Panel id: background image-source: /images/background image-smooth: true image-fixed-ratio: true topMenu.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: parent.bottom margin-top: 1 focusable: false @onSetup: | scheduleEvent(function() local count = 0 cycleEvent(function() if count > 360 then return end self:setRotation(count) count = count + 5 end, 10) end, 10) UIParticles anchors.fill: parent effect: background-effect reference-pos: 0.5 0.25 Label text: :O Just For Fun LOL ^.^ font: sans-bold-16px color: black background: #ffffff60 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter margin-left: 10 margin-top: 40 height: 24 rotation: -15 @onSetup: | local count = 0 cycleEvent(function() local text = ':O Just For Fun LOL ^.^' self:setText(string.sub(text, 0, count)) if count > #text + 10 then count = 0 end count = count + 1 end, 100) Label text: PLEASE REMOVE THAT SHIT! font: sans-bold-16px color: black background: #ffffff60 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter margin-left: 10 margin-bottom: 40 height: 24 rotation: 15 visible: false @onSetup: scheduleEvent(function() self:show() end, 4000) Label text: WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS BACKGROUND? font: sans-bold-16px color: pink background: #ffffff99 anchors.right: parent.right margin-left: 10 margin-top: 80 height: 24 rotation: 10 visible: false @onSetup: scheduleEvent(function() self:show() end, 8000) UILabel id: clientVersionLabel background-color: #00000099 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: parent.bottom text-align: center text-auto-resize: true width: 120 padding: 2 color: #ffffff font: verdana-11px-monochrome