Minimap = {} -- private variables local minimapWidget local minimapButton local minimapWindow local DEFAULT_ZOOM = 45 minimapFirstLoad = true -- private functions function onMinimapMouseRelease(self, mousePosition, mouseButton) local tile = self:getTile(mousePosition) if tile and mouseButton == MouseLeftButton and self:isPressed() then local dirs = g_map.findPath(g_game.getLocalPlayer():getPosition(), tile:getPosition(), 127) if #dirs == 0 then TextMessage.displayStatus(tr('There is no way.')) return true end g_game.autoWalk(dirs) return true end return false end function onMinimapMouseWheel(self, mousePos, direction) if direction == MouseWheelUp then self:zoomIn() else self:zoomOut() end end -- public functions function Minimap.init() connect(g_game, { onGameStart = Minimap.reset }) g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+M', Minimap.toggle) minimapButton = TopMenu.addGameToggleButton('minimapButton', tr('Minimap') .. ' (Ctrl+M)', 'minimap.png', Minimap.toggle) minimapButton:setOn(true) minimapWindow = g_ui.loadUI('minimap.otui', GameInterface.getRightPanel()) minimapWidget = minimapWindow:recursiveGetChildById('minimap') minimapWidget:setAutoViewMode(false) minimapWidget:setViewMode(1) -- mid view minimapWidget:setDrawMinimapColors(true) minimapWidget:setMultifloor(false) minimapWidget:setKeepAspectRatio(false) minimapWidget.onMouseRelease = onMinimapMouseRelease minimapWidget.onMouseWheel = onMinimapMouseWheel Minimap.reset() -- load only the first time (avoid load/save between reloads) if minimapFirstLoad then minimapFirstLoad = false if g_resources.fileExists('/minimap.otcm') then if g_game.isOnline() then perror('cannot load minimap while online') else g_map.loadOtcm('/minimap.otcm') end end -- save only when closing the client connect(g_app, { onTerminate = function() g_map.saveOtcm('/minimap.otcm') end}) end end function Minimap.terminate() disconnect(g_game, { onGameStart = Minimap.reset }) g_keyboard.unbindKeyDown('Ctrl+M') minimapButton:destroy() minimapWindow:destroy() minimapWindow = nil minimapWidget = nil minimapButton = nil Minimap = nil end function Minimap.toggle() if minimapButton:isOn() then minimapWindow:close() minimapButton:setOn(false) else minimapWindow:open() minimapButton:setOn(true) end end function Minimap.onMiniWindowClose() minimapButton:setOn(false) end function Minimap.reset() local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer() if not player then return end minimapWidget:followCreature(player) minimapWidget:setZoom(DEFAULT_ZOOM) end function Minimap.isClickInRange(position, fromPosition, toPosition) return (position.x >= fromPosition.x and position.y >= fromPosition.y and position.x <= toPosition.x and position.y <= toPosition.y) end -- hooked functions local compassZones = {} compassZones.west = {x = 0, y = 30, posx = -1, posy = 0} compassZones.north = {x = 30, y = 0, posx = 0, posy = -1} compassZones.south = {x = 30, y = 57, posx = 0, posy = 1} compassZones.east = {x = 57, y = 30, posx = 1, posy = 0} = {x = 30, y = 30, posx = 0, posy = 0, center = true} function Minimap.compassClick(self, mousePos) local compassPos = self:getRect() local pos = {x = mousePos.x-compassPos.x, y = mousePos.y-compassPos.y} local move = {x = 0, y = 0} local center = false for i,v in pairs(compassZones) do local lowPos = {x = v.x-15, y = v.y-15} local highPos = {x = v.x+15, y = v.y+15} if Minimap.isClickInRange(pos, lowPos, highPos) then move.x = move.x + v.posx * minimapWidget:getZoom()/10 move.y = move.y + v.posy * minimapWidget:getZoom()/10 if then center = true end break end end if center then local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer() if not player then return end minimapWidget:followCreature(player) else local cameraPos = minimapWidget:getCameraPosition() local pos = {x = cameraPos.x + move.x, y = cameraPos.y + move.y, z = cameraPos.z} minimapWidget:setCameraPosition(pos) end end function Minimap.onButtonClick(id) if id == "zoomIn" then minimapWidget:setZoom(math.max(minimapWidget:getMaxZoomIn(), minimapWidget:getZoom()-15)) elseif id == "zoomOut" then minimapWidget:setZoom(math.min(minimapWidget:getMaxZoomOut(), minimapWidget:getZoom()+15)) elseif id == "levelUp" then local pos = minimapWidget:getCameraPosition() pos.z = pos.z - 1 minimapWidget:setCameraPosition(pos) elseif id == "levelDown" then local pos = minimapWidget:getCameraPosition() pos.z = pos.z + 1 minimapWidget:setCameraPosition(pos) end end