/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "game.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "map.h" #include "tile.h" #include "creature.h" #include "statictext.h" #include #include #include #include Game g_game; void Game::loginWorld(const std::string& account, const std::string& password, const std::string& worldHost, int worldPort, const std::string& characterName) { m_dead = false; m_selectedThing = nullptr; m_protocolGame = ProtocolGamePtr(new ProtocolGame); m_protocolGame->login(account, password, worldHost, (uint16)worldPort, characterName); } void Game::cancelLogin() { processLogout(); } void Game::logout(bool force) { if(!m_protocolGame || !isOnline()) return; m_protocolGame->sendLogout(); if(force) processLogout(); } void Game::processLoginError(const std::string& error) { g_lua.callGlobalField("Game", "onLoginError", error); } void Game::processConnectionError(const boost::system::error_code& error) { // connection errors only have meaning if we still have a protocol if(m_protocolGame) { if(error != asio::error::eof) g_lua.callGlobalField("Game", "onConnectionError", error.message()); processLogout(); } } void Game::processLogin(const LocalPlayerPtr& localPlayer, int serverBeat) { m_localPlayer = localPlayer; m_serverBeat = serverBeat; // NOTE: the entire map description is not known yet g_lua.callGlobalField("Game", "onLogin", localPlayer); } void Game::processLogout() { if(isOnline()) { g_lua.callGlobalField("Game", "onLogout", m_localPlayer); m_localPlayer = nullptr; } if(m_protocolGame) { m_protocolGame->disconnect(); m_protocolGame = nullptr; } g_map.clean(); } void Game::processDeath() { m_dead = true; g_lua.callGlobalField("Game","onDeath"); } void Game::processCreatureSpeak(const std::string& name, int level, const std::string& type, const std::string& message, int channelId, const Position& creaturePos) { if(creaturePos.isValid() && (type == "say" || type == "whisper" || type == "yell" || type == "monsterSay" || type == "monsterYell")) { StaticTextPtr staticText = StaticTextPtr(new StaticText); staticText->addMessage(name, type, message); g_map.addThing(staticText, creaturePos); } g_lua.callGlobalField("Game", "onCreatureSpeak", name, level, type, message, channelId, creaturePos); } void Game::processTextMessage(const std::string& type, const std::string& message) { g_lua.callGlobalField("Game","onTextMessage", type, message); } void Game::processContainerAddItem(int containerId, const ItemPtr& item) { if(item) item->setPos(Position(65535, containerId + 0x40, 0)); g_lua.callGlobalField("Game", "onContainerAddItem", containerId, item); } void Game::processInventoryChange(int slot, const ItemPtr& item) { if(item) item->setPos(Position(65535, slot, 0)); g_lua.callGlobalField("Game","onInventoryChange", slot, item); } void Game::processCreatureMove(const CreaturePtr& creature, const Position& oldPos, const Position& newPos) { // walk if(oldPos.isInRange(newPos, 1, 1, 0)) { creature->walk(oldPos, newPos); // teleport } else { // stop walking on teleport creature->stopWalk(); } } void Game::processAttackCancel() { if(m_localPlayer->isAttacking()) m_localPlayer->setAttackingCreature(nullptr); } void Game::processWalkCancel(Otc::Direction direction) { m_localPlayer->cancelWalk(direction); } void Game::walk(Otc::Direction direction) { if(!isOnline() || !m_localPlayer->isKnown() || isDead() || !checkBotProtection()) return; if(m_localPlayer->isFollowing()) cancelFollow(); if(!m_localPlayer->canWalk(direction)) return; m_localPlayer->preWalk(direction); forceWalk(direction); } void Game::forceWalk(Otc::Direction direction) { switch(direction) { case Otc::North: m_protocolGame->sendWalkNorth(); break; case Otc::East: m_protocolGame->sendWalkEast(); break; case Otc::South: m_protocolGame->sendWalkSouth(); break; case Otc::West: m_protocolGame->sendWalkWest(); break; case Otc::NorthEast: m_protocolGame->sendWalkNorthEast(); break; case Otc::SouthEast: m_protocolGame->sendWalkSouthEast(); break; case Otc::SouthWest: m_protocolGame->sendWalkSouthWest(); break; case Otc::NorthWest: m_protocolGame->sendWalkNorthWest(); break; } } void Game::turn(Otc::Direction direction) { if(!isOnline()) return; switch(direction) { case Otc::North: m_protocolGame->sendTurnNorth(); break; case Otc::East: m_protocolGame->sendTurnEast(); break; case Otc::South: m_protocolGame->sendTurnSouth(); break; case Otc::West: m_protocolGame->sendTurnWest(); break; } } void Game::look(const ThingPtr& thing) { if(!isOnline() || !thing || !checkBotProtection()) return; int stackpos = getThingStackpos(thing); if(stackpos != -1) m_protocolGame->sendLookAt(thing->getPos(), thing->getId(), stackpos); } void Game::open(const ThingPtr& thing, int containerId) { if(!isOnline() || !thing || !checkBotProtection()) return; int stackpos = getThingStackpos(thing); if(stackpos != -1) m_protocolGame->sendUseItem(thing->getPos(), thing->getId(), stackpos, containerId); } void Game::use(const ThingPtr& thing) { if(!isOnline() || !thing || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_localPlayer->lockWalk(); int stackpos = getThingStackpos(thing); if(stackpos != -1) m_protocolGame->sendUseItem(thing->getPos(), thing->getId(), stackpos, 0); } void Game::useWith(const ThingPtr& fromThing, const ThingPtr& toThing) { if(!isOnline() || !fromThing || !toThing || !checkBotProtection()) return; Position pos = fromThing->getPos(); int fromStackpos = getThingStackpos(fromThing); if(fromStackpos == -1) return; m_localPlayer->lockWalk(); if(CreaturePtr