dofile 'neededtranslations' -- private variables local defaultLocaleName = 'en' local installedLocales local currentLocale function sendLocale(localeName) local protocolGame = g_game.getProtocolGame() if protocolGame then protocolGame:sendExtendedOpcode(ExtendedIds.Locale, localeName) return true end return false end function createWindow() localesWindow = g_ui.displayUI('locales') local localesPanel = localesWindow:getChildById('localesPanel') local layout = localesPanel:getLayout() local spacing = layout:getCellSpacing() local size = layout:getCellSize() local count = 0 for name,locale in pairs(installedLocales) do local widget = g_ui.createWidget('LocalesButton', localesPanel) widget:setImageSource('/images/flags/' .. name .. '') widget:setText(locale.languageName) widget.onClick = function() selectFirstLocale(name) end count = count + 1 end count = math.max(1, math.min(count, 3)) localesPanel:setWidth(size.width*count + spacing*(count-1)) addEvent(function() addEvent(function() localesWindow:raise() localesWindow:focus() end) end) end function selectFirstLocale(name) if localesWindow then localesWindow:destroy() localesWindow = nil end if setLocale(name) then g_modules.reloadModules() end end -- hooked functions function onGameStart() sendLocale( end function onExtendedLocales(protocol, opcode, buffer) local locale = installedLocales[buffer] if locale and setLocale( then g_modules.reloadModules() end end -- public functions function init() installedLocales = {} installLocales('/locales') local userLocaleName = g_settings.get('locale', 'false') if userLocaleName ~= 'false' and setLocale(userLocaleName) then pdebug('Using configured locale: ' .. userLocaleName) else setLocale(defaultLocaleName) connect(g_app, { onRun = createWindow }) end ProtocolGame.registerExtendedOpcode(ExtendedIds.Locale, onExtendedLocales) connect(g_game, { onGameStart = onGameStart }) end function terminate() installedLocales = nil currentLocale = nil ProtocolGame.unregisterExtendedOpcode(ExtendedIds.Locale) disconnect(g_app, { onRun = createWindow }) disconnect(g_game, { onGameStart = onGameStart }) end function generateNewTranslationTable(localename) local locale = installedLocales[localename] for _i,k in pairs(neededTranslations) do local trans = locale.translation[k] k = k:gsub('\n','\\n') k = k:gsub('\t','\\t') k = k:gsub('\"','\\\"') if trans then trans = trans:gsub('\n','\\n') trans = trans:gsub('\t','\\t') trans = trans:gsub('\"','\\\"') end if not trans then print(' ["' .. k .. '"]' .. ' = false,') else print(' ["' .. k .. '"]' .. ' = "' .. trans .. '",') end end end function installLocale(locale) if not locale or not then error('Unable to install locale.') end if _G.allowedLocales and not _G.allowedLocales[] then return end if ~= defaultLocaleName then local updatesNeeded = 0 for _i,k in pairs(neededTranslations) do if locale.translation[k] == nil then updatesNeeded = updatesNeeded + 1 end end if updatesNeeded > 0 then pwarning('Locale \'' .. .. '\' is missing ' .. updatesNeeded .. ' translations.') end end local installedLocale = installedLocales[] if installedLocale then for word,translation in pairs(locale.translation) do installedLocale.translation[word] = translation end else installedLocales[] = locale end end function installLocales(directory) dofiles(directory) end function setLocale(name) local locale = installedLocales[name] if locale == currentLocale then return end if not locale then pwarning("Locale " .. name .. ' does not exist.') return false end if currentLocale then sendLocale( end currentLocale = locale g_settings.set('locale', name) if onLocaleChanged then onLocaleChanged(name) end return true end function getInstalledLocales() return installedLocales end function getCurrentLocale() return currentLocale end -- global function used to translate texts function, ...) if currentLocale then if tonumber(text) then -- todo: use locale information to calculate this. also detect floating numbers local out = '' local number = tostring(text):reverse() for i=1,#number do out = out .. number:sub(i, i) if i % 3 == 0 and i ~= #number then out = out .. ',' end end return out:reverse() elseif tostring(text) then local translation = currentLocale.translation[text] if not translation then if translation == nil then if ~= defaultLocaleName then pwarning('Unable to translate: \"' .. text .. '\"') end end translation = text end return string.format(translation, ...) end end return text end