/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "thingtype.h" #include "spritemanager.h" #include "game.h" #include #include #include #include #include ThingType::ThingType() { m_category = ThingInvalidCategory; m_id = 0; m_null = true; m_exactSize = 0; m_numPatternX = m_numPatternY = m_numPatternZ = 0; m_animationPhases = 0; m_layers = 0; } void ThingType::unserialize(uint16 clientId, ThingCategory category, const FileStreamPtr& fin) { m_null = false; m_id = clientId; m_category = category; bool done = false; for(int i = 0 ; i < ThingLastAttr;++i) { int attr = fin->getU8(); if(attr == ThingLastAttr) { done = true; break; } if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameChargeableItems)) { if(attr == ThingAttrWritable) { m_attribs.set(ThingAttrChargeable, true); continue; } else if(attr > ThingAttrWritable) attr -= 1; } switch(attr) { case ThingAttrDisplacement: { m_displacement.x = fin->getU16(); m_displacement.y = fin->getU16(); m_attribs.set(attr, true); break; } case ThingAttrLight: { Light light; light.intensity = fin->getU16(); light.color = fin->getU16(); m_attribs.set(attr, light); break; } case ThingAttrMarket: { MarketData market; market.category = fin->getU16(); market.showAs = fin->getU16(); market.tradeAs = fin->getU16(); market.name = fin->getString(); market.restrictProfession = fin->getU16(); market.requiredLevel = fin->getU16(); m_attribs.set(attr, market); break; } case ThingAttrGround: case ThingAttrWritable: case ThingAttrWritableOnce: case ThingAttrElevation: case ThingAttrMinimapColor: case ThingAttrCloth: case ThingAttrLensHelp: m_attribs.set(attr, fin->getU16()); break; default: m_attribs.set(attr, true); break; }; } if(!done) stdext::throw_exception("corrupt data"); uint8 width = fin->getU8(); uint8 height = fin->getU8(); m_size = Size(width, height); m_exactSize = (width > 1 || height > 1) ? std::min((int)fin->getU8(), std::max(width * 32, height * 32)) : 32; m_layers = fin->getU8(); m_numPatternX = fin->getU8(); m_numPatternY = fin->getU8(); m_numPatternZ = fin->getU8(); m_animationPhases = fin->getU8(); int totalSprites = m_size.area() * m_layers * m_numPatternX * m_numPatternY * m_numPatternZ * m_animationPhases; if(totalSprites == 0) stdext::throw_exception("a thing type has no sprites"); if(totalSprites > 4096) stdext::throw_exception("a thing type has more than 4096 sprites"); m_spritesIndex.resize(totalSprites); for(int i = 0; i < totalSprites; i++) m_spritesIndex[i] = g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameSpritesU32) ? fin->getU32() : fin->getU16(); m_textures.resize(m_animationPhases); m_texturesFramesRects.resize(m_animationPhases); m_texturesFramesOriginRects.resize(m_animationPhases); m_texturesFramesOffsets.resize(m_animationPhases); } void ThingType::draw(const Point& dest, float scaleFactor, int layer, int xPattern, int yPattern, int zPattern, int animationPhase) { if(m_null) return; const TexturePtr& texture = getTexture(animationPhase); // texture might not exists, neither its rects. int frameIndex = getTextureIndex(layer, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern); Point textureOffset; Rect textureRect; if(scaleFactor != 1.0f) { textureRect = m_texturesFramesOriginRects[animationPhase][frameIndex]; } else { textureOffset = m_texturesFramesOffsets[animationPhase][frameIndex]; textureRect = m_texturesFramesRects[animationPhase][frameIndex]; } Rect screenRect(dest + (textureOffset - m_displacement - (m_size.toPoint() - Point(1, 1)) * 32) * scaleFactor, textureRect.size() * scaleFactor); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(screenRect, texture, textureRect); } const TexturePtr& ThingType::getTexture(int animationPhase) { TexturePtr& animationPhaseTexture = m_textures[animationPhase]; if(!animationPhaseTexture) { // we don't need layers in common items, they will