-- @docclass UITabBar = extends(UIWidget) -- private functions local function onTabClick(tab) tab.tabBar:selectTab(tab) end local function updateMargins(tabBar) if #tabBar.tabs == 0 then return end local currentMargin = 0 for i = 1, #tabBar.tabs do if i == 1 then tabBar.tabs[i]:setMarginLeft(0) else tabBar.tabs[i]:setMarginLeft(tabBar.tabSpacing * (i - 1) + currentMargin) end currentMargin = currentMargin + tabBar.tabs[i]:getWidth() end end local function onTabMousePress(tab, mousePos, mouseButton) if mouseButton == MouseLeftButton and tab.tabBar.tabsMoveable then tab.tabBar.selected = tab elseif mouseButton == MouseRightButton then if tab.menuCallback then tab.menuCallback(tab, mousePos, mouseButton) end end end local function onTabMouseRelease(tab, mousePos, mouseButton) local tabs = tab.tabBar.tabs if tab.tabBar.selected then local lastMargin = -tab.tabBar.tabSpacing for i = 1, #tabs do local nextMargin = tabs[i + 1] and (tabs[i + 1] == tab and (tabs[i]:getMarginLeft() + tabs[i]:getWidth() + tab.tabBar.tabSpacing) or tabs[i + 1]:getMarginLeft()) or tab.tabBar:getWidth() if (tab:getMarginLeft()+(tabs[i]:getWidth()/2)) >= lastMargin and (tab:getMarginLeft()+(tabs[i]:getWidth()/2)) < nextMargin then if tabs[i] ~= tab then local newIndex = table.find(tab.tabBar.tabs, tab.tabBar.tabs[i]) table.remove(tab.tabBar.tabs, table.find(tab.tabBar.tabs, tab)) table.insert(tab.tabBar.tabs, newIndex, tab) updateMargins(tab.tabBar) break else updateMargins(tab.tabBar) break end end lastMargin = tab.tabBar.tabs[i]:getMarginLeft() == 0 and -tab.tabBar.tabSpacing or tab.tabBar.tabs[i]:getMarginLeft() end end tab.tabBar.selected = nil end local function onTabMouseMove(tab, mousePos, mouseMoved) if tab == tab.tabBar.selected then local newMargin = tab:getMarginLeft() + mouseMoved.x if newMargin >= -tab.tabBar.tabSpacing and newMargin < tab.tabBar:getWidth() - tab:getWidth() then tab:setMarginLeft(newMargin) end end end local function tabBlink(tab) if not tab.blinking then return end tab:setOn(not tab:isOn()) tab.blinkEvent = scheduleEvent(function() tabBlink(tab) end, 500) end -- public functions function UITabBar.create() local tabbar = UITabBar.internalCreate() tabbar:setFocusable(false) tabbar.tabs = {} tabbar.selected = nil -- dragged tab tabbar.tabSpacing = 5 tabsMoveable = false return tabbar end function UITabBar:setContentWidget(widget) self.contentWidget = widget if #self.tabs > 0 then self.contentWidget:addChild(self.tabs[1].tabPanel) end end function UITabBar:setTabSpacing(tabSpacing) self.tabSpacing = tabSpacing updateMargins(self) end function UITabBar:addTab(text, panel, menuCallback) if panel == nil then panel = g_ui.createWidget(self:getStyleName() .. 'Panel') panel:setId('tabPanel') end local tab = g_ui.createWidget(self:getStyleName() .. 'Button', self) panel.isTab = true tab.tabPanel = panel tab.tabBar = self tab:setId('tab') tab:setText(text) tab:setWidth(tab:getTextSize().width + tab:getPaddingLeft() + tab:getPaddingRight()) tab.menuCallback = menuCallback or nil tab.onClick = onTabClick tab.onMousePress = onTabMousePress tab.onMouseRelease = onTabMouseRelease tab.onMouseMove = onTabMouseMove tab.onDestroy = function() tab.tabPanel:destroy() end table.insert(self.tabs, tab) if #self.tabs == 1 then self:selectTab(tab) tab:setMarginLeft(0) else local newMargin = self.tabSpacing * (#self.tabs - 1) for i = 1, #self.tabs - 1 do newMargin = newMargin + self.tabs[i]:getWidth() end tab:setMarginLeft(newMargin) end return tab end -- Additional function to move the tab by lua function UITabBar:moveTab(tab, units) local index = table.find(self.tabs, tab) if index == nil then return end local focus = false if self.currentTab == tab then self:selectPrevTab() focus = true end table.remove(self.tabs, index) local newIndex = math.min(#self.tabs+1, math.max(index + units, 1)) table.insert(self.tabs, newIndex, tab) if focus then self:selectTab(tab) end updateMargins(self) return newIndex end function UITabBar:onStyleApply(styleName, styleNode) if styleNode['moveable'] then self.tabsMoveable = styleNode['moveable'] end end function UITabBar:removeTab(tab) local index = table.find(self.tabs, tab) if index == nil then return end if self.currentTab == tab then self:selectPrevTab() end table.remove(self.tabs, index) if tab.blinkEvent then removeEvent(tab.blinkEvent) end tab:destroy() end function UITabBar:getTab(text) for k,tab in pairs(self.tabs) do if tab:getText():lower() == text:lower() then return tab end end end function UITabBar:selectTab(tab) if self.currentTab == tab then return end if self.contentWidget then local selectedWidget = self.contentWidget:getLastChild() if selectedWidget and selectedWidget.isTab then self.contentWidget:removeChild(selectedWidget) end self.contentWidget:addChild(tab.tabPanel) tab.tabPanel:fill('parent') end if self.currentTab then self.currentTab:setChecked(false) end signalcall(self.onTabChange, self, tab) self.currentTab = tab tab:setChecked(true) tab:setOn(false) tab.blinking = false end function UITabBar:selectNextTab() if self.currentTab == nil then return end local index = table.find(self.tabs, self.currentTab) if index == nil then return end local nextTab = self.tabs[index + 1] or self.tabs[1] if not nextTab then return end self:selectTab(nextTab) end function UITabBar:selectPrevTab() if self.currentTab == nil then return end local index = table.find(self.tabs, self.currentTab) if index == nil then return end local prevTab = self.tabs[index - 1] or self.tabs[#self.tabs] if not prevTab then return end self:selectTab(prevTab) end function UITabBar:blinkTab(tab) if tab:isChecked() or tab.blinking then return end tab.blinking = true tabBlink(tab) end function UITabBar:getTabPanel(tab) return tab.tabPanel end function UITabBar:getCurrentTabPanel() if self.currentTab then return self.currentTab.tabPanel end end function UITabBar:getCurrentTab() return self.currentTab end