { g_logger.traceError("container not found"); return; } container->onUpdateItem(slot, item); } void Game::processContainerRemoveItem(int containerId, int slot) { ContainerPtr container = getContainer(containerId); if(!container) { g_logger.traceError("container not found"); return; } container->onRemoveItem(slot); } void Game::processInventoryChange(int slot, const ItemPtr& item) { if(item) item->setPosition(Position(65535, slot, 0)); m_localPlayer->setInventoryItem((Otc::InventorySlot)slot, item); } void Game::processChannelList(const std::vector >& channelList) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onChannelList", channelList); } void Game::processOpenChannel(int channelId, const std::string& name) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onOpenChannel", channelId, name); } void Game::processOpenPrivateChannel(const std::string& name) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onOpenPrivateChannel", name); } void Game::processOpenOwnPrivateChannel(int channelId, const std::string& name) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onOpenOwnPrivateChannel", channelId, name); } void Game::processCloseChannel(int channelId) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onCloseChannel", channelId); } void Game::processRuleViolationChannel(int channelId) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onRuleViolationChannel", channelId); } void Game::processRuleViolationRemove(const std::string& name) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onRuleViolationRemove", name); } void Game::processRuleViolationCancel(const std::string& name) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onRuleViolationCancel", name); } void Game::processRuleViolationLock() { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onRuleViolationLock"); } void Game::processVipAdd(uint id, const std::string& name, uint status, int iconId, bool notifyLogin) { m_vips[id] = Vip(name, status); g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onAddVip", id, name, status, iconId, notifyLogin); } void Game::processVipStateChange(uint id, uint status) { std::get<1>(m_vips[id]) = status; g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onVipStateChange", id, status); } void Game::processTutorialHint(int id) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onTutorialHint", id); } void Game::processAddAutomapFlag(const Position& pos, int icon, const std::string& message) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onAddAutomapFlag", pos, icon, message); } void Game::processRemoveAutomapFlag(const Position& pos, int icon, const std::string& message) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onRemoveAutomapFlag", pos, icon, message); } void Game::processOpenOutfitWindow(const Outfit& currentOufit, const std::vector >& outfitList, const std::vector >& mountList) { // create virtual creature outfit CreaturePtr virtualOutfitCreature = CreaturePtr(new Creature); virtualOutfitCreature->setDirection(Otc::South); Outfit outfit = currentOufit; outfit.setMount(0); virtualOutfitCreature->setOutfit(outfit); // creature virtual mount outfit CreaturePtr virtualMountCreature = nullptr; if(getFeature(Otc::GamePlayerMounts)) { virtualMountCreature = CreaturePtr(new Creature); virtualMountCreature->setDirection(Otc::South); Outfit mountOutfit; mountOutfit.setId(0); int mount = currentOufit.getMount(); if(mount > 0) mountOutfit.setId(mount); virtualMountCreature->setOutfit(mountOutfit); } g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onOpenOutfitWindow", virtualOutfitCreature, outfitList, virtualMountCreature, mountList); } void Game::processOpenNpcTrade(const std::vector >& items) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onOpenNpcTrade", items); } void Game::processPlayerGoods(int money, const std::vector >& goods) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onPlayerGoods", money, goods); } void Game::processCloseNpcTrade() { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onCloseNpcTrade"); } void Game::processOwnTrade(const std::string& name, const std::vector& items) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onOwnTrade", name, items); } void Game::processCounterTrade(const std::string& name, const std::vector& items) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onCounterTrade", name, items); } void