be pre-drawn int textureLayers = 1; int numLayers = m_layers; if(m_category == ThingCategoryCreature && numLayers >= 2) { // 5 layers: outfit base, red mask, green mask, blue mask, yellow mask textureLayers = 5; numLayers = 5; } int indexSize = textureLayers * m_numPatternX * m_numPatternY * m_numPatternZ; Size textureSize = getBestTextureDimension(m_size.width(), m_size.height(), indexSize); ImagePtr fullImage = ImagePtr(new Image(textureSize * Otc::TILE_PIXELS)); m_texturesFramesRects[animationPhase].resize(indexSize); m_texturesFramesOriginRects[animationPhase].resize(indexSize); m_texturesFramesOffsets[animationPhase].resize(indexSize); for(int z = 0; z < m_numPatternZ; ++z) { for(int y = 0; y < m_numPatternY; ++y) { for(int x = 0; x < m_numPatternX; ++x) { for(int l = 0; l < numLayers; ++l) { bool spriteMask = (m_category == ThingCategoryCreature && l > 0); int frameIndex = getTextureIndex(l % textureLayers, x, y, z); Point framePos = Point(frameIndex % (textureSize.width() / m_size.width()) * m_size.width(), frameIndex / (textureSize.width() / m_size.width()) * m_size.height()) * Otc::TILE_PIXELS; for(int h = 0; h < m_size.height(); ++h) { for(int w = 0; w < m_size.width(); ++w) { uint spriteIndex = getSpriteIndex(w, h, spriteMask ? 1 : l, x, y, z, animationPhase); ImagePtr spriteImage = g_sprites.getSpriteImage(m_spritesIndex[spriteIndex]); if(spriteImage) { if(spriteMask) { static Color maskColors[] = { Color::red, Color::green, Color::blue, Color::yellow }; spriteImage->overwriteMask(maskColors[l - 1]); } Point spritePos = Point(m_size.width() - w - 1, m_size.height() - h - 1) * Otc::TILE_PIXELS; fullImage->blit(framePos + spritePos, spriteImage); } } } Rect drawRect(framePos + Point(m_size.width(), m_size.height()) * Otc::TILE_PIXELS - Point(1,1), framePos); for(int x = framePos.x; x < framePos.x + m_size.width() * Otc::TILE_PIXELS; ++x) { for(int y = framePos.y; y < framePos.y + m_size.height() * Otc::TILE_PIXELS; ++y) { uint8 *p = fullImage->getPixel(x,y); if(p[3] != 0x00) { drawRect.setTop (std::min(y, (int)drawRect.top())); drawRect.setLeft (std::min(x, (int)drawRect.left())); drawRect.setBottom(std::max(y, (int)drawRect.bottom())); drawRect.setRight (std::max(x, (int)drawRect.right())); } } } m_texturesFramesRects[animationPhase][frameIndex] = drawRect; m_texturesFramesOriginRects[animationPhase][frameIndex] = Rect(framePos, Size(m_size.width(), m_size.height()) * Otc::TILE_PIXELS); m_texturesFramesOffsets[animationPhase][frameIndex] = drawRect.topLeft() - framePos; } } } } animationPhaseTexture = TexturePtr(new Texture(fullImage, true)); animationPhaseTexture->setSmooth(true); } return animationPhaseTexture; } Size ThingType::getBestTextureDimension(int w, int h, int count) { const int MAX = 32; int k = 1; while(k < w) k<<=1; w = k; k = 1; while(k < h) k<<=1; h = k; int numSprites = w*h*count; assert(numSprites <= MAX*MAX); assert(w <= MAX); assert(h <= MAX); Size bestDimension = Size(MAX, MAX); for(int i=w;i<=MAX;i<<=1) { for(int j=h;j<=MAX;j<<=1) { Size candidateDimension = Size(i, j); if(candidateDimension.area() < numSprites) continue; if((candidateDimension.area() < bestDimension.area()) || (candidateDimension.area() == bestDimension.area() && candidateDimension.width() + candidateDimension.height() < bestDimension.width() + bestDimension.height())) bestDimension = candidateDimension; } } return bestDimension; } uint ThingType::getSpriteIndex(int w, int h, int l, int x, int y, int z, int a) { uint index = ((((((a % m_animationPhases) * m_numPatternZ + z) * m_numPatternY + y) * m_numPatternX + x) * m_layers + l) * m_size.height() + h) * m_size.width() + w; assert(index < m_spritesIndex.size()); return index; } uint ThingType::getTextureIndex(int l, int x, int y, int z) { return ((l * m_numPatternZ + z) * m_numPatternY + y) * m_numPatternX + x; }