function UIItem:onDragEnter(mousePos) if self:isVirtual() then return false end local item = self:getItem() if not item then return false end self:setBorderWidth(1) self.currentDragThing = item g_mouse.setTargetCursor() return true end function UIItem:onDragLeave(droppedWidget, mousePos) if self:isVirtual() then return false end self.currentDragThing = nil g_mouse.restoreCursor() self:setBorderWidth(0) self.hoveredWho = nil return true end function UIItem:onDrop(widget, mousePos) if not self:canAcceptDrop(widget, mousePos) then return false end local item = widget.currentDragThing if not item:isItem() then return false end local toPos = self.position local itemPos = item:getPosition() if itemPos.x == toPos.x and itemPos.y == toPos.y and itemPos.z == toPos.z then return false end if item:getCount() > 1 then modules.game_interface.moveStackableItem(item, toPos) else g_game.move(item, toPos, 1) end self:setBorderWidth(0) return true end function UIItem:onDestroy() if self == g_ui.getDraggingWidget() and self.hoveredWho then self.hoveredWho:setBorderWidth(0) end if self.hoveredWho then self.hoveredWho = nil end end function UIItem:onHoverChange(hovered) UIWidget.onHoverChange(self, hovered) if self:isVirtual() or not self:isDraggable() then return end local draggingWidget = g_ui.getDraggingWidget() if draggingWidget and self ~= draggingWidget then local gotMap = draggingWidget:getClassName() == 'UIMap' local gotItem = draggingWidget:getClassName() == 'UIItem' and not draggingWidget:isVirtual() if hovered and (gotItem or gotMap) then self:setBorderWidth(1) draggingWidget.hoveredWho = self else self:setBorderWidth(0) draggingWidget.hoveredWho = nil end end end function UIItem:onMouseRelease(mousePosition, mouseButton) if self.cancelNextRelease then self.cancelNextRelease = false return true end if self:isVirtual() then return false end local item = self:getItem() if not item or not self:containsPoint(mousePosition) then return false end if Options.getOption('classicControl') and ((g_mouse.isPressed(MouseLeftButton) and mouseButton == MouseRightButton) or (g_mouse.isPressed(MouseRightButton) and mouseButton == MouseLeftButton)) then g_game.look(item) self.cancelNextRelease = true return true elseif modules.game_interface.processMouseAction(mousePosition, mouseButton, nil, item, item, nil, item) then return true end return false end function UIItem:canAcceptDrop(widget, mousePos) if self:isVirtual() or not self:isDraggable() then return false end if not widget or not widget.currentDragThing then return false end local children = rootWidget:recursiveGetChildrenByPos(mousePos) for i=1,#children do local child = children[i] if child == self then return true elseif not child:isPhantom() then return false end end error('Widget ' .. self:getId() .. ' not in drop list.') return false end