/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "map.h" #include "tile.h" #include "game.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void Map::loadOtbm(const std::string& fileName) { try { if(!g_things.isOtbLoaded()) stdext::throw_exception("OTB isn't loaded yet to load a map."); FileStreamPtr fin = g_resources.openFile(fileName); if(!fin) stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("Unable to load map '%s'", fileName)); fin->cache(); char identifier[4]; if(fin->read(identifier, 1, 4) < 4) stdext::throw_exception("Could not read file identifier"); if(memcmp(identifier, "OTBM", 4) != 0 && memcmp(identifier, "\0\0\0\0", 4) != 0) stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("Invalid file identifier detected: %s", identifier)); BinaryTreePtr root = fin->getBinaryTree(); if(root->getU8()) stdext::throw_exception("could not read root property!"); uint32 headerVersion = root->getU32(); if(headerVersion > 3) stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("Unknown OTBM version detected: %u.", headerVersion)); setWidth(root->getU16()); setHeight(root->getU16()); uint32 headerMajorItems = root->getU8(); if(headerMajorItems > g_things.getOtbMajorVersion()) { stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("This map was saved with different OTB version. read %d what it's supposed to be: %d", headerMajorItems, g_things.getOtbMajorVersion())); } root->skip(3); uint32 headerMinorItems = root->getU32(); if(headerMinorItems > g_things.getOtbMinorVersion()) { g_logger.warning(stdext::format("This map needs an updated OTB. read %d what it's supposed to be: %d or less", headerMinorItems, g_things.getOtbMinorVersion())); } BinaryTreePtr node = root->getChildren()[0]; if(node->getU8() != OTBM_MAP_DATA) stdext::throw_exception("Could not read root data node"); while(node->canRead()) { uint8 attribute = node->getU8(); std::string tmp = node->getString(); switch (attribute) { case OTBM_ATTR_DESCRIPTION: setDescription(tmp); break; case OTBM_ATTR_SPAWN_FILE: setSpawnFile(fileName.substr(0, fileName.rfind('/') + 1) + tmp); break; case OTBM_ATTR_HOUSE_FILE: setHouseFile(fileName.substr(0, fileName.rfind('/') + 1) + tmp); break; default: stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("Invalid attribute '%d'", (int)attribute)); } } for(const BinaryTreePtr& nodeMapData : node->getChildren()) { uint8 mapDataType = nodeMapData->getU8(); if(mapDataType == OTBM_TILE_AREA) { Position basePos; basePos.x = nodeMapData->getU16(); basePos.y = nodeMapData->getU16(); basePos.z = nodeMapData->getU8(); for(const BinaryTreePtr &nodeTile : nodeMapData->getChildren()) { uint8 type = nodeTile->getU8(); if(unlikely(type != OTBM_TILE && type != OTBM_HOUSETILE)) stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("invalid node tile type %d", (int)type)); HousePtr house = nullptr; uint32 flags = TILESTATE_NONE; Position pos = basePos + nodeTile->getPoint(); if(type == OTBM_HOUSETILE) { uint32 hId = nodeTile->getU32(); TilePtr tile = getOrCreateTile(pos); if(!(house = g_houses.getHouse(hId))) { house = HousePtr(new House(hId)); g_houses.addHouse(house); } house->setTile(tile); } while(nodeTile->canRead()) { uint8 tileAttr = nodeTile->getU8(); switch(tileAttr) { case OTBM_ATTR_TILE_FLAGS: { uint32 _flags = nodeTile->getU32(); if((_flags & TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE) == TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE) flags |= TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE; else if((_flags & TILESTATE_OPTIONALZONE) == TILESTATE_OPTIONALZONE) flags |= TILESTATE_OPTIONALZONE; else if((_flags & TILESTATE_HARDCOREZONE) == TILESTATE_HARDCOREZONE) flags |= TILESTATE_HARDCOREZONE; if((_flags & TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT) == TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT) flags |= TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT; if((_flags & TILESTATE_REFRESH) == TILESTATE_REFRESH) flags |= TILESTATE_REFRESH; break; } case OTBM_ATTR_ITEM: { addThing(Item::createFromOtb(nodeTile->getU16()), pos); break; } default: { stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("invalid tile attribute %d at pos %s", (int)tileAttr, stdext::to_string(pos))); } } } for(const BinaryTreePtr& nodeItem : nodeTile->getChildren()) { if(unlikely(nodeItem->getU8() != OTBM_ITEM)) stdext::throw_exception("invalid item node"); ItemPtr item = Item::createFromOtb(nodeItem->getU16()); item->unserializeItem(nodeItem); if(item->isContainer()) { for(const BinaryTreePtr& containerItem : nodeItem->getChildren()) { if(containerItem->getU8() != OTBM_ITEM) stdext::throw_exception("invalid container item node"); ItemPtr cItem = Item::createFromOtb(containerItem->getU16()); cItem->unserializeItem(containerItem); item->addContainerItem(cItem); } } if(house && item->isMoveable()) { g_logger.warning(stdext::format("Moveable item found in house: %d at pos %s - escaping...", item->getId(), stdext::to_string(pos))); item.reset(); } addThing(item, pos); } if(const TilePtr& tile = getTile(pos)) { if(house) tile->setFlag(TILESTATE_HOUSE); tile->setFlag(flags); } } } else if(mapDataType == OTBM_TOWNS) { TownPtr town = nullptr; for(const BinaryTreePtr &nodeTown : nodeMapData->getChildren()) { if(nodeTown->getU8() != OTBM_TOWN) stdext::throw_exception("invalid town node."); uint32 townId = nodeTown->getU32(); std::string townName = nodeTown->getString(); Position townCoords; townCoords.x = nodeTown->getU16(); townCoords.y = nodeTown->getU16(); townCoords.z = nodeTown->getU8(); if(!(town = g_towns.getTown(townId))) g_towns.addTown(TownPtr(new Town(townId, townName, townCoords))); } } else if(mapDataType == OTBM_WAYPOINTS && headerVersion > 1) { for(const BinaryTreePtr &nodeWaypoint : nodeMapData->getChildren()) { if(nodeWaypoint->getU8() != OTBM_WAYPOINT) stdext::throw_exception("invalid waypoint node."); std::string name = nodeWaypoint->getString(); Position waypointPos; waypointPos.x = nodeWaypoint->getU16(); waypointPos.y = nodeWaypoint->getU16(); waypointPos.z = nodeWaypoint->getU8(); if(waypointPos.isValid() && !name.empty() && m_waypoints.find(waypointPos) == m_waypoints.end()) m_waypoints.insert(std::make_pair(waypointPos, name)); } } else stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("Unknown map data node %d", (int)mapDataType)); } fin->close(); } catch(std::exception& e) { g_logger.error(stdext::format("Failed to load '%s': %s", fileName, e.what())); } } void Map::saveOtbm(const std::string& fileName) { try { FileStreamPtr fin = g_resources.createFile(fileName); if(!fin) stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("failed to open file '%s' for write", fileName)); fin->cache(); std::string dir; if(fileName.find_last_of('/') == std::string::npos) dir = g_resources.getWorkDir(); else dir = fileName.substr(0, fileName.find_last_of('/')); uint32 version = 0; if(g_things.getOtbMajorVersion() < ClientVersion820) version = 1; else version = 2; /// Usually when a map has empty house/spawn file it means the map is new. /// TODO: Ask the user for a map name instead of those ugly uses of substr std::string::size_type sep_pos; std::string houseFile = getHouseFile(); std::string spawnFile = getSpawnFile(); std::string cpyf; if((sep_pos = fileName.rfind('.')) != std::string::npos && stdext::ends_with(fileName, ".otbm")) cpyf = fileName.substr(0, sep_pos); if(houseFile.empty()) houseFile = cpyf + "-houses.xml"; if(spawnFile.empty()) spawnFile = cpyf + "-spawns.xml"; /// we only need the filename to save to, the directory should be resolved by the OTBM loader not here if((sep_pos = spawnFile.rfind('/')) != std::string::npos) spawnFile = spawnFile.substr(sep_pos + 1); if((sep_pos = houseFile.rfind('/')) != std::string::npos) houseFile = houseFile.substr(sep_pos + 1); fin->addU32(0); // file version OutputBinaryTreePtr root(new OutputBinaryTree(fin)); { root->addU32(version); Size mapSize = getSize(); root->addU16(mapSize.width()); root->addU16(mapSize.height()); root->addU32(g_things.getOtbMajorVersion()); root->addU32(g_things.getOtbMinorVersion()); root->startNode(OTBM_MAP_DATA); { const auto& descvec = getDescriptions(); for(const auto& desc : descvec) { root->addU8(OTBM_ATTR_DESCRIPTION); root->addString(desc); } // special one root->addU8(OTBM_ATTR_DESCRIPTION); root->addString(stdext::format("Saved with %s v%s", g_app.getName(), g_app.getVersion())); // spawn file. root->addU8(OTBM_ATTR_SPAWN_FILE); root->addString(spawnFile); // house file. root->addU8(OTBM_ATTR_HOUSE_FILE); root->addString(houseFile); int px = -1, py = -1, pz =-1; bool firstNode = true; for(uint8_t z = 0; z <= Otc::MAX_Z; ++z) { for(const auto& it : m_tileBlocks[z]) { const TileBlock& block = it.second; for(const TilePtr& tile : block.getTiles()) { if(unlikely(!tile || tile->isEmpty())) continue; const Position& pos = tile->getPosition(); if(unlikely(!pos.isValid())) continue; if(pos.x < px || pos.x >= px + 256 || pos.y < py || pos.y >= py + 256 || pos.z != pz) { if(!firstNode) root->endNode(); /// OTBM_TILE_AREA firstNode = false; root->startNode(OTBM_TILE_AREA); px = pos.x & 0xFF00; py = pos.y & 0xFF00; pz = pos.z; root->addPos(px, py, pz); } root->startNode(tile->isHouseTile() ? OTBM_HOUSETILE : OTBM_TILE); root->addPoint(Point(pos.x, pos.y) & 0xFF); if(tile->isHouseTile()) root->addU32(tile->getHouseId()); if(tile->getFlags()) { root->addU8(OTBM_ATTR_TILE_FLAGS); root->addU32(tile->getFlags()); } const auto& itemList = tile->getItems(); const ItemPtr& ground = tile->getGround(); if(ground) { // Those types are called "complex" needs other stuff to be written. // For containers, there is container items, for depot, depot it and so on. if(!ground->isContainer() && !ground->isDepot() && !ground->isDoor() && !ground->isTeleport()) { root->addU8(OTBM_ATTR_ITEM); root->addU16(ground->getServerId()); } else ground->serializeItem(root); } for(const ItemPtr& item : itemList) if(!item->isGround()) item->serializeItem(root); root->endNode(); // OTBM_TILE } } } if(!firstNode) root->endNode(); // OTBM_TILE_AREA root->startNode(OTBM_TOWNS); for(const TownPtr& town : g_towns.getTowns()) { root->startNode(OTBM_TOWN); root->addU32(town->getId()); root->addString(town->getName()); Position townPos = town->getPos(); root->addPos(townPos.x, townPos.y, townPos.z); root->endNode(); } root->endNode(); if(version > 1) { root->startNode(OTBM_WAYPOINTS); for(const auto& it : m_waypoints) { root->startNode(OTBM_WAYPOINT); root->addString(it.second); Position pos = it.first; root->addPos(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); root->endNode(); } root->endNode(); } } root->endNode(); // OTBM_MAP_DATA } root->endNode(); fin->flush(); fin->close(); } catch(std::exception& e) { g_logger.error(stdext::format("Failed to save '%s': %s", fileName, e.what())); } } bool Map::loadOtcm(const std::string& fileName) { try { FileStreamPtr fin = g_resources.openFile(fileName); if(!fin) stdext::throw_exception("unable to open file"); fin->cache(); uint32 signature = fin->getU32(); if(signature != OTCM_SIGNATURE) stdext::throw_exception("invalid otcm file"); uint16 start = fin->getU16(); uint16 version = fin->getU16(); fin->getU32(); // flags switch(version) { case 1: { fin->getString(); // description uint32 datSignature = fin->getU32(); fin->getU16(); // protocol version fin->getString(); // world name if(datSignature != g_things.getDatSignature()) g_logger.warning("otcm map loaded was created with a different dat signature"); break; } default: stdext::throw_exception("otcm version not supported"); } fin->seek(start); while(true) { Position pos; pos.x = fin->getU16(); pos.y = fin->getU16(); pos.z = fin->getU8(); // end of file if(!pos.isValid()) break; const TilePtr& tile = g_map.createTile(pos); int stackPos = 0; while(true) { int id = fin->getU16(); // end of tile if(id == 0xFFFF) break; int countOrSubType = fin->getU8(); ItemPtr item = Item::create(id); item->setCountOrSubType(countOrSubType); if(item->isValid()) tile->addThing(item, stackPos++); } g_map.notificateTileUpdate(pos); } fin->close(); return true; } catch(stdext::exception& e) { g_logger.error(stdext::format("failed to load OTCM map: %s", e.what())); return false; } } void Map::saveOtcm(const std::string& fileName) { try { stdext::timer saveTimer; FileStreamPtr fin = g_resources.createFile(fileName); fin->cache(); //TODO: compression flag with zlib uint32 flags = 0; // header fin->addU32(OTCM_SIGNATURE); fin->addU16(0); // data start, will be overwritten later fin->addU16(OTCM_VERSION); fin->addU32(flags); // version 1 header fin->addString("OTCM 1.0"); // map description fin->addU32(g_things.getDatSignature()); fin->addU16(g_game.getProtocolVersion()); fin->addString(g_game.getWorldName()); // go back and rewrite where the map data starts uint32 start = fin->tell(); fin->seek(4); fin->addU16(start); fin->seek(start); for(uint8_t z = 0; z <= Otc::MAX_Z; ++z) { for(const auto& it : m_tileBlocks[z]) { const TileBlock& block = it.second; for(const TilePtr& tile : block.getTiles()) { if(!tile || tile->isEmpty()) continue; Position pos = tile->getPosition(); fin->addU16(pos.x); fin->addU16(pos.y); fin->addU8(pos.z); for(const ThingPtr& thing : tile->getThings()) { if(thing->isItem()) { ItemPtr item = thing->static_self_cast(); fin->addU16(item->getId()); fin->addU8(item->getCountOrSubType()); } } // end of tile fin->addU16(0xFFFF); } } } // end of file Position invalidPos; fin->addU16(invalidPos.x); fin->addU16(invalidPos.y); fin->addU8(invalidPos.z); fin->flush(); fin->close(); } catch(stdext::exception& e) { g_logger.error(stdext::format("failed to save OTCM map: %s", e.what())); } } /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: */