Game::processCloseTrade() { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onCloseTrade"); } void Game::processEditText(uint id, int itemId, int maxLength, const std::string& text, const std::string& writter, const std::string& date) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onEditText", id, itemId, maxLength, text, writter, date); } void Game::processEditList(uint id, int doorId, const std::string& text) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onEditList", id, doorId, text); } void Game::processQuestLog(const std::vector >& questList) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onQuestLog", questList); } void Game::processQuestLine(int questId, const std::vector >& questMissions) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onQuestLine", questId, questMissions); } void Game::processModalDialog(uint32 id, std::string title, std::string message, int enterId, std::string enterText, int escapeId, std::string escapeText, std::vector > choiceList) { g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onModalDialog", id, title, message, enterId, enterText, escapeId, escapeText, choiceList); } void Game::processAttackCancel(uint seq) { if(isAttacking() && (seq == 0 || m_seq == seq)) cancelAttack(); } void Game::processWalkCancel(Otc::Direction direction) { m_localPlayer->cancelWalk(direction); } void Game::loginWorld(const std::string& account, const std::string& password, const std::string& worldName, const std::string& worldHost, int worldPort, const std::string& characterName) { if(m_protocolGame || isOnline()) stdext::throw_exception("Unable to login into a world while already online or logging."); if(m_protocolVersion == 0) stdext::throw_exception("Must set a valid game protocol version before logging."); // reset the new game state resetGameStates(); m_localPlayer = LocalPlayerPtr(new LocalPlayer); m_localPlayer->setName(characterName); m_protocolGame = ProtocolGamePtr(new ProtocolGame); m_protocolGame->login(account, password, worldHost, (uint16)worldPort, characterName); m_characterName = characterName; m_worldName = worldName; } void Game::cancelLogin() { // send logout even if the game has not started yet, to make sure that the player doesn't stay logged there if(m_protocolGame) m_protocolGame->sendLogout(); processDisconnect(); } void Game::forceLogout() { if(!isOnline()) return; m_protocolGame->sendLogout(); processDisconnect(); } void Game::safeLogout() { if(!isOnline()) return; m_protocolGame->sendLogout(); } bool Game::walk(Otc::Direction direction) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return false; // must cancel follow before any new walk if(isFollowing()) cancelFollow(); // must cancel auto walking, and wait next try if(m_localPlayer->isAutoWalking() || m_localPlayer->isServerWalking()) { m_protocolGame->sendStop(); if(m_localPlayer->isAutoWalking()) m_localPlayer->stopAutoWalk(); return false; } // check we can walk and add new walk event if false if(!m_localPlayer->canWalk(direction)) { if(m_lastWalkDir != direction) { // must add a new walk event float ticks = m_localPlayer->getStepTicksLeft(); if(ticks <= 0) { ticks = 1; } if(m_walkEvent) { m_walkEvent->cancel(); m_walkEvent = nullptr; } m_walkEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([=] { walk(direction); }, ticks); } return false; } Position toPos = m_localPlayer->getPosition().translatedToDirection(direction); TilePtr toTile = g_map.getTile(toPos); // only do prewalks to walkable tiles (like grounds and not walls) if(toTile && toTile->isWalkable()) { m_localPlayer->preWalk(direction); // check walk to another floor (e.g: when above 3 parcels) } else { // check if can walk to a lower floor auto canChangeFloorDown = [&]() -> bool { Position pos = toPos; if(!pos.down()) return false; TilePtr toTile = g_map.getTile(pos); if(toTile && toTile->hasElevation(3)) return true; return false; }; // check if can walk to a higher floor auto canChangeFloorUp = [&]() -> bool { TilePtr fromTile = m_localPlayer->getTile(); if(!fromTile || !fromTile->hasElevation(3)) return false; Position pos = toPos; if(!pos.up()) return false; TilePtr toTile = g_map.getTile(pos); if(!toTile || !toTile->isWalkable()) return false; return true; }; if(canChangeFloorDown() || canChangeFloorUp() || (!toTile || toTile->isEmpty())) { m_localPlayer->lockWalk(); } else