#include "luaexception.h" #include "luainterface.h" LuaException::LuaException(const std::string& error, int traceLevel) { g_lua.clearStack(); // on every exception, clear lua stack generateLuaErrorMessage(error, traceLevel); } void LuaException::generateLuaErrorMessage(const std::string& error, int traceLevel) { // append trace level to error message if(traceLevel >= 0) m_what = fw::mkstr("LUA ERROR: ", g_lua.traceback(error, traceLevel)); else m_what = fw::mkstr("LUA ERROR: ", error); } LuaBadNumberOfArgumentsException::LuaBadNumberOfArgumentsException(int expected, int got) { std::string error = "attempt to call a function with wrong number of arguments"; if(expected >= 0 && got >= 0) error = fw::mkstr(error, " (expected ", expected, ", but got ", got, ")"); generateLuaErrorMessage(error, 1); } LuaBadValueCastException::LuaBadValueCastException(const std::string& luaTypeName, const std::string& cppTypeName) { std::string error = fw::mkstr("attempt to cast a '", luaTypeName, "' lua value to '", cppTypeName, "'"); generateLuaErrorMessage(error, 0); }