/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OTClient * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "tile.h" #include "item.h" #include "thingtypemanager.h" #include "map.h" #include "game.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "effect.h" #include "protocolgame.h" #include "lightview.h" #include Tile::Tile(const Position& position) : m_position(position), m_drawElevation(0), m_flags(0) { } void Tile::draw(const Point& dest, float scaleFactor, int drawFlags, LightView *lightView) { bool animate = drawFlags & Otc::DrawAnimations; // first bottom items if(drawFlags & (Otc::DrawGround | Otc::DrawGroundBorders | Otc::DrawOnBottom)) { m_drawElevation = 0; for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) { if(!thing->isGround() && !thing->isGroundBorder() && !thing->isOnBottom()) break; if((thing->isGround() && drawFlags & Otc::DrawGround) || (thing->isGroundBorder() && drawFlags & Otc::DrawGroundBorders) || (thing->isOnBottom() && drawFlags & Otc::DrawOnBottom)) { thing->draw(dest - m_drawElevation*scaleFactor, scaleFactor, animate, lightView); } m_drawElevation += thing->getElevation(); if(m_drawElevation > Otc::MAX_ELEVATION) m_drawElevation = Otc::MAX_ELEVATION; } } int redrawPreviousTopW = 0; int redrawPreviousTopH = 0; if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawItems) { // now common items in reverse order for(auto it = m_things.rbegin(); it != m_things.rend(); ++it) { const ThingPtr& thing = *it; if(thing->isOnTop() || thing->isOnBottom() || thing->isGroundBorder() || thing->isGround() || thing->isCreature()) break; thing->draw(dest - m_drawElevation*scaleFactor, scaleFactor, animate, lightView); if(thing->isLyingCorpse()) { redrawPreviousTopW = std::max(thing->getWidth(), redrawPreviousTopW); redrawPreviousTopH = std::max(thing->getHeight(), redrawPreviousTopH); } m_drawElevation += thing->getElevation(); if(m_drawElevation > Otc::MAX_ELEVATION) m_drawElevation = Otc::MAX_ELEVATION; } } // after we render 2x2 lying corpses, we must redraw previous creatures/ontop above them if(redrawPreviousTopH > 0 || redrawPreviousTopW > 0) { int topRedrawFlags = drawFlags & (Otc::DrawCreatures | Otc::DrawEffects | Otc::DrawOnTop | Otc::DrawAnimations); if(topRedrawFlags) { for(int x=-redrawPreviousTopW;x<=0;++x) { for(int y=-redrawPreviousTopH;y<=0;++y) { if(x == 0 && y == 0) continue; const TilePtr& tile = g_map.getTile(m_position.translated(x,y)); if(tile) tile->draw(dest + Point(x*Otc::TILE_PIXELS, y*Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor, scaleFactor, topRedrawFlags); } } } } // creatures if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawCreatures) { if(animate) { for(const CreaturePtr& creature : m_walkingCreatures) { creature->draw(Point(dest.x + ((creature->getPosition().x - m_position.x)*Otc::TILE_PIXELS - m_drawElevation)*scaleFactor, dest.y + ((creature->getPosition().y - m_position.y)*Otc::TILE_PIXELS - m_drawElevation)*scaleFactor), scaleFactor, animate, lightView); } } for(auto it = m_things.rbegin(); it != m_things.rend(); ++it) { const ThingPtr& thing = *it; if(!thing->isCreature()) continue; CreaturePtr creature = thing->static_self_cast(); if(creature && (!creature->isWalking() || !animate)) creature->draw(dest - m_drawElevation*scaleFactor, scaleFactor, animate, lightView); } } // effects if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawEffects) { for(const EffectPtr& effect : m_effects){ effect->draw(dest - m_drawElevation*scaleFactor, scaleFactor, animate, lightView); } } // top items if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawOnTop) { for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) { if(thing->isOnTop()){ thing->draw(dest, scaleFactor, animate, lightView); } } } // draw translucent light (for tiles beneath holes) if(hasTranslucentLight() && lightView) { Light light; light.intensity = 1; lightView->addLightSource(dest + Point(16,16) * scaleFactor, scaleFactor, light); } } void Tile::clean() { while(!m_things.empty()) removeThing(m_things.front()); } void Tile::addWalkingCreature(const CreaturePtr& creature) { m_walkingCreatures.push_back(creature); } void Tile::removeWalkingCreature(const CreaturePtr& creature) { auto it = std::find(m_walkingCreatures.begin(), m_walkingCreatures.end(), creature); if(it != m_walkingCreatures.end()) m_walkingCreatures.erase(it); } void Tile::addThing(const ThingPtr& thing, int stackPos) { if(!thing) return; if(thing->isEffect()) { m_effects.push_back(thing->static_self_cast()); } else { // priority 854 // 0 - ground, --> --> // 1 - ground borders --> --> // 2 - bottom (walls), --> --> // 3 - on top (doors) --> --> // 4 - creatures, from top to bottom <-- --> // 5 - items, from top to bottom <-- <-- if(stackPos < 0 || stackPos == 255) { int priority = thing->getStackPriority(); // -1 or 255 => auto detect position // -2 => append bool append; if(stackPos == -2) append = true; else { append = (priority <= 3); // newer protocols does not store creatures in reverse order if(g_game.getClientVersion() >= 854 && priority == 4) append = !append; } for(stackPos = 0; stackPos < (int)m_things.size(); ++stackPos) { int otherPriority = m_things[stackPos]->getStackPriority(); if((append && otherPriority > priority) || (!append && otherPriority >= priority)) break; } } else if(stackPos > (int)m_things.size()) stackPos = m_things.size(); m_things.insert(m_things.begin() + stackPos, thing); if(m_things.size() > MAX_THINGS) removeThing(m_things[MAX_THINGS]); /* // check stack priorities // this code exists to find stackpos bugs faster int lastPriority = 0; for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) { int priority = thing->getStackPriority(); assert(lastPriority <= priority); lastPriority = priority; } */ } thing->setPosition(m_position); thing->onAppear(); if(thing->isTranslucent()) checkTranslucentLight(); } bool Tile::removeThing(ThingPtr thing) { if(!thing) return false; bool removed = false; if(thing->isEffect()) { EffectPtr effect = thing->static_self_cast(); auto it = std::find(m_effects.begin(), m_effects.end(), effect); if(it != m_effects.end()) { m_effects.erase(it); removed = true; } } else { auto it = std::find(m_things.begin(), m_things.end(), thing); if(it != m_things.end()) { m_things.erase(it); removed = true; } } thing->onDisappear(); if(thing->isTranslucent()) checkTranslucentLight(); return removed; } ThingPtr Tile::getThing(int stackPos) { if(stackPos >= 0 && stackPos < (int)m_things.size()) return m_things[stackPos]; return nullptr; } EffectPtr Tile::getEffect(uint16 id) { for(const EffectPtr& effect : m_effects) if(effect->getId() == id) return effect; return nullptr; } bool Tile::hasThing(const ThingPtr& thing) { return std::find(m_things.begin(), m_things.end(), thing) != m_things.end(); } int Tile::getThingStackpos(const ThingPtr& thing) { for(uint stackpos = 0; stackpos < m_things.size(); ++stackpos) if(thing == m_things[stackpos]) return stackpos; return -1; } ThingPtr Tile:: getTopThing() { if(isEmpty()) return nullptr; for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) { if(!thing->isGround() && !thing->isGroundBorder() && !thing->isOnBottom() && !thing->isOnTop() && !thing->isCreature()) return thing; } return m_things[m_things.size() - 1]; } std::vector Tile::getItems() { std::vector items; for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) { if(!thing->isItem()) continue; ItemPtr item = thing->static_self_cast(); items.push_back(item); } return items; } std::vector Tile::getCreatures() { std::vector creatures; for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) { if(thing->isCreature()) creatures.push_back(thing->static_self_cast()); } return creatures; } ItemPtr Tile::getGround() { ThingPtr firstObject = getThing(0); if(!firstObject) return nullptr; if(firstObject->isGround() && firstObject->isItem()) return firstObject->static_self_cast(); return nullptr; } int Tile::getGroundSpeed() { int groundSpeed = 100; if(ItemPtr ground = getGround()) groundSpeed = ground->getGroundSpeed(); return groundSpeed; } uint8 Tile::getMinimapColorByte() { uint8 color = 0; for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) { if(!thing->isGround() && !thing->isGroundBorder() && !thing->isOnBottom() && !thing->isOnTop()) break; uint8 c = thing->getMinimapColor(); if(c != 0) color = c; } return color; } ThingPtr Tile::getTopLookThing() { if(isEmpty()) return nullptr; for(uint i = 0; i < m_things.size(); ++i) { ThingPtr thing = m_things[i]; if(!thing->isIgnoreLook() && (!thing->isGround() && !thing->isGroundBorder() && !thing->isOnBottom() && !thing->isOnTop())) return thing; } return m_things[0]; } ThingPtr Tile::getTopUseThing() { if(isEmpty()) return nullptr; for(uint i = 0; i < m_things.size(); ++i) { ThingPtr thing = m_things[i]; if(thing->isForceUse() || (!thing->isGround() && !thing->isGroundBorder() && !thing->isOnBottom() && !thing->isOnTop() && !thing->isCreature())) return thing; } return m_things[0]; } CreaturePtr Tile::getTopCreature() { CreaturePtr creature; for(uint i = 0; i < m_things.size(); ++i) { ThingPtr thing = m_things[i]; if(thing->isLocalPlayer()) // return local player if there is no other creature creature = thing->static_self_cast(); else if(thing->isCreature() && !thing->isLocalPlayer()) return thing->static_self_cast(); } if(!creature && !m_walkingCreatures.empty()) creature = m_walkingCreatures.back(); // check for walking creatures in tiles around if(!creature) { for(int xi=-1;xi<=1;++xi) { for(int yi=-1;yi<=1;++yi) { Position pos = m_position.translated(xi, yi); if(pos == m_position) continue; const TilePtr& tile = g_map.getTile(pos); if(tile) { for(const CreaturePtr& c : tile->getCreatures()) { if(c->isWalking() && c->getLastStepFromPosition() == m_position && c->getStepProgress() < 0.75f) { creature = c; } } } } } } return creature; } ThingPtr Tile::getTopMoveThing() { if(isEmpty()) return nullptr; for(uint i = 0; i < m_things.size(); ++i) { ThingPtr thing = m_things[i]; if(!thing->isGround() && !thing->isGroundBorder() && !thing->isOnBottom() && !thing->isOnTop() && !thing->isCreature()) { if(i > 0 && thing->isNotMoveable()) return m_things[i-1]; return thing; } } for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) { if(thing->isCreature()) return thing; } return m_things[0]; } ThingPtr Tile::getTopMultiUseThing() { // this is related to classic controls, getting top item, forceuse or creature if(isEmpty()) return nullptr; for(uint i = 0; i < m_things.size(); ++i) { ThingPtr thing = m_things[i]; if(thing->isForceUse() || (!thing->isGround() && !thing->isGroundBorder() && !thing->isOnBottom() && !thing->isOnTop())) { if(i > 0 && thing->isSplash()) return m_things[i-1]; return thing; } } for(uint i = 0; i < m_things.size(); ++i) { ThingPtr thing = m_things[i]; if(!thing->isGround() && !thing->isGroundBorder() && !thing->isOnTop()) return thing; } return m_things[0]; } bool Tile::isWalkable() { if(!getGround()) return false; for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) { if(thing->isNotWalkable()) return false; if(thing->isCreature()) { CreaturePtr creature = thing->static_self_cast(); if(!creature->isPassable() && creature->canBeSeen()) return false; } } return true; } bool Tile::changesFloor() { for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) { if(thing->isTranslucent() || (thing->isOnBottom() && thing->hasElevation())) return true; } return false; } bool Tile::isPathable() { for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) { if(thing->isNotPathable()) return false; } return true; } bool Tile::isFullGround() { ItemPtr ground = getGround(); if(ground && ground->isFullGround()) return true; return false; } bool Tile::isFullyOpaque() { ThingPtr firstObject = getThing(0); return firstObject && firstObject->isFullGround(); } bool Tile::isLookPossible() { for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) { if(thing->blockProjectile()) return false; } return true; } bool Tile::isClickable() { bool hasGround = false; bool hasOnBottom = false; bool hasIgnoreLook = false; for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) { if(thing->isGround()) hasGround = true; if(thing->isOnBottom()) hasOnBottom = true; if(thing->isIgnoreLook()) hasIgnoreLook = true; if((hasGround || hasOnBottom) && !hasIgnoreLook) return true; } return false; } bool Tile::isEmpty() { return m_things.size() == 0; } bool Tile::isDrawable() { return !m_things.empty() || !m_walkingCreatures.empty() || !m_effects.empty(); } bool Tile::mustHookEast() { for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) if(thing->isHookEast()) return true; return false; } bool Tile::mustHookSouth() { for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) if(thing->isHookSouth()) return true; return false; } bool Tile::hasCreature() { for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) if(thing->isCreature()) return true; return false; } bool Tile::limitsFloorsView() { // ground and walls limits the view ThingPtr firstThing = getThing(0); if(firstThing && !firstThing->isDontHide() && (firstThing->isGround() || firstThing->isOnBottom())) return true; return false; } bool Tile::canErase() { return m_walkingCreatures.empty() && m_effects.empty() && m_things.empty() && m_flags == 0; } bool Tile::hasElevation(int elevation) { int count = 0; for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) if(thing->getElevation() > 0) count++; return count >= elevation; } void Tile::checkTranslucentLight() { if(m_position.z != Otc::SEA_FLOOR) return; Position downPos = m_position; if(!downPos.down()) return; TilePtr tile = g_map.getOrCreateTile(downPos); if(!tile) return; bool translucent = false; for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) { if(thing->isTranslucent() || thing->hasLensHelp()) { translucent = true; break; } } if(translucent) tile->m_flags = tile->m_flags | TILESTATE_TRANSLUECENT_LIGHT; else tile->m_flags = tile->m_flags & ~TILESTATE_TRANSLUECENT_LIGHT; }