UI = { } UI.root = getRootWidget() -- public functions function UI.display(arg1, options) local widget local parent if options then parent = options.parent end parent = parent or UI.root -- display otui files if type(arg1) == 'string' then local otuiFilePath = resolveFileFullPath(arg1, 2) widget = loadUI(otuiFilePath, parent) -- display already loaded widgets else widget = arg1 if parent:hasChild(widget) then widget:focus() widget:show() else parent:addChild(widget) widget:show() end end -- apply display options if widget and options then for option,value in pairs(options) do if option == 'locked' and value then widget:lock() elseif option == 'visible' then widget:setVisible(value) elseif option == 'x' then widget:setX(value) elseif option == 'y' then widget:setY(value) end end end return widget end