/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef FRAMEWORK_CONST_H #define FRAMEWORK_CONST_H #include "util/types.h" #define DEG_TO_RAD (acos(-1)/180.0) #define RAD_TO_DEC (180.0/acos(-1)) namespace Fw { static const double pi = 3.14159265; // NOTE: AABBGGRR order enum GlobalColor : uint32 { alpha = 0x00000000, white = 0xffffffff, black = 0xff000000, red = 0xff0000ff, darkRed = 0xff000080, green = 0xff00ff00, darkGreen = 0xff008000, blue = 0xffff0000, darkBlue = 0xff800000, pink = 0xffff00ff, darkPink = 0xff800080, yellow = 0xff00ffff, darkYellow = 0xff008080, teal = 0xffffff00, darkTeal = 0xff808000, gray = 0xffa0a0a0, darkGray = 0xff808080, lightGray = 0xffc0c0c0 }; enum Key : uint8 { KeyUnknown = 0, KeyEscape = 1, KeyTab = 2, KeyBackspace = 3, KeyReturn = 4, KeyEnter = 5, KeyInsert = 6, KeyDelete = 7, KeyPause = 8, KeyPrintScreen = 9, KeyHome = 10, KeyEnd = 11, KeyPageUp = 12, KeyPageDown = 13, KeyUp = 14, KeyDown = 15, KeyLeft = 16, KeyRight = 17, KeyNumLock = 18, KeyScrollLock = 19, KeyCapsLock = 20, KeyCtrl = 21, KeyShift = 22, KeyAlt = 23, KeyAltGr = 24, KeyMeta = 25, KeyMenu = 26, KeySpace = 32, // ' ' KeyExclamation = 33, // ! KeyQuote = 34, // " KeyNumberSign = 35, // # KeyDollar = 36, // $ KeyPercent = 37, // % KeyAmpersand = 38, // & KeyApostrophe = 39, // ' KeyLeftParen = 40, // ( KeyRightParen = 41, // ) KeyAsterisk = 42, // * KeyPlus = 43, // + KeyComma = 44, // , KeyMinus = 45, // - KeyPeriod = 46, // . KeySlash = 47, // / Key0 = 48, // 0 Key1 = 49, // 1 Key2 = 50, // 2 Key3 = 51, // 3 Key4 = 52, // 4 Key5 = 53, // 5 Key6 = 54, // 6 Key7 = 55, // 7 Key8 = 56, // 8 Key9 = 57, // 9 KeyColon = 58, // : KeySemicolon = 59, // ; KeyLess = 60, // < KeyEqual = 61, // = KeyGreater = 62, // > KeyQuestion = 63, // ? KeyAtSign = 64, // @ KeyA = 65, // a KeyB = 66, // b KeyC = 67, // c KeyD = 68, // d KeyE = 69, // e KeyF = 70, // f KeyG = 71, // g KeyH = 72, // h KeyI = 73, // i KeyJ = 74, // j KeyK = 75, // k KeyL = 76, // l KeyM = 77, // m KeyN = 78, // n KeyO = 79, // o KeyP = 80, // p KeyQ = 81, // q KeyR = 82, // r KeyS = 83, // s KeyT = 84, // t KeyU = 85, // u KeyV = 86, // v KeyW = 87, // w KeyX = 88, // x KeyY = 89, // y KeyZ = 90, // z KeyLeftBracket = 91, // [ KeyBackslash = 92, // '\' KeyRightBracket = 93, // ] KeyCaret = 94, // ^ KeyUnderscore = 95, // _ KeyGrave = 96, // ` KeyLeftCurly = 123, // { KeyBar = 124, // | KeyRightCurly = 125, // } KeyTilde = 126, // ~ KeyF1 = 128, KeyF2 = 129, KeyF3 = 130, KeyF4 = 131, KeyF5 = 132, KeyF6 = 134, KeyF7 = 135, KeyF8 = 136, KeyF9 = 137, KeyF10 = 138, KeyF11 = 139, KeyF12 = 140, KeyNumpad0 = 141, KeyNumpad1 = 142, KeyNumpad2 = 143, KeyNumpad3 = 144, KeyNumpad4 = 145, KeyNumpad5 = 146, KeyNumpad6 = 147, KeyNumpad7 = 148, KeyNumpad8 = 149, KeyNumpad9 = 150 }; enum LogLevel { LogDebug = 0, LogInfo, LogWarning, LogError, LogFatal }; enum AspectRatioMode { IgnoreAspectRatio, KeepAspectRatio, KeepAspectRatioByExpanding }; enum AlignmentFlag { AlignNone = 0, AlignLeft = 1, AlignRight = 2, AlignTop = 4, AlignBottom = 8, AlignHorizontalCenter = 16, AlignVerticalCenter = 32, AlignTopLeft = AlignTop | AlignLeft, AlignTopRight = AlignTop | AlignRight, AlignBottomLeft = AlignBottom | AlignLeft, AlignBottomRight = AlignBottom | AlignRight, AlignLeftCenter = AlignLeft | AlignVerticalCenter, AlignRightCenter = AlignRight | AlignVerticalCenter, AlignTopCenter = AlignTop | AlignHorizontalCenter, AlignBottomCenter = AlignBottom | AlignHorizontalCenter, AlignCenter = AlignVerticalCenter | AlignHorizontalCenter }; enum AnchorEdge { AnchorNone = 0, AnchorTop, AnchorBottom, AnchorLeft, AnchorRight, AnchorVerticalCenter, AnchorHorizontalCenter, }; enum FocusReason { MouseFocusReason = 0, TabFocusReason, ActiveFocusReason, OtherFocusReason }; enum InputEventType { NoInputEvent = 0, KeyPressInputEvent, KeyReleaseInputEvent, MousePressInputEvent, MouseReleaseInputEvent, MouseMoveInputEvent, MouseWheelInputEvent }; enum MouseButton { MouseNoButton = 0, MouseLeftButton, MouseRightButton, MouseMidButton }; enum MouseWheelDirection { MouseNoWheel = 0, MouseWheelUp, MouseWheelDown }; enum KeyboardModifier { KeyboardNoModifier = 0, KeyboardCtrlModifier = 1, KeyboardAltModifier = 2, KeyboardShiftModifier = 4 }; enum WidgetState { InvalidState = -1, DefaultState = 0, ActiveState = 1, FocusState = 2, HoverState = 4, PressedState = 8, DisabledState = 16, CheckedState = 32, OnState = 64, LastState = 128 //FirstState, //MiddleState, //LastState, //AlternateState }; enum AppicationFlags { AppEnableModules = 1, AppEnableGraphics = 2, AppEnableConfigs = 4, AppEnableAll = AppEnableModules | AppEnableGraphics | AppEnableConfigs }; } #endif