/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef UIWIDGET_H #define UIWIDGET_H #include "declarations.h" #include #include #include #include #include template struct EdgeGroup { EdgeGroup() { top = right = bottom = left = T(0); } void set(T value) { top = right = bottom = left = value; } T top; T right; T bottom; T left; }; class UIWidget : public LuaObject { // widget core public: UIWidget(); virtual ~UIWidget(); protected: virtual void draw(); virtual void drawSelf(); virtual void drawChildren(); friend class UIManager; std::string m_id; Rect m_rect; Boolean m_enabled; Boolean m_visible; Boolean m_focusable; Boolean m_fixedSize; Boolean m_pressed; Boolean m_phantom; Boolean m_destroyed; UILayoutPtr m_layout; UIWidgetWeakPtr m_parent; UIWidgetList m_children; UIWidgetList m_lockedChildren; UIWidgetPtr m_focusedChild; OTMLNodePtr m_style; Fw::FocusReason m_lastFocusReason; public: void addChild(const UIWidgetPtr& child); void insertChild(int index, const UIWidgetPtr& child); void removeChild(const UIWidgetPtr& child); void focusChild(const UIWidgetPtr& child, Fw::FocusReason reason); void focusNextChild(Fw::FocusReason reason); void focusPreviousChild(Fw::FocusReason reason); void moveChildToTop(const UIWidgetPtr& child); void moveChildToIndex(const UIWidgetPtr& child, int index); void lockChild(const UIWidgetPtr& child); void unlockChild(const UIWidgetPtr& child); void applyStyle(const OTMLNodePtr& styleNode); void addAnchor(Fw::AnchorEdge anchoredEdge, const std::string& hookedWidgetId, Fw::AnchorEdge hookedEdge); void fill(const std::string& hookedWidgetId); void centerIn(const std::string& hookedWidgetId); void breakAnchors(); void updateParentLayout(); void updateLayout(); void lock(); void unlock(); void focus(); void grabMouse(); void ungrabMouse(); void grabKeyboard(); void ungrabKeyboard(); void bindRectToParent(); void destroy(); void setId(const std::string& id); void setParent(const UIWidgetPtr& parent); void setLayout(const UILayoutPtr& layout); void setRect(const Rect& rect); void setStyle(const std::string& styleName); void setStyleFromNode(const OTMLNodePtr& styleNode); void setEnabled(bool enabled); void setVisible(bool visible); void setPressed(bool pressed); void setOn(bool on); void setChecked(bool checked); void setFocusable(bool focusable); void setPhantom(bool phantom); void setFixedSize(bool fixed); void setLastFocusReason(Fw::FocusReason reason); bool isVisible(); bool isChildLocked(const UIWidgetPtr& child); bool hasChild(const UIWidgetPtr& child); int getChildIndex(const UIWidgetPtr& child); Rect getChildrenRect(); UIAnchorLayoutPtr getAnchoredLayout(); UIWidgetPtr getRootParent(); UIWidgetPtr getChildAfter(const UIWidgetPtr& relativeChild); UIWidgetPtr getChildBefore(const UIWidgetPtr& relativeChild); UIWidgetPtr getChildById(const std::string& childId); UIWidgetPtr getChildByPos(const Point& childPos); UIWidgetPtr getChildByIndex(int index); UIWidgetPtr recursiveGetChildById(const std::string& id); UIWidgetPtr recursiveGetChildByPos(const Point& childPos); UIWidgetPtr backwardsGetWidgetById(const std::string& id); UIWidgetPtr asUIWidget() { return std::static_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); } private: Boolean m_updateEventScheduled; Boolean m_loadingStyle; // state managment protected: bool setState(Fw::WidgetState state, bool on); bool hasState(Fw::WidgetState state); private: void updateState(Fw::WidgetState state); void updateStates(); void updateChildrenIndexStates(); void updateStyle(); Boolean m_updateStyleScheduled; Boolean m_firstOnStyle; OTMLNodePtr m_stateStyle; int m_states; // event processing protected: virtual void onStyleApply(const std::string& styleName, const OTMLNodePtr& styleNode); virtual void onGeometryChange(const Rect& oldRect, const Rect& newRect); virtual void onFocusChange(bool focused, Fw::FocusReason reason); virtual void onHoverChange(bool hovered); virtual bool onKeyText(const std::string& keyText); virtual bool onKeyDown(uchar keyCode, int keyboardModifiers); virtual bool onKeyPress(uchar keyCode, int keyboardModifiers, bool wouldFilter); virtual bool onKeyUp(uchar keyCode, int keyboardModifiers); virtual bool onMousePress(const Point& mousePos, Fw::MouseButton button); virtual void