#include "font.h" #include "texturemanager.h" #include "graphics.h" #include void Font::load(const OTMLNodePtr& fontNode) { std::string textureName = fontNode->readAt("texture"); Size glyphSize = fontNode->readAt("glyph size"); m_glyphHeight = fontNode->readAt("height"); m_topMargin = fontNode->readAt("top margin", 0); m_firstGlyph = fontNode->readAt("first glyph", 32); m_glyphSpacing = fontNode->readAt("spacing", Size(0,0)); // load font texture m_texture = g_textures.getTexture(textureName); if(!m_texture) throw OTMLException(fontNode, "failed to load texture for font"); // auto calculate widths calculateGlyphsWidthsAutomatically(glyphSize); // read custom widths if(OTMLNodePtr node = fontNode->get("glyph widths")) { for(const OTMLNodePtr& child : node->childNodes()) m_glyphsSize[fw::safe_cast(child->tag())].setWidth(child->read()); } // calculate glyphs texture coords int numHorizontalGlyphs = m_texture->getSize().width() / glyphSize.width(); for(int glyph = m_firstGlyph; glyph < 256; ++glyph) { m_glyphsTextureCoords[glyph].setRect(((glyph - m_firstGlyph) % numHorizontalGlyphs) * glyphSize.width(), ((glyph - m_firstGlyph) / numHorizontalGlyphs) * glyphSize.height(), m_glyphsSize[glyph].width(), m_glyphHeight); } } void Font::renderText(const std::string& text, const Point& startPos, const Color& color) { Size boxSize = g_graphics.getScreenSize() - startPos.toSize(); Rect screenCoords(startPos, boxSize); renderText(text, screenCoords, AlignTopLeft, color); } void Font::renderText(const std::string& text, const Rect& screenCoords, AlignmentFlag align, const Color& color) { // prevent glitches from invalid rects if(!screenCoords.isValid()) return; int textLenght = text.length(); // map glyphs positions Size textBoxSize; const std::vector& glyphsPositions = calculateGlyphsPositions(text, align, &textBoxSize); g_graphics.bindColor(color); g_graphics.bindTexture(m_texture); g_graphics.startDrawing(); for(int i = 0; i < textLenght; ++i) { int glyph = (uchar)text[i]; // skip invalid glyphs if(glyph < 32) continue; // calculate initial glyph rect and texture coords Rect glyphScreenCoords(glyphsPositions[i], m_glyphsSize[glyph]); Rect glyphTextureCoords = m_glyphsTextureCoords[glyph]; // first translate to align position if(align & AlignBottom) { glyphScreenCoords.translate(0, screenCoords.height() - textBoxSize.height()); } else if(align & AlignVerticalCenter) { glyphScreenCoords.translate(0, (screenCoords.height() - textBoxSize.height()) / 2); } else { // AlignTop // nothing to do } if(align & AlignRight) { glyphScreenCoords.translate(screenCoords.width() - textBoxSize.width(), 0); } else if(align & AlignHorizontalCenter) { glyphScreenCoords.translate((screenCoords.width() - textBoxSize.width()) / 2, 0); } else { // AlignLeft // nothing to do } // only render glyphs that are after 0, 0 if(glyphScreenCoords.bottom() < 0 || glyphScreenCoords.right() < 0) continue; // bound glyph topLeft to 0,0 if needed if(glyphScreenCoords.top() < 0) { glyphTextureCoords.setTop(glyphTextureCoords.top() - glyphScreenCoords.top()); glyphScreenCoords.setTop(0); } if(glyphScreenCoords.left() < 0) { glyphTextureCoords.setLeft(glyphTextureCoords.left() - glyphScreenCoords.left()); glyphScreenCoords.setLeft(0); } // translate rect to screen coords glyphScreenCoords.translate(screenCoords.topLeft()); // only render if glyph rect is visible on screenCoords if(!screenCoords.intersects(glyphScreenCoords)) continue; // bound glyph bottomRight to screenCoords bottomRight