local windows = {} function init() g_ui.importStyle('textwindow') connect(g_game, { onEditText = onGameEditText, onEditList = onGameEditList, onGameEnd = destroyWindows }) end function terminate() disconnect(g_game, { onEditText = onGameEditText, onEditList = onGameEditList, onGameEnd = destroyWindows }) destroyWindows() end function destroyWindows() for _,window in pairs(windows) do window:destroy() end windows = {} end function onGameEditText(id, itemId, maxLength, text, writter, time) local textWindow = g_ui.createWidget('TextWindow', rootWidget) local writeable = #text < maxLength and maxLength > 0 local textItem = textWindow:getChildById('textItem') local description = textWindow:getChildById('description') local textEdit = textWindow:getChildById('text') local okButton = textWindow:getChildById('okButton') local cancelButton = textWindow:getChildById('cancelButton') local textScroll = textWindow:getChildById('textScroll') textItem:setItemId(itemId) textEdit:setMaxLength(maxLength) textEdit:setText(text) textEdit:setEditable(writeable) textEdit:setCursorVisible(writeable) textEdit:wrapText() local desc = '' if #writter > 0 then desc = tr('You read the following, written by \n%s\n', writter) if #time > 0 then desc = desc .. tr('on %s.\n', time) end elseif #time > 0 then desc = tr('You read the following, written on \n%s.\n', time) end if #text == 0 and not writeable then desc = tr("It is empty.") elseif writeable then desc = desc .. tr('You can enter new text.') end local lines = #{string.find(desc, '\n')} if lines < 2 then desc = desc .. '\n' end description:setText(desc) if not writeable then textWindow:setText(tr('Show Text')) cancelButton:hide() cancelButton:setWidth(0) okButton:setMarginRight(0) else textWindow:setText(tr('Edit Text')) end local function destroy() textWindow:destroy() table.removevalue(windows, textWindow) end local doneFunc = function() if writeable then g_game.editText(id, textEdit:getText()) end destroy() end okButton.onClick = doneFunc cancelButton.onClick = destroy if not writeable then textWindow.onEnter = doneFunc end textWindow.onEscape = destroy table.insert(windows, textWindow) end function onGameEditList(id, doorId, text) local textWindow = g_ui.createWidget('TextWindow', rootWidget) local textEdit = textWindow:getChildById('text') local description = textWindow:getChildById('description') local okButton = textWindow:getChildById('okButton') local cancelButton = textWindow:getChildById('cancelButton') textEdit:setMaxLength(8192) textEdit:setText(text) textEdit:setEditable(true) description:setText(tr('Enter one name per line.')) textWindow:setText(tr('Edit List')) local function destroy() textWindow:destroy() table.removevalue(windows, textWindow) end doneFunc = function() g_game.editList(id, doorId, textEdit:getText()) destroy() end okButton.onClick = doneFunc cancelButton.onClick = destroy textWindow.onEnter = doneFunc textWindow.onEscape = destroy table.insert(windows, textWindow) end