onMouseRelease(const Point& mousePos, Fw::MouseButton button); virtual bool onMouseMove(const Point& mousePos, const Point& mouseMoved); virtual bool onMouseWheel(const Point& mousePos, Fw::MouseWheelDirection direction); bool propagateOnKeyText(const std::string& keyText); bool propagateOnKeyDown(uchar keyCode, int keyboardModifiers); bool propagateOnKeyPress(uchar keyCode, int keyboardModifiers, bool wouldFilter); bool propagateOnKeyUp(uchar keyCode, int keyboardModifiers); bool propagateOnMousePress(const Point& mousePos, Fw::MouseButton button); void propagateOnMouseRelease(const Point& mousePos, Fw::MouseButton button); bool propagateOnMouseMove(const Point& mousePos, const Point& mouseMoved); bool propagateOnMouseWheel(const Point& mousePos, Fw::MouseWheelDirection direction); // function shortcuts public: void resize(int width, int height) { setRect(Rect(getPos(), Size(width, height))); } void move(int x, int y) { setRect(Rect(x, y, getSize())); } void hide() { setVisible(false); } void show() { setVisible(true); } void disable() { setEnabled(false); } void enable() { setEnabled(true); } bool isActive() { return hasState(Fw::ActiveState); } bool isEnabled() { return !hasState(Fw::DisabledState); } bool isDisabled() { return hasState(Fw::DisabledState); } bool isFocused() { return hasState(Fw::FocusState); } bool isHovered() { return hasState(Fw::HoverState); } bool isPressed() { return hasState(Fw::PressedState); } bool isFirst() { return hasState(Fw::FirstState); } bool isMiddle() { return hasState(Fw::MiddleState); } bool isLast() { return hasState(Fw::LastState); } bool isAlternate() { return hasState(Fw::AlternateState); } bool isChecked() { return hasState(Fw::CheckedState); } bool isOn() { return hasState(Fw::OnState); } bool isHidden() { return !isVisible(); } bool isExplicitlyEnabled() { return m_enabled; } bool isExplicitlyVisible() { return m_visible; } bool isFocusable() { return m_focusable; } bool isPhantom() { return m_phantom; } bool isFixedSize() { return m_fixedSize; } bool isDestroyed() { return m_destroyed; } bool hasChildren() { return m_children.size() > 0; } bool containsPoint(const Point& point) { return m_rect.contains(point); } std::string getId() { return m_id; } UIWidgetPtr getParent() { return m_parent.lock(); } UIWidgetPtr getFocusedChild() { return m_focusedChild; } UIWidgetList getChildren() { return m_children; } UIWidgetPtr getFirstChild() { return getChildByIndex(1); } UIWidgetPtr getLastChild() { return getChildByIndex(-1); } UILayoutPtr getLayout() { return m_layout; } OTMLNodePtr getStyle() { return m_style; } int getChildCount() { return m_children.size(); } Fw::FocusReason getLastFocusReason() { return m_lastFocusReason; } std::string getStyleName() { return m_style->tag(); } // base style private: void initBaseStyle(); void parseBaseStyle(const OTMLNodePtr& styleNode); protected: void drawBackground(const Rect& screenCoords); void drawBorder(const Rect& screenCoords); void drawIcon(const Rect& screenCoords); Color m_color; Color m_backgroundColor; Rect m_backgroundRect; TexturePtr m_icon; Color m_iconColor; Rect m_iconRect; EdgeGroup m_borderColor; EdgeGroup m_borderWidth; EdgeGroup m_margin; EdgeGroup m_padding; float m_opacity; public: void setX(int x) { move(x, getY()); } void setY(int y) { move(getX(), y); } void setWidth(int width) { resize(width, getHeight()); } void setHeight(int height) { resize(getWidth(), height); } void setSize(const Size& size) { resize(size.width(), size.height()); } void setPos(const Point& pos) { move(pos.x, pos.y); } void setColor(const Color& color) { m_color = color; } void setBackgroundColor(const Color& color) { m_backgroundColor = color; } void setBackgroundOffsetX(int x) { m_backgroundRect.setX(x); } void setBackgroundOffsetY(int y) { m_backgroundRect.setX(y); } void setBackgroundOffset(const Point& pos) { m_backgroundRect.move(pos); } void setBackgroundWidth(int width) { m_backgroundRect.setWidth(width); } void setBackgroundHeight(int height) { m_backgroundRect.setHeight(height); } void setBackgroundSize(const Size& size) { m_backgroundRect.resize(size); } void setBackgroundRect(const Rect& rect) { m_backgroundRect = rect; } void setIcon(const std::string& iconFile); void setIconColor(const