if(glyphScreenCoords.bottom() > screenCoords.bottom()) { glyphTextureCoords.setBottom(glyphTextureCoords.bottom() + (screenCoords.bottom() - glyphScreenCoords.bottom())); glyphScreenCoords.setBottom(screenCoords.bottom()); } if(glyphScreenCoords.right() > screenCoords.right()) { glyphTextureCoords.setRight(glyphTextureCoords.right() + (screenCoords.right() - glyphScreenCoords.right())); glyphScreenCoords.setRight(screenCoords.right()); } // render glyph g_graphics.drawTexturedRect(glyphScreenCoords, m_texture, glyphTextureCoords); } g_graphics.stopDrawing(); } const std::vector& Font::calculateGlyphsPositions(const std::string& text, AlignmentFlag align, Size *textBoxSize) const { // for performance reasons we use statics vectors that are allocated on demand static std::vector glyphsPositions(1); static std::vector lineWidths(1); int textLength = text.length(); int maxLineWidth = 0; int lines = 0; int glyph; int i; // return if there is no text if(textLength == 0) { if(textBoxSize) textBoxSize->setSize(0,m_glyphHeight); return glyphsPositions; } // resize glyphsPositions vector when needed if(textLength > (int)glyphsPositions.size()) glyphsPositions.resize(textLength); // calculate lines width if((align & AlignRight || align & AlignHorizontalCenter) || textBoxSize) { lineWidths[0] = 0; for(i = 0; i< textLength; ++i) { glyph = (uchar)text[i]; if(glyph == (uchar)'\n') { lines++; if(lines+1 > (int)lineWidths.size()) lineWidths.resize(lines+1); lineWidths[lines] = 0; } else if(glyph >= 32) { lineWidths[lines] += m_glyphsSize[glyph].width(); maxLineWidth = std::max(maxLineWidth, lineWidths[lines]); } } } Point virtualPos(0, m_topMargin); lines = 0; for(i = 0; i < textLength; ++i) { glyph = (uchar)text[i]; // new line or first glyph if(glyph == (uchar)'\n' || i == 0) { if(glyph == (uchar)'\n') { virtualPos.y += m_glyphHeight + m_glyphSpacing.height(); lines++; } // calculate start x pos if(align & AlignRight) { virtualPos.x = (maxLineWidth - lineWidths[lines]); } else if(align & AlignHorizontalCenter) { virtualPos.x = (maxLineWidth - lineWidths[lines]) / 2; } else { // AlignLeft virtualPos.x = 0; } } // store current glyph topLeft glyphsPositions[i] = virtualPos; // render only if the glyph is valid if(glyph >= 32 && glyph != (uchar)'\n') { virtualPos.x += m_glyphsSize[glyph].width(); } } if(textBoxSize) { textBoxSize->setWidth(maxLineWidth); textBoxSize->setHeight(virtualPos.y + m_glyphHeight); } return glyphsPositions; } Size Font::calculateTextRectSize(const std::string& text) { Size size; calculateGlyphsPositions(text, AlignTopLeft, &size); return size; } void Font::calculateGlyphsWidthsAutomatically(const Size& glyphSize) { int numHorizontalGlyphs = m_texture->getSize().width() / glyphSize.width(); auto texturePixels = m_texture->getPixels(); // small AI to auto calculate pixels widths for(int glyph = m_firstGlyph; glyph< 256; ++glyph) { Rect glyphCoords(((glyph - m_firstGlyph) % numHorizontalGlyphs) * glyphSize.width(), ((glyph - m_firstGlyph) / numHorizontalGlyphs) * glyphSize.height(), glyphSize.width(), m_glyphHeight); int width = glyphSize.width(); int lastColumnFilledPixels = 0; for(int x = glyphCoords.left() + 1; x <= glyphCoords.right(); ++x) { int columnFilledPixels = 0; // check if all vertical pixels are alpha for(int y = glyphCoords.top(); y <= glyphCoords.bottom(); ++y) { if(texturePixels[(y * m_texture->getSize().width() * 4) + (x*4) + 3] != 0) columnFilledPixels++; } // if all pixels were alpha we found the width if(columnFilledPixels == 0) { width = x - glyphCoords.left(); width += m_glyphSpacing.width(); if(m_glyphHeight >= 16 && lastColumnFilledPixels >= m_glyphHeight/3) width += 1; break; } lastColumnFilledPixels = columnFilledPixels; } // store glyph size m_glyphsSize[glyph].setSize(width, m_glyphHeight); } }