return false; } m_localPlayer->stopAutoWalk(); g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onWalk", direction); forceWalk(direction); m_lastWalkDir = direction; return true; } bool Game::dashWalk(Otc::Direction direction) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return false; // must cancel follow before any new walk if(isFollowing()) cancelFollow(); // must cancel auto walking if(m_localPlayer->isAutoWalking()) { m_protocolGame->sendStop(); m_localPlayer->stopAutoWalk(); } if(m_localPlayer->isWalking() && m_dashTimer.ticksElapsed() < std::max(m_localPlayer->getStepDuration(false, direction) - m_ping, 30)) return false; Position toPos = m_localPlayer->getPosition().translatedToDirection(direction); TilePtr toTile = g_map.getTile(toPos); // only do prewalks to walkable tiles (like grounds and not walls) if(toTile && toTile->isWalkable()) { if(!m_localPlayer->isWalking() && m_localPlayer->getWalkTicksElapsed() >= m_localPlayer->getStepDuration() + 100) m_localPlayer->preWalk(direction); // check walk to another floor (e.g: when above 3 parcels) } else { // check if can walk to a lower floor auto canChangeFloorDown = [&]() -> bool { Position pos = toPos; if(!pos.down()) return false; TilePtr toTile = g_map.getTile(pos); if(toTile && toTile->hasElevation(3)) return true; return false; }; // check if can walk to a higher floor auto canChangeFloorUp = [&]() -> bool { TilePtr fromTile = m_localPlayer->getTile(); if(!fromTile || !fromTile->hasElevation(3)) return false; Position pos = toPos; if(!pos.up()) return false; TilePtr toTile = g_map.getTile(pos); if(!toTile || !toTile->isWalkable()) return false; return true; }; if(canChangeFloorDown() || canChangeFloorUp() || (!toTile || toTile->isEmpty())) { m_localPlayer->lockWalk(); } else return false; } forceWalk(direction); m_dashTimer.restart(); m_lastWalkDir = direction; return true; } void Game::autoWalk(std::vector dirs) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; // protocol limits walk path up to 255 directions if(dirs.size() > 127) { g_logger.error("Auto walk path too great, the maximum number of directions is 127"); return; } if(dirs.size() == 0) return; // must cancel follow before any new walk if(isFollowing()) cancelFollow(); auto it = dirs.begin(); Otc::Direction direction = *it; if(!m_localPlayer->canWalk(direction)) return; TilePtr toTile = g_map.getTile(m_localPlayer->getPosition().translatedToDirection(direction)); if(toTile && toTile->isWalkable() && !m_localPlayer->isServerWalking()) { m_localPlayer->preWalk(direction); if(getFeature(Otc::GameForceFirstAutoWalkStep)) { forceWalk(direction); dirs.erase(it); } } g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onAutoWalk", dirs); m_protocolGame->sendAutoWalk(dirs); } void Game::forceWalk(Otc::Direction direction) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; switch(direction) { case Otc::North: m_protocolGame->sendWalkNorth(); break; case Otc::East: m_protocolGame->sendWalkEast(); break; case Otc::South: m_protocolGame->sendWalkSouth(); break; case Otc::West: m_protocolGame->sendWalkWest(); break; case Otc::NorthEast: m_protocolGame->sendWalkNorthEast(); break; case Otc::SouthEast: m_protocolGame->sendWalkSouthEast(); break; case Otc::SouthWest: m_protocolGame->sendWalkSouthWest(); break; case Otc::NorthWest: m_protocolGame->sendWalkNorthWest(); break; default: break; } g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onForceWalk", direction); } void Game::turn(Otc::Direction direction) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; switch(direction) { case Otc::North: m_protocolGame->sendTurnNorth(); break; case Otc::East: m_protocolGame->sendTurnEast(); break; case Otc::South: m_protocolGame->sendTurnSouth(); break; case Otc::West: m_protocolGame->sendTurnWest(); break; default: break; } } void Game::stop() { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; if(isFollowing()) cancelFollow(); m_protocolGame->sendStop(); } void Game::look(const ThingPtr& thing) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !thing) return; if(thing->isCreature() && m_protocolVersion >= 961) m_protocolGame->sendLookCreature(thing->getId()); else m_protocolGame->sendLook(thing->getPosition(), thing->getId(), thing->getStackPos()); } void Game::move(const ThingPtr& thing, const Position& toPos, int count) { if(count <= 0) count = 1; if(!canPerformGameAction() || !thing || thing->getPosition() == toPos) return; uint id = thing->getId(); if(thing->isCreature()) { CreaturePtr creature = thing->static_self_cast(); id = Proto::Creature; } m_protocolGame->sendMove(thing->getPosition(), id, thing->getStackPos(), toPos, count); } void Game::moveToParentContainer(const ThingPtr& thing, int count) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !thing || count <= 0) return; Position position = thing->getPosition(); move(thing, Position(position.x, position.y, 254), count); } void Game::rotate(const ThingPtr& thing) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !thing) return; m_protocolGame->sendRotateItem(thing->getPosition(), thing->getId(), thing->getStackPos()); } void Game::use(const ThingPtr& thing) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !thing) return; Position pos = thing->getPosition(); if(!pos.isValid()) // virtual item pos = Position(0xFFFF, 0, 0); // inventory item // some items, e.g. parcel, are not set as containers but they are. // always try to use these items in free container slots. m_protocolGame->sendUseItem(pos, thing->getId(), thing->getStackPos(), findEmptyContainerId()); } void Game::useInventoryItem(int itemId) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !g_things.isValidDatId(itemId, ThingCategoryItem)) return; Position pos = Position(0xFFFF, 0, 0); // means that is a item in inventory m_protocolGame->sendUseItem(pos, itemId, 0, 0); } void Game::useWith(const ItemPtr& item, const ThingPtr& toThing) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !item || !toThing) return; Position pos = item->getPosition(); if(!pos.isValid()) // virtual item pos = Position(0xFFFF, 0, 0); // means that is a item in inventory if(toThing->isCreature() && g_game.getProtocolVersion() >= 780) m_protocolGame->sendUseOnCreature(pos, item->getId(), item->getStackPos(), toThing->getId()); else m_protocolGame->sendUseItemWith(pos, item->getId(), item->getStackPos(), toThing->getPosition(), toThing->getId(), toThing->getStackPos()); } void Game::useInventoryItemWith(int itemId, const ThingPtr& toThing) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !toThing) return; Position pos = Position(0xFFFF, 0, 0); // means that is a item in inventory if(toThing->isCreature()) m_protocolGame->sendUseOnCreature(pos, itemId, 0, toThing->getId()); else m_protocolGame->sendUseItemWith(pos, itemId, 0, toThing->getPosition(), toThing->getId(), toThing->getStackPos()); } ItemPtr Game::findItemInContainers(uint itemId, int subType) { for(auto& it : m_containers) { const ContainerPtr& container = it.second; if(container) { ItemPtr item = container->findItemById(itemId, subType); if(item != nullptr) return item; } } return nullptr; } int Game::open(const ItemPtr& item, const ContainerPtr& previousContainer) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !item) return -1; int id = 0; if(!previousContainer) id = findEmptyContainerId(); else id = previousContainer->getId(); m_protocolGame->sendUseItem(item->getPosition(), item->getId(), item->getStackPos(), id); return id; } void Game::openParent(const ContainerPtr& container) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !container) return; m_protocolGame->sendUpContainer(container->getId()); } void Game::close(const ContainerPtr& container) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !container) return; m_protocolGame->sendCloseContainer(container->getId()); } void Game::refreshContainer(const ContainerPtr& container) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendRefreshContainer(container->getId()); } void Game::attack(CreaturePtr creature) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || creature == m_localPlayer) return; // cancel when attacking again if(creature && creature == m_attackingCreature) creature = nullptr; if(creature && isFollowing()) cancelFollow(); setAttackingCreature(creature); m_localPlayer->stopAutoWalk(); if(m_protocolVersion >= 963) { if(creature) m_seq = creature->getId(); } else m_seq++; m_protocolGame->sendAttack(creature ? creature->getId() : 0, m_seq); } void Game::follow(CreaturePtr creature) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || creature == m_localPlayer) return; // cancel when following again if(creature && creature == m_followingCreature) creature = nullptr; if(creature && isAttacking()) cancelAttack(); setFollowingCreature(creature); m_localPlayer->stopAutoWalk(); if(m_protocolVersion >= 963) { if(creature) m_seq = creature->getId(); } else m_seq++; m_protocolGame->sendFollow(creature ? creature->getId() : 0, m_seq); } void Game::cancelAttackAndFollow() { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; if(isFollowing()) setFollowingCreature(nullptr); if(isAttacking()) setAttackingCreature(nullptr); m_localPlayer->stopAutoWalk(); m_protocolGame->sendCancelAttackAndFollow(); g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onCancelAttackAndFollow"); } void Game::talk(const std::string& message) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || message.empty()) return; talkChannel(Otc::MessageSay, 0, message); } void Game::talkChannel(Otc::MessageMode mode, int channelId, const std::string& message) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || message.empty()) return; m_protocolGame->sendTalk(mode, channelId, "", message); } void Game::talkPrivate(Otc::MessageMode mode, const std::string& receiver, const std::string& message) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || receiver.empty() || message.empty()) return; m_protocolGame->sendTalk(mode, 0, receiver, message); } void Game::openPrivateChannel(const std::string& receiver) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || receiver.empty()) return; m_protocolGame->sendOpenPrivateChannel(receiver); } void Game::requestChannels() { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendRequestChannels(); } void Game::joinChannel(int channelId) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendJoinChannel(channelId); } void Game::leaveChannel(int channelId) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendLeaveChannel(channelId); } void Game::closeNpcChannel() { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendCloseNpcChannel(); } void Game::openOwnChannel() { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendOpenOwnChannel(); } void Game::inviteToOwnChannel(const std::string& name) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || name.empty()) return; m_protocolGame->sendInviteToOwnChannel(name); } void Game::excludeFromOwnChannel(const std::string& name) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || name.empty()) return; m_protocolGame->sendExcludeFromOwnChannel(name); } void Game::partyInvite(int creatureId) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendInviteToParty(creatureId); } void Game::partyJoin(int creatureId) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendJoinParty(creatureId); } void Game::partyRevokeInvitation(int creatureId) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendRevokeInvitation(creatureId); } void Game::partyPassLeadership(int creatureId) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendPassLeadership(creatureId); } void Game::partyLeave() { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendLeaveParty(); } void Game::partyShareExperience(bool active) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendShareExperience(active); } void Game::requestOutfit() { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendRequestOutfit(); } void Game::changeOutfit(const Outfit& outfit) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendChangeOutfit(outfit); } void Game::addVip(const std::string& name) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || name.empty()) return; m_protocolGame->sendAddVip(name); } void Game::removeVip(int playerId) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; auto it = m_vips.find(playerId); if(it == m_vips.end()) return; m_vips.erase(it); m_protocolGame->sendRemoveVip(playerId); } void Game::setChaseMode(Otc::ChaseModes chaseMode) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; if(m_chaseMode == chaseMode) return; m_chaseMode = chaseMode; m_protocolGame->sendChangeFightModes(m_fightMode, m_chaseMode, m_safeFight); g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onChaseModeChange", chaseMode); } void Game::setFightMode(Otc::FightModes fightMode) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; if(m_fightMode == fightMode) return; m_fightMode = fightMode; m_protocolGame->sendChangeFightModes(m_fightMode, m_chaseMode, m_safeFight); g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onFightModeChange", fightMode); } void