function print(...) local msg = "" for i,v in ipairs({...}) do msg = msg .. tostring(v) .. "\t" end g_logger.log(LogInfo, msg) end function info(msg) g_logger.log(LogInfo, msg) end function warning(msg) g_logger.log(LogWarning, msg) end function fatal(msg) g_logger.log(LogFatal, msg) end exit = g_app.exit quit = g_app.exit function connect(object, signalsAndSlots, pushFront) for signal,slot in pairs(signalsAndSlots) do if not object[signal] then local mt = getmetatable(object) if mt and type(object) == 'userdata' then object[signal] = function(...) return signalcall(mt[signal], ...) end end end if not object[signal] then object[signal] = slot elseif type(object[signal]) == 'function' then object[signal] = { object[signal] } end if type(object[signal]) == 'table' then if pushFront then table.insert(object[signal], 1, slot) else table.insert(object[signal], #object[signal]+1, slot) end end end end function disconnect(object, signalsAndSlots) for signal,slot in pairs(signalsAndSlots) do if not object[signal] then elseif type(object[signal]) == 'function' then if object[signal] == slot then object[signal] = nil end elseif type(object[signal]) == 'table' then for k,func in pairs(object[signal]) do if func == slot then table.remove(object[signal], k) if #object[signal] == 1 then object[signal] = object[signal][1] end break end end end end end function newclass() local class = {} function class.internalCreate() local instance = {} for k,v in pairs(class) do instance[k] = v end return instance end class.create = class.internalCreate return class end function extends(base) local derived = {} function derived.internalCreate() local instance = base.create() for k,v in pairs(derived) do instance[k] = v end return instance end derived.create = derived.internalCreate return derived end function newenv() local env = { } setmetatable(env, { __index = _G} ) return env end function getfsrcpath(depth) depth = depth or 2 local info = debug.getinfo(1+depth, "Sn") local path if info.short_src then path = info.short_src:match("(.*)/.*") end if not path then path = '/' elseif path:sub(0, 1) ~= '/' then path = '/' .. path end return path end function resolvepath(filePath, depth) depth = depth or 1 if filePath then if filePath:sub(0, 1) ~= '/' then local basepath = getfsrcpath(depth+1) if basepath:sub(#basepath) ~= '/' then basepath = basepath .. '/' end return basepath .. filePath else return filePath end else local basepath = getfsrcpath(depth+1) if basepath:sub(#basepath) ~= '/' then basepath = basepath .. '/' end return basepath end end function toboolean(str) str = str:trim():lower() if str == '1' or str == 'true' then return true end return false end local oldtonumber = tonumber function tonumber(v) if v == nil then return 0 end return oldtonumber(v) end function signalcall(param, ...) if type(param) == 'function' then return param(...) elseif type(param) == 'table' then for k,v in pairs(param) do if v(...) then return true end end elseif func ~= nil then error('attempt to call a non function value') end return false end