Color& color) { m_iconColor = color; } void setIconOffsetX(int x) { m_iconRect.setX(x); } void setIconOffsetY(int y) { m_iconRect.setX(y); } void setIconOffset(const Point& pos) { m_iconRect.move(pos); } void setIconWidth(int width) { m_iconRect.setWidth(width); } void setIconHeight(int height) { m_iconRect.setHeight(height); } void setIconSize(const Size& size) { m_iconRect.resize(size); } void setIconRect(const Rect& rect) { m_iconRect = rect; } void setBorderWidth(int width) { m_borderWidth.set(width); updateLayout(); } void setBorderWidthTop(int width) { m_borderWidth.top = width; } void setBorderWidthRight(int width) { m_borderWidth.right = width; } void setBorderWidthBottom(int width) { m_borderWidth.bottom = width; } void setBorderWidthLeft(int width) { m_borderWidth.left = width; } void setBorderColor(const Color& color) { m_borderColor.set(color); updateLayout(); } void setBorderColorTop(const Color& color) { m_borderColor.top = color; } void setBorderColorRight(const Color& color) { m_borderColor.right = color; } void setBorderColorBottom(const Color& color) { m_borderColor.bottom = color; } void setBorderColorLeft(const Color& color) { m_borderColor.left = color; } void setMargin(int margin) { m_margin.set(margin); updateParentLayout(); } void setMarginHorizontal(int margin) { m_margin.right = m_margin.left = margin; updateParentLayout(); } void setMarginVertical(int margin) { m_margin.bottom = m_margin.top = margin; updateParentLayout(); } void setMarginTop(int margin) { m_margin.top = margin; updateParentLayout(); } void setMarginRight(int margin) { m_margin.right = margin; updateParentLayout(); } void setMarginBottom(int margin) { m_margin.bottom = margin; updateParentLayout(); } void setMarginLeft(int margin) { m_margin.left = margin; updateParentLayout(); } void setPadding(int padding) { m_padding.top = m_padding.right = m_padding.bottom = m_padding.left = padding; updateLayout(); } void setPaddingHorizontal(int padding) { m_padding.right = m_padding.left = padding; updateLayout(); } void setPaddingVertical(int padding) { m_padding.bottom = m_padding.top = padding; updateLayout(); } void setPaddingTop(int padding) { m_padding.top = padding; updateLayout(); } void setPaddingRight(int padding) { m_padding.right = padding; updateLayout(); } void setPaddingBottom(int padding) { m_padding.bottom = padding; updateLayout(); } void setPaddingLeft(int padding) { m_padding.left = padding; updateLayout(); } void setOpacity(float opacity) { m_opacity = opacity; } int getX() { return m_rect.x(); } int getY() { return m_rect.y(); } Point getPos() { return m_rect.topLeft(); } int getWidth() { return m_rect.width(); } int getHeight() { return m_rect.height(); } Size getSize() { return m_rect.size(); } Rect getRect() { return m_rect; } Color getColor() { return m_color; } Color getBackgroundColor() { return m_backgroundColor; } int getBackgroundOffsetX() { return m_backgroundRect.x(); } int getBackgroundOffsetY() { return m_backgroundRect.y(); } Point getBackgroundOffset() { return m_backgroundRect.topLeft(); } int getBackgroundWidth() { return m_backgroundRect.width(); } int getBackgroundHeight() { return m_backgroundRect.height(); } Size getBackgroundSize() { return m_backgroundRect.size(); } Rect getBackgroundRect() { return m_backgroundRect; } Color getIconColor() { return m_iconColor; } int getIconOffsetX() { return m_iconRect.x(); } int getIconOffsetY() { return m_iconRect.y(); } Point getIconOffset() { return m_iconRect.topLeft(); } int getIconWidth() { return m_iconRect.width(); } int getIconHeight() { return m_iconRect.height(); } Size getIconSize() { return m_iconRect.size(); } Rect getIconRect() { return m_iconRect; } Color getBorderTopColor() { return m_borderColor.top; } Color getBorderRightColor() { return m_borderColor.right; } Color getBorderBottomColor() { return m_borderColor.bottom; } Color getBorderLeftColor() { return m_borderColor.left; } int getBorderTopWidth() { return m_borderWidth.top; } int getBorderRightWidth() { return m_borderWidth.right; } int getBorderBottomWidth() { return m_borderWidth.bottom; } int getBorderLeftWidth() { return m_borderWidth.left; } int getMarginTop() { return m_margin.top; } int getMarginRight() { return m_margin.right; } int