Game::setSafeFight(bool on) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; if(m_safeFight == on) return; m_safeFight = on; m_protocolGame->sendChangeFightModes(m_fightMode, m_chaseMode, m_safeFight); g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onSafeFightChange", on); } void Game::inspectNpcTrade(const ItemPtr& item) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !item) return; m_protocolGame->sendInspectNpcTrade(item->getId(), item->getCount()); } void Game::buyItem(const ItemPtr& item, int amount, bool ignoreCapacity, bool buyWithBackpack) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !item) return; m_protocolGame->sendBuyItem(item->getId(), item->getCountOrSubType(), amount, ignoreCapacity, buyWithBackpack); } void Game::sellItem(const ItemPtr& item, int amount, bool ignoreEquipped) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !item) return; m_protocolGame->sendSellItem(item->getId(), item->getSubType(), amount, ignoreEquipped); } void Game::closeNpcTrade() { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendCloseNpcTrade(); } void Game::requestTrade(const ItemPtr& item, const CreaturePtr& creature) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !item || !creature) return; m_protocolGame->sendRequestTrade(item->getPosition(), item->getId(), item->getStackPos(), creature->getId()); } void Game::inspectTrade(bool counterOffer, int index) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendInspectTrade(counterOffer, index); } void Game::acceptTrade() { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendAcceptTrade(); } void Game::rejectTrade() { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendRejectTrade(); } void Game::editText(uint id, const std::string& text) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendEditText(id, text); } void Game::editList(uint id, int doorId, const std::string& text) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendEditList(id, doorId, text); } void Game::openRuleViolation(const std::string& reporter) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendOpenRuleViolation(reporter); } void Game::closeRuleViolation(const std::string& reporter) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendCloseRuleViolation(reporter); } void Game::cancelRuleViolation() { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendCancelRuleViolation(); } void Game::reportBug(const std::string& comment) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendBugReport(comment); } void Game::reportRuleViolation(const std::string& target, int reason, int action, const std::string& comment, const std::string& statement, int statementId, bool ipBanishment) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendRuleViolation(target, reason, action, comment, statement, statementId, ipBanishment); } void Game::debugReport(const std::string& a, const std::string& b, const std::string& c, const std::string& d) { m_protocolGame->sendDebugReport(a, b, c, d); } void Game::requestQuestLog() { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendRequestQuestLog(); } void Game::requestQuestLine(int questId) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendRequestQuestLine(questId); } void Game::equipItem(const ItemPtr& item) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendEquipItem(item->getId(), item->getCountOrSubType()); } void Game::mount(bool mount) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendMountStatus(mount); } void Game::requestItemInfo(const ItemPtr& item, int index) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendRequestItemInfo(item->getId(), item->getSubType(), index); } void Game::answerModalDialog(int dialog, int button, int choice) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendAnswerModalDialog(dialog, button, choice); } void Game::ping() { if(!m_protocolGame || !m_protocolGame->isConnected()) return; if(m_pingReceived != m_pingSent) return; m_denyBotCall = false; m_protocolGame->sendPing(); m_denyBotCall = true; m_pingSent++; m_pingTimer.restart(); } void Game::changeMapAwareRange(int xrange, int yrange) { if(!canPerformGameAction()) return; m_protocolGame->sendChangeMapAwareRange(xrange, yrange); } bool Game::checkBotProtection() { #ifdef BOT_PROTECTION // accepts calls comming from a stacktrace