#include "fontmanager.h" #include #include FontManager g_fonts; void FontManager::releaseFonts() { m_defaultFont.reset(); m_fonts.clear(); } bool FontManager::importFont(std::string fontFile) { try { if(!boost::ends_with(fontFile, ".otfont")) fontFile += ".otfont"; OTMLDocumentPtr doc = OTMLDocument::parse(fontFile); OTMLNodePtr fontNode = doc->at("Font"); std::string name = fontNode->valueAt("name"); if(fontExists(name)) throw std::runtime_error("a font with the same name is already imported, did you duplicate font names?"); FontPtr font(new Font(name)); font->load(fontNode); m_fonts.push_back(font); // set as default if needed if(!m_defaultFont) m_defaultFont = font; return true; } catch(std::exception& e) { logError("could not load font from '", fontFile, "': ", e.what()); return false; } } bool FontManager::fontExists(const std::string& fontName) { for(const FontPtr& font : m_fonts) { if(font->getName() == fontName) return true; } return false; } FontPtr FontManager::getFont(const std::string& fontName) { // find font by name for(const FontPtr& font : m_fonts) { if(font->getName() == fontName) return font; } // when not found, fallback to default font return getDefaultFont(); }