getMarginBottom() { return m_margin.bottom; } int getMarginLeft() { return m_margin.left; } int getPaddingTop() { return m_padding.top; } int getPaddingRight() { return m_padding.right; } int getPaddingBottom() { return m_padding.bottom; } int getPaddingLeft() { return m_padding.left; } float getOpacity() { return m_opacity; } // image private: void initImage() { } void parseImageStyle(const OTMLNodePtr& styleNode); void updateImageCache() { m_imageMustRecache = true; } void configureBorderImage() { m_imageBordered = true; updateImageCache(); } CoordsBuffer m_imageCoordsBuffer; Rect m_imageCachedScreenCoords; Boolean m_imageMustRecache; Boolean m_imageBordered; protected: void drawImage(const Rect& screenCoords); TexturePtr m_imageTexture; Rect m_imageClipRect; Rect m_imageRect; Color m_imageColor; Boolean m_imageFixedRatio; Boolean m_imageRepeated; Boolean m_imageSmooth; EdgeGroup m_imageBorder; public: void setImageSource(const std::string& source); void setImageClip(const Rect& clipRect) { m_imageClipRect = clipRect; updateImageCache(); } void setImageOffsetX(int x) { m_imageRect.setX(x); updateImageCache(); } void setImageOffsetY(int y) { m_imageRect.setX(y); updateImageCache(); } void setImageOffset(const Point& pos) { m_imageRect.move(pos); updateImageCache(); } void setImageWidth(int width) { m_imageRect.setWidth(width); updateImageCache(); } void setImageHeight(int height) { m_imageRect.setHeight(height); updateImageCache(); } void setImageSize(const Size& size) { m_imageRect.resize(size); updateImageCache(); } void setImageRect(const Rect& rect) { m_imageRect = rect; updateImageCache(); } void setImageColor(const Color& color) { m_imageColor = color; updateImageCache(); } void setImageFixedRatio(bool fixedRatio) { m_imageFixedRatio = fixedRatio; updateImageCache(); } void setImageRepeated(bool repeated) { m_imageRepeated = repeated; updateImageCache(); } void setImageSmooth(bool smooth) { m_imageSmooth = smooth; } void setImageBorderTop(int border) { m_imageBorder.top = border; configureBorderImage(); } void setImageBorderRight(int border) { m_imageBorder.right = border; configureBorderImage(); } void setImageBorderBottom(int border) { m_imageBorder.bottom = border; configureBorderImage(); } void setImageBorderLeft(int border) { m_imageBorder.left = border; configureBorderImage(); } void setImageBorder(int border) { m_imageBorder.set(border); configureBorderImage(); } Rect getImageClip() { return m_imageClipRect; } int getImageOffsetX() { return m_imageRect.x(); } int getImageOffsetY() { return m_imageRect.y(); } Point getImageOffset() { return m_imageRect.topLeft(); } int getImageWidth() { return m_imageRect.width(); } int getImageHeight() { return m_imageRect.height(); } Size getImageSize() { return m_imageRect.size(); } Rect getImageRect() { return m_imageRect; } Color getImageColor() { return m_imageColor; } bool isImageFixedRatio() { return m_imageFixedRatio; } bool isImageSmooth() { return m_imageSmooth; } int getImageBorderTop() { return m_imageBorder.top; } int getImageBorderRight() { return m_imageBorder.right; } int getImageBorderBottom() { return m_imageBorder.bottom; } int getImageBorderLeft() { return m_imageBorder.left; } // text related private: void initText(); void parseTextStyle(const OTMLNodePtr& styleNode); Boolean m_textMustRecache; FrameBufferPtr m_textFramebuffer; Size m_textCachedBoxSize; protected: void drawText(const Rect& screenCoords); virtual void onTextChange(const std::string& text); virtual void onFontChange(const std::string& font); std::string m_text; Fw::AlignmentFlag m_textAlign; Point m_textOffset; FontPtr m_font; public: void resizeToText() { setSize(getTextSize()); } void clearText() { setText(""); } void setText(const std::string& text); void setTextAlign(Fw::AlignmentFlag align) { m_textAlign = align; m_textMustRecache = true; } void setTextOffset(const Point& offset) { m_textOffset = offset; m_textMustRecache = true; } void setFont(const std::string& fontName); std::string getText() { return m_text; } Fw::AlignmentFlag getTextAlign() { return m_textAlign; } Point getTextOffset() { return m_textOffset; } std::string getFont() { return m_font->getName(); } Size getTextSize() { return m_font->calculateTextRectSize(m_text); } }; #endif