containing only C++ functions, // if the stacktrace contains a lua function, then only accept if the engine is processing an input event if(m_denyBotCall && g_lua.isInCppCallback() && !g_app.isOnInputEvent()) { g_logger.error(g_lua.traceback("caught a lua call to a bot protected game function, the call was cancelled")); return false; } #endif return true; } bool Game::canPerformGameAction() { // we can only perform game actions if we meet these conditions: // - the game is online // - the local player exists // - the local player is not dead // - we have a game protocol // - the game protocol is connected // - its not a bot action return m_online && m_localPlayer && !m_dead && m_protocolGame && m_protocolGame->isConnected() && checkBotProtection(); } void Game::setProtocolVersion(int version) { if(m_protocolVersion == version) return; if(isOnline()) stdext::throw_exception("Unable to change protocol version while online"); if(version != 0 && version != 760 && (version < 810 || version > 1010)) stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("Protocol version %d not supported", version)); m_features.reset(); enableFeature(Otc::GameFormatCreatureName); if(version >= 780) { enableFeature(Otc::GamePlayerAddons); enableFeature(Otc::GamePlayerStamina); enableFeature(Otc::GameNewFluids); enableFeature(Otc::GameMessageLevel); enableFeature(Otc::GameMessageStatments); enableFeature(Otc::GamePlayerStateU16); enableFeature(Otc::GameLooktypeU16); } if(version >= 840) { enableFeature(Otc::GameProtocolChecksum); enableFeature(Otc::GameChallengeOnLogin); enableFeature(Otc::GameAccountNames); } if(version >= 780 && version <= 854) { // 780 might not be accurate enableFeature(Otc::GameChargeableItems); } if(version >= 850) { enableFeature(Otc::GameDoubleFreeCapacity); } if(version >= 854) { enableFeature(Otc::GameCreatureEmblems); } if(version >= 860) { enableFeature(Otc::GameAttackSeq); } if(version >= 862) { enableFeature(Otc::GamePenalityOnDeath); } if(version >= 870) { enableFeature(Otc::GameDoubleExperience); enableFeature(Otc::GamePlayerMounts); enableFeature(Otc::GameSpellList); } if(version >= 910) { enableFeature(Otc::GameNameOnNpcTrade); enableFeature(Otc::GameTotalCapacity); enableFeature(Otc::GameSkillsBase); enableFeature(Otc::GamePlayerRegenerationTime); enableFeature(Otc::GameChannelPlayerList); enableFeature(Otc::GameEnvironmentEffect); enableFeature(Otc::GameItemAnimationPhase); } if(version >= 940) { enableFeature(Otc::GamePlayerMarket); } if(version >= 953) { enableFeature(Otc::GamePurseSlot); enableFeature(Otc::GameClientPing); } if(version >= 960) { enableFeature(Otc::GameSpritesU32); enableFeature(Otc::GameOfflineTrainingTime); } if(version >= 973) { enableFeature(Otc::GameLoginPending); enableFeature(Otc::GameNewSpeedLaw); } if(version >= 976) { enableFeature(Otc::GameContainerPagination); } if(version >= 979) { enableFeature(Otc::GameThingMarks); } m_protocolVersion = version; Proto::buildMessageModesMap(version); g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onProtocolVersionChange", version); } void Game::setClientVersion(int version) { if(m_clientVersion == version) return; if(isOnline()) stdext::throw_exception("Unable to change client version while online"); if(version != 0 && version != 760 && (version < 810 || version > 1010)) stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("Client version %d not supported", version)); m_clientVersion = version; g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onClientVersionChange", version); } void Game::setAttackingCreature(const CreaturePtr& creature) { CreaturePtr oldCreature = m_attackingCreature; m_attackingCreature = creature; g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onAttackingCreatureChange", creature, oldCreature); } void Game::setFollowingCreature(const CreaturePtr& creature) { CreaturePtr oldCreature = m_followingCreature; m_followingCreature = creature; g_lua.callGlobalField("g_game", "onFollowingCreatureChange", creature, oldCreature); } std::string Game::formatCreatureName(const std::string& name) { std::string formatedName = name; if(getFeature(Otc::GameFormatCreatureName) && name.length() > 0) { bool upnext = true; for(uint i=0;i= 0) return m_clientCustomOs; if(g_app.getOs() == "windows") return 10; else if(g_app.getOs() == "mac") return 12; else // linux return 11; }