creature = toThing->asCreature()) { m_protocolGame->sendUseOnCreature(pos, fromThing->getId(), fromStackpos, creature->getId()); } else { int toStackpos = getThingStackpos(toThing); if(toStackpos == -1) return; m_protocolGame->sendUseItemEx(pos, fromThing->getId(), fromStackpos, toThing->getPos(), toThing->getId(), toStackpos); } } void Game::useInventoryItem(int itemId, const ThingPtr& toThing) { if(!isOnline() || !toThing || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_localPlayer->lockWalk(); Position pos = Position(0xFFFF, 0, 0); // means that is a item in inventory int toStackpos = getThingStackpos(toThing); if(toStackpos == -1) return; if(CreaturePtr creature = toThing->asCreature()) { m_protocolGame->sendUseOnCreature(pos, itemId, 0, creature->getId()); } else { m_protocolGame->sendUseItemEx(pos, itemId, 0, toThing->getPos(), toThing->getId(), toStackpos); } } void Game::move(const ThingPtr& thing, const Position& toPos, int count) { if(!isOnline() || !thing || !checkBotProtection() || thing->getPos() == toPos || count <= 0) return; m_localPlayer->lockWalk(); int stackpos = getThingStackpos(thing); if(stackpos == -1) return; m_protocolGame->sendThrow(thing->getPos(), thing->getId(), stackpos, toPos, count); } void Game::attack(const CreaturePtr& creature) { if(!isOnline() || !creature || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_localPlayer->lockWalk(); if(m_localPlayer->isFollowing()) cancelFollow(); m_localPlayer->setAttackingCreature(creature); m_protocolGame->sendAttack(creature->getId()); } void Game::cancelAttack() { m_localPlayer->lockWalk(); m_localPlayer->setAttackingCreature(nullptr); m_protocolGame->sendAttack(0); } void Game::follow(const CreaturePtr& creature) { if(!isOnline() || !creature || !checkBotProtection()) return; if(m_localPlayer->isAttacking()) cancelAttack(); m_localPlayer->setFollowingCreature(creature); m_protocolGame->sendFollow(creature->getId()); } void Game::cancelFollow() { m_localPlayer->setFollowingCreature(nullptr); m_protocolGame->sendFollow(0); } void Game::rotate(const ThingPtr& thing) { if(!isOnline() || !thing || !checkBotProtection()) return; int stackpos = getThingStackpos(thing); if(stackpos != -1) m_protocolGame->sendRotateItem(thing->getPos(), thing->getId(), stackpos); } //TODO: move this to Thing class int Game::getThingStackpos(const ThingPtr& thing) { // thing is at map if(thing->getPos().x != 65535) { TilePtr tile = g_map.getTile(thing->getPos()); return tile->getThingStackpos(thing); } // thing is at container or inventory return 0; } void Game::talk(const std::string& message) { talkChannel("say", 0, message); } void Game::talkChannel(const std::string& speakTypeDesc, int channelId, const std::string& message) { if(!isOnline() || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_protocolGame->sendTalk(speakTypeDesc, channelId, "", message); } void Game::talkPrivate(const std::string& speakTypeDesc, const std::string& receiver, const std::string& message) { if(!isOnline() || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_protocolGame->sendTalk(speakTypeDesc, 0, receiver, message); } void Game::requestChannels() { if(!isOnline() || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_protocolGame->sendGetChannels(); } void Game::joinChannel(int channelId) { if(!isOnline() || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_protocolGame->sendJoinChannel(channelId); } void Game::leaveChannel(int channelId) { if(!isOnline() || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_protocolGame->sendLeaveChannel(channelId); } void Game::closeNpcChannel() { if(!isOnline() || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_protocolGame->sendCloseNpcChannel(); } void Game::partyInvite(int creatureId) { if(!isOnline() || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_protocolGame->sendInviteToParty(creatureId); } void Game::partyJoin(int creatureId) { if(!isOnline() || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_protocolGame->sendJoinParty(creatureId); } void Game::partyRevokeInvitation(int creatureId) { if(!isOnline() || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_protocolGame->sendRevokeInvitation(creatureId); } void Game::partyPassLeadership(int creatureId) { if(!isOnline() || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_protocolGame->sendPassLeadership(creatureId); } void Game::partyLeave() { if(!isOnline() || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_protocolGame->sendLeaveParty(); } void Game::partyShareExperience(bool active) { if(!isOnline() || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_protocolGame->sendShareExperience(active, 0); } void Game::requestOutfit() { if(!isOnline() || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_protocolGame->sendGetOutfit(); } void Game::setOutfit(const Outfit& outfit) { if(!isOnline() || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_protocolGame->sendSetOutfit(outfit); } void Game::addVip(const std::string& name) { if(!isOnline() || name.empty() || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_protocolGame->sendAddVip(name); } void Game::removeVip(int playerId) { if(!isOnline() || !checkBotProtection()) return; m_protocolGame->sendRemoveVip(playerId); } bool Game::checkBotProtection() { #ifndef NO_BOT_PROTECTION if(g_lua.isInCppCallback() && !g_ui.isOnInputEvent()) { logError("caught a lua call to a bot protected game function, the call was canceled"); return false; } #endif return true; }