#include "uimanager.h" #include "ui.h" #include #include UIManager g_ui; void UIManager::init() { // creates root widget m_rootWidget = UIWidgetPtr(new UIWidget); m_rootWidget->setId("root"); m_rootWidget->setHovered(true); m_rootWidget->resize(g_graphics.getScreenSize()); } void UIManager::terminate() { // destroy root widget and its children' m_rootWidget->destroy(); m_rootWidget.reset(); } void UIManager::render() { m_rootWidget->render(); } void UIManager::resize(const Size& size) { if(m_rootWidget) m_rootWidget->resize(size); } void UIManager::inputEvent(const PlatformEvent& event) { // translate input event to ui events if(m_rootWidget) { if(event.type & EventKeyboardAction) { int keyboardModifiers = KeyboardNoModifier; if(event.ctrl) keyboardModifiers |= KeyboardCtrlModifier; if(event.shift) keyboardModifiers |= KeyboardShiftModifier; if(event.alt) keyboardModifiers |= KeyboardAltModifier; UIKeyEvent e(event.keycode, event.keychar, keyboardModifiers); if(event.type == EventKeyDown) m_rootWidget->onKeyPress(e); else m_rootWidget->onKeyRelease(e); } else if(event.type & EventMouseAction) { if(event.type == EventMouseMove) { UIMouseEvent e(event.mousePos, event.mousePos); m_rootWidget->onMouseMove(e); } else if(event.type & EventMouseWheel) { MouseWheelDirection dir; if(event.type & EventDown) dir = MouseWheelDown; else if(event.type & EventUp) dir = MouseWheelUp; UIMouseEvent e(event.mousePos, dir); m_rootWidget->onMouseWheel(e); } else { MouseButton button; if(event.type & EventMouseLeftButton) button = MouseLeftButton; else if(event.type & EventMouseMidButton) button = MouseMidButton; else if(event.type & EventMouseRightButton) button = MouseRightButton; UIMouseEvent e(event.mousePos, button); if(event.type & EventDown) m_rootWidget->onMousePress(e); else if(event.type & EventUp) m_rootWidget->onMouseRelease(e); } } } } bool UIManager::importStyles(const std::string& file) { try { OTMLDocumentPtr doc = OTMLDocument::parse(file); for(const OTMLNodePtr& styleNode : doc->children()) importStyleFromOTML(styleNode); return true; } catch(std::exception& e) { logError("failed to import ui styles from '", file, "':\n", e.what()); return false; } } void UIManager::importStyleFromOTML(const OTMLNodePtr& styleNode) { std::string tag = styleNode->tag(); std::vector split; boost::split(split, tag, boost::is_any_of(std::string("<"))); if(split.size() != 2) throw OTMLException(styleNode, "not a valid style declaration"); std::string name = split[0]; std::string base = split[1]; boost::trim(name); boost::trim(base); auto it = m_styles.find(name); if(it != m_styles.end()) logWarning("style '", name, "' is being redefined"); OTMLNodePtr style = getStyle(base)->clone(); style->merge(styleNode); style->setTag(name); m_styles[name] = style; } OTMLNodePtr UIManager::getStyle(const std::string& styleName) { if(boost::starts_with(styleName, "UI")) { OTMLNodePtr node = OTMLNode::create(); node->writeAt("__widgetType", styleName); return node; } auto it = m_styles.find(styleName); if(it == m_styles.end()) throw std::runtime_error(fw::mkstr("style '", styleName, "' is not a defined style")); return m_styles[styleName]; } UIWidgetPtr UIManager::loadUI(const std::string& file) { try { OTMLDocumentPtr doc = OTMLDocument::parse(file); UIWidgetPtr widget; for(const OTMLNodePtr& node : doc->children()) { std::string tag = node->tag(); // import styles in these files too if(tag.find("<") != std::string::npos) importStyleFromOTML(node); else { if(widget) throw std::runtime_error("cannot have multiple main widgets in .otui files"); widget = loadWidgetFromOTML(node); } } return widget; } catch(std::exception& e) { logError("failed to load ui from '", file, "':\n", e.what()); return nullptr; } } UIWidgetPtr UIManager::loadWidgetFromOTML(const OTMLNodePtr& widgetNode) { OTMLNodePtr styleNode = getStyle(widgetNode->tag())->clone(); styleNode->merge(widgetNode); std::string widgetType = styleNode->valueAt("__widgetType"); UIWidgetPtr widget; if(widgetType == "UIWidget") widget = UIWidgetPtr(new UIWidget); else if(widgetType == "UILabel") widget = UIWidgetPtr(new UILabel); else if(widgetType == "UIButton") widget = UIWidgetPtr(new UIButton); else if(widgetType == "UILineEdit") widget = UIWidgetPtr(new UILineEdit); else if(widgetType == "UIWindow") widget = UIWidgetPtr(new UIWindow); else throw OTMLException(styleNode, "cannot determine widget type"); widget->loadStyleFromOTML(styleNode); widget->updateLayout(); for(const OTMLNodePtr& childNode : widgetNode->children()) { if(!childNode->isUnique()) widget->addChild(loadWidgetFromOTML(childNode)); } return widget; }