-- @docclass UISpinBox = extends(UITextEdit) function UISpinBox.create() local spinbox = UISpinBox.internalCreate() spinbox:setFocusable(false) spinbox:setValidCharacters('0123456789') spinbox.displayButtons = true spinbox.minimum = 0 spinbox.maximum = 0 spinbox.value = 0 spinbox.step = 1 spinbox.firstchange = true spinbox:setText("0") return spinbox end function UISpinBox:onMouseWheel(mousePos, direction) if direction == MouseWheelUp then self:up() elseif direction == MouseWheelDown then self:down() end return true end function UISpinBox:onKeyPress() if self.firstchange then self.firstchange = false self:setText('') end return false end function UISpinBox:onTextChange(text, oldText) if text:len() == 0 then self:setValue(self.minimum) return end local number = tonumber(text) if not number then self:setText(number) return else if number < self.minimum then self:setText(self.minimum) return elseif number > self.maximum then self:setText(self.maximum) return end end self:setValue(number) end function UISpinBox:onValueChange(value) -- nothing todo end function UISpinBox:onStyleApply(styleName, styleNode) for name, value in pairs(styleNode) do if name == 'maximum' then addEvent(function() self:setMaximum(value) end) elseif name == 'minimum' then addEvent(function() self:setMinimum(value) end) elseif name == 'buttons' then addEvent(function() if value then self:showButtons() else self:hideButtons() end end) end end end function UISpinBox:showButtons() self:getChildById('up'):show() self:getChildById('down'):show() self.displayButtons = true end function UISpinBox:hideButtons() self:getChildById('up'):hide() self:getChildById('down'):hide() self.displayButtons = false end function UISpinBox:up() self:setValue(self.value + self.step) end function UISpinBox:down() self:setValue(self.value - self.step) end function UISpinBox:setValue(value) value = value or 0 value = math.max(math.min(self.maximum, value), self.minimum) if value == self.value then return end if self:getText():len() > 0 then self:setText(value) end self.value = value local upButton = self:getChildById('up') local downButton = self:getChildById('down') if upButton then upButton:setEnabled(self.maximum ~= self.minimum and self.value ~= self.maximum) end if downButton then downButton:setEnabled(self.maximum ~= self.minimum and self.value ~= self.minimum) end signalcall(self.onValueChange, self, value) end function UISpinBox:getValue() return self.value end function UISpinBox:setMinimum(minimum) minimum = minimum or -9223372036854775808 self.minimum = minimum if self.minimum > self.maximum then self.maximum = self.minimum end if self.value < minimum then self:setValue(minimum) end end function UISpinBox:getMinimum() return self.minimum end function UISpinBox:setMaximum(maximum) maximum = maximum or 9223372036854775807 self.maximum = maximum if self.value > maximum then self:setValue(maximum) end end function UISpinBox:getMaximum() return self.maximum end function UISpinBox:setStep(step) self.step = step or 1 end