UISpinBox = extends(UILineEdit) function UISpinBox.create() local spinbox = UISpinBox.internalCreate() spinbox:setValidCharacters('0123456789') spinbox.m_minimum = 0 spinbox.m_maximum = 0 spinbox:setCurrentIndex(0) return spinbox end function UISpinBox:setCurrentIndex(index) if index >= self.m_minimum and index <= self.m_maximum then self.m_currentIndex = index self:setText(index) self:onIndexChange(index) end end function UISpinBox:setMinimum(minimum) if minimum > self.m_maximum then print("[UISpinBox:setMinimum]: minimum value cant be greater than maximum") return false end if self.m_currentIndex < minimum then self:setCurrentIndex(minimum) end self.m_minimum = minimum end function UISpinBox:setMaximum(maximum) if maximum < self.m_minimum then print("[UISpinBox:setMaximum]: maximum value cant be lower than minimum") return false end if self.m_currentIndex > maximum then self:setCurrentIndex(maximum) end self.m_maximum = maximum end function UISpinBox:getCurrentIndex() return self.m_currentIndex end function UISpinBox:onMouseWheel(mousePos, direction) if direction == MouseWheelUp then self:setCurrentIndex(self.m_currentIndex + 1) elseif direction == MouseWheelDown then self:setCurrentIndex(self.m_currentIndex - 1) end return true end function UISpinBox:onTextChange(text) local number = tonumber(text) if not number or number > self.m_maximum or number < self.m_minimum then -- todo: restore old text instead of setting minimum self:setCurrentIndex(self.m_minimum) end end function UISpinBox:onIndexChange(